-The folder Server hosts a hotspot network and both the clients namely Client_Amogh and Client_Akhil can request to add a transaction and the transaction gets reflected in all the other laptops. You can add clients and make sufficient changes to the program.
-Java is used to implement this entire Block Chain for medical health records. Java TCP Socket Programming is used to establish connection.
-The object is serialized and sent to all other connected laptops.
-Net beans IDE have been used for the implementation of this project.
-SQLite manager has been used to implement the database function and SQL tables in all the laptops. The Block database table represents our Block Chain.
-Whenever a laptop wants to add a block he has to press 1 after running the code and input according to the message displayed on the screen and has to enter 0 if he does not want to enter a block.
-Whenever a laptop wants to add a block, it checks whether the patient already exists in the block chain through Zero Knowledge proof and updates the block chain accordingly.
-Whenever there is a change in the length of the block chain, the new transaction gets mined on all the other laptops and hence the peer to peer connection of block chain is established.
-After the successful compilation of the program the updated block chain will be printed.
All systems should be connected to same Wi-Fi network