This repo is used to compute the jarm values of top 1 millions website.
More info on jarm.
alexa rank | domain | ip | JARM hash |
1 | | | 29d3fd00029d29d21c42d43d00041df48f145f65c66577d0b01ecea881c1ba |
2 | | | 29d3fd00029d29d21c42d43d00041df48f145f65c66577d0b01ecea881c1ba |
Output file from February 2023 scan: result.csv (Alexa rank column has been removed).
flowchart LR
csv(CSV file with domains to scan and their rank) --> Scheduler --> domainQueue[/queue of domains/]
domainQueue--> workerDNS1[Worker resolving the domain into IP]
domainQueue --> workerDNS2[Worker resolving the domain into IP]
domainQueue --> workerDNS3[Worker resolving the domain into IP]
workerDNS1 --> ipQueue[/queue of IPs/]
workerDNS2 --> ipQueue
workerDNS3 --> ipQueue
ipQueue--> workerJARM1[Worker performing the JARM scan on the IP]
ipQueue --> workerJARM2[Worker performing the JARM scan on the IP]
ipQueue --> workerJARM3[Worker performing the JARM scan on the IP]
workerJARM1 --> scanResultQueue[/queue of JARM result/]
workerJARM2 --> scanResultQueue
workerJARM3 --> scanResultQueue
scanResultQueue--> workerAggregation[Aggregates results in a single CSV]
The use of rq and docker compose does really make sense for tasks that are CPU-bond which is not the case here.
Nonetheless with a master and 3 workers (for a total of 5Go of RAM and 8vCPU, so a very modest cluster) it took a day and a half to process ~600k scans.
As workers focus on priority on the ip queue, few jobs stay in this queue
Run poetry install
to install dependencies.
This project use PyO3 to bind rust code, to use it run maturin develop --locked --release
To prepare local docker image run docker build -t top-1m-jarm:latest .
This project use docker swarm (might require docker swarm init
One node has to be marked as a coordinator with:
docker node update --label-add coordinator=1 $(docker node inspect --format '{{ .ID }}' self)
It'll be responsible for input/output files.
must also be created via touch (by default touch ./data/result.csv
docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml top1MjarmStack
docker stack ls
docker service ls
docker service logs top1MjarmStack_scheduler -f
To monitor the queue:
docker exec -it $(docker ps -qf "name=top1MjarmStack_csv_writer" | head -n 1) poetry run rq info default domains ips jarm_result --url redis://:XXX_SET_REDIS_PASS_XXX@redis_queue:6379 -i 1
To remove the running containers:
docker stack rm top1MjarmStack
docker stack ls
docker build -t hugocker/top-1m-jarm --pull --no-cache .
docker push hugocker/top-1m-jarm