This repository contains two Machine Learning models that forecast the daily # of available and occupied hospital beds in the Dallas-Fort Worth region based on previous data.
That is, when given future dates as input, the model will forecast the # of available hospital beds on each of those future dates and in addition, provide a range of possible values.
The code is easily modifiable and very detailed so that predictions can be made for different cities/regions given their data.
- DFW Available Hospital Bed Forecasting.ipynb is a very detailed Jupyter Notebook for creating a model that forecasts the # of available hospital beds on future dates
- DFW Occupied Hospital Bed Forecasting.ipynb is a Jupyter Notebook for creating a model that forecasts the # of occupied hospital beds.
- Evaluating Model Performance on Known Data:
- In each Jupyter Notebook I train the model on data only before September - (data is available for September dates).
- After the model is trained, I make it "forecast" the # of available/occupied hospital beds in the first 3 weeks of September.
- I compare these forecasts with the actual # of hospital beds and calculate the percent error, mean absolute error, and # of forecast intervals that captured the correct # of beds)
- Forecasting for Future Dates:
- In this part of the notebook, I train the model on all past hospital bed data (including September), then generate a list of 31 days from September 23rd to October 23rd and feed it into the model.
- The model forecasts the # of available/occupied hospital beds in the DFW region for future dates (late September - October).
- Providing a forecast of the # of hospital beds available/occupied for a specified date in the future.
- Providing an interval of possible # of hospital beds for a specified date in the future.
The data comes from the Texas DSHS website:
The CSVs in this repository are:
- available_beds.csv: # of available hospital beds in regions in Texas.
- occupied_beds.csv: # of occupied hospital beds in regions in Texas