Artifact used to evaluate the Splash-4 benchmark presented in the following paper:
Eduardo José Gómez-Hernández, Juan M. Cebrián, Alberto Ros, Stefanos Kaxiras "Splash-4: A Modern Benchmark Suite with Lock-Free Constructs" To appear in 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC-2022), November 2022.
This repository provides an artifact to reproduce the Splash-3 and Splash-4 experiments. In particular it reproduces figures 1 and 3 from Splash-4: A Modern Benchmark Suite with Lock-Free Constructs. A 64 core machine is expected to be able to reproduce all the results. Please check the Notes section if the machine has less than 64 cores.
About 1 to 4 hours is expected to setup and run all the experiments, using an AMD Rome 7702P.
- Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS
- Linux Kernel 5.4.0
- Python 3.6.9
- GCC 7.5.0
However, a Dockerfile is provided if needed.
- Dockerfile to build the environment./splash
- Main folder with all the data, benchmarks, and scripts
- Folder with latex files for generating the graphs./splash/Splash-*
- Benchmarks folders./splash/*
- Scripts
The easier way is to build and run the docker container
sudo docker build . -t splash
sudo docker run --name splash -it splash
Then run all scripts numbered from 0 to 9:
Then, go to Figures directory and:
cd Figures
Lastly copy the results out of the docker container:
sudo docker cp splash:/root/splash/Figures/Scalability.pdf .
sudo docker cp splash:/root/splash/Figures/Compare.pdf .
sudo docker cp splash:/root/splash/Splash3-Splash4.scala .
sudo docker cp splash:/root/splash/Splash3-Atomics-Barriers-Splash4.measure .
If you wish to clean the docker environment:
sudo docker rm splash
sudo docker rmi splash
All the experiment workflow expects to get 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 core results. However, by default, we bind the threads to the cores. If the machine used has less than 64 logical cores, the benchmarks will not run correctly. To disable thread to core binding, edit the Makefile.config file inside the Splash-3, Splash-3-Atomics, Splash-3-Barriers and Splash-4 directories to remove the -D BIND_CORES
on lines 10 and 11.
For certain, very specific, configurations, the option -D BIND_THREADS
can be used instead. However, we discourage its usage. It changes the binding order, so instead of binding thread 0 to core 0 and thread 1 to core 1, will take into account some SMT configurations and bind thread 0 to core 0 but thread 1 to core 2. However, this is uncommon on current Linux systems.
Due to a known bug from Splash-2, FMM can livelock. When running if no progress is made, kill the FMM process to continue with the rest of the benchmarks. As every benchmark is run multiple times, one or two missing executions should not be relevant. Docker commands usually require super-user permissions.