Some day I just check our discord server and saw that our community diying. So we have to think about new idea to do in our discord server. Something new, something special. So we're currently working on challanging system that works itself.
Bot has several functions. Like:
- Command listener
- Create challange
- Delete challange
- Reaction listener
- Add user into challangers
- Remove user from challangers
- Timer event
- 24 hour timer (86400)
- Public challange by its date
- Write current stats into #hall_of_fame
- 24 hour timer (86400)
- Private Message listener
- Users should answer via PM
- Command !answer - generate unique ID and answer
- MySQL database
- Challanger - entity for challangers
- IO - entity for generated answers with unique ID and answer
- ProgramVariable - entity for some program variable stuff
- Task - entity for tasks