The library contains three stream ciphers: LFSR, Geffe, RC4
- LFSR(long initRegister, int[] polinom)
- LFSR(String initRegister) - default poinom (x^24 + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1)
- encrypt(byte[]) - return encoded bytes array.
- decrypt(byte[]) - return decoded bytes array.
- generateKey() - return bytes array of key
- Geffe(String initRegister1, String initRegister2, String initRegister3, int[] polinom1, int polinom2[], int polinom3[])
- Geffe(String initRegister1, String initRegister2, String initRegister3) - default poinoms (x^24 + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1, x^32 + x^28 + x^27 + x + 1, x^40 + x^21 + x^19 + x^2 + 1)
- encrypt(byte[]) - return encoded bytes array.
- decrypt(byte[]) - return decoded bytes array.
- generateKey() - return bytes array of key
- RC4(String strKey)
- encrypt(byte[]) - return encoded bytes array.
- decrypt(byte[]) - return decoded bytes array.
- generateKey() - return bytes array of key