Game showcase for the Wasabi Engine. This was previously a port for an older version, written in HasX11, but has evolved into a networked game.
The repository contains multiple projects that together form a game called RollTheBall(2) (RollTheBall was a project I made a long time ago to compete in some Intel game competition, it wasn't a great success). The game consists of a client and a server that utilize the Wasabi Engine to render. The game is planned to have an open-world RPG where the player controls a role-playing ball that will do cool stuff (TBA).
This project uses the CMake build system.
- Clone and build Wasabi and make sure Vulkan is installed.
- Run
git submodule init && git submodule update
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DWASABI_ROOT="<path to Wasabi build/dist folder>" ..
Track the progress in the current project plan.