Github Repository:
Client utility for Gestalt Platform (similar to kubectl
for Kubernetes and dcos
for DC/OS).
Download from Github:
# Download
version=`curl -o -`
# MacOS
curl -L "$version/gestalt-fog-cli-macos-$" -o
# Linux
curl -L "$version/gestalt-fog-cli-linux-$" -o
unzip -o
mv fog /usr/local/bin # Or somewhere in your PATH
# Login to an environment:
fog login
requires node and npm for running from source.
cd gestalt-fog-cli/cli
npm install
Building from source bundles the nodejs engine with the fog
code to provide a single binary with minimal external dependencies.
npm run build:local // or yarn build:local
# for Linux
cp ./target/linux/fog /usr/local/bin/fog
# for MacOS
cp ./target/macos/fog /usr/local/bin/fog
fog completion bash >> ~/.bashrc
# Log out of your shell, and re-login
fog <tab, tab> # Autocomplete
fog show <tab, tab> # Autocomplete the command
fog create resource --f<tab, tab> # Autocomplete the command flag
# Help
fog --help
fog [command] --help
fog login # Interactively
fog login <url> # Prompts for username, password
fog login <url> -u <username> # Only prompts for password
fog login <url> -u <username> -p <password> # No prompts
fog use # List sessions
fog use test # Switch to a 'test' session (creates a new session if it doesn't exist)
fog login # Logs into an environment via the 'test' session
fog use local # Switch to a 'local' session (creates a new session if it doesn't exist)
fog login # Logs into an environment via the 'local' session
fog use # List sessions
fog status # Show more detais about sessions
fog session rm test # Remove the 'test' session
fog show hierarchy --raw # Show all context paths
fog context set /sandbox/ # Set context to a specific org
fog context set /sandbox/dev-sandbox # Set context to a specific workspace
fog context set /sandbox/dev-sandbox/dev # Set context to a specific environment
fog context set # Select the context interactively
fog status # Show the current Session and context
fog show orgs # Show orgs
fog show workspaces / # Show all workspaces
fog show environments / # Show all environments
fog show hierarchy # Show all context paths (Orgs, Workspaces, Environments)
fog show providers /root # Show providers in /root
fog show providers --type CaaS # Show filtered list of providers
fog show lambdas # Show lambdas in the current context
fog show lambdas / # Show all lambdas
fog show containers # Show in the current context
fog show conatiners / # Show all
fog show containers /root # Show in the specified org
fog show containers /root/dev-sandbox # Show in the specified workspace
fog show containers /root/dev-sandbox/dev # Show from a specific environment
fog show --help # Show other available resource types (policies, datafeeds, secrets, users, groups, etc)
fog create resource -f example.yaml
fog create resource -f example.yaml --name 'override-the-name' --description 'Override the description'
fog create resource -f example.yaml --context /root/dev-sandbox/dev
fog create resource -f example.yaml --provider 'default-kubernetes'
fog create resource -f example.yaml --render-only
fog config set debug=true
fog config unset debug
fog config view
fog create resource -f nginx-container-spec.json --name nginx --description 'My NGINX container'
fog scale container 'nginx' 3
fog migrate container 'nginx' /root/default-kubernetes
fog promote container 'nginx' prod
fog delete container 'nginx'
# Interactive commands
fog clone containers
fog migrate containers
fog promote containers
fog delete containers
fog export resources # Export the current environment's resources to the current directory
fog export resources --all -d export1 # Export the current environment's resources to the 'export1' directory
fog export hierarchy / --all # Export everything as portable resources (including Orgs, Workspaces, Environments)
fog export hierarchy / --all --raw # Export "raw" - don't dereference resource IDs or strip environment-specific info
fog export hierarchy /engineering # Export the 'engineering' org
fog export hierarchy /engineering/myworkspace -d ../Export1 # Export to the ../Export1 directory
# Generate API key for specified user (typically for service accounts)
fog admin generate-api-key --user admin --org root --key $rootkey --secret $rootsecret
fog admin <command>
fog admin add-user-to-group [user] Add user to group
fog admin apply-entitlements [path] Apply entitlements from file
fog admin create-account-store [file] Create Account Store
fog admin create-directory [file] [org] Create LDAP directory
fog admin create-group [name] Create group
fog admin delete-directory [name] [org] Delete LDAP directory
fog admin generate-api-key [user] Generate Gestalt Security API key
fog admin list-entitlements List entitlement actions at the
[context_path] specified context
fog admin remove-user-from-group [user] Remove user from group
fog admin show-account-stores [org] Show account stores
fog admin show-directories [org] Show LDAP directories
fog admin show-directory-accounts [name] Show LDAP directories
fog admin show-directory-groups [name] Show LDAP directories
fog admin show-groups [org] Show groups
fog admin update-license [file] Update Gestalt license
fog bash-completion Show Bash Completion Script
fog clone <command>
fog clone containers Clone containers
fog completion <command> Shell completion commands
fog completion bash Show Bash Completion Script
fog config <command>
fog config set [args...] Set config
fog config unset [args...] Unset config
fog config view view config
fog context <command>
fog context get-browser-url [path] get-browser-url
fog context reset Reset context
fog context select-environment Change environment
fog context select-org Change org
fog context select-workspace Change workspace
fog context set [path] Set context
fog context show Shows the current context
fog create <command>
fog create api [name] Create API
fog create apiendpoint [name] Create API Endpoint
fog create container [name] Create container
fog create environment [name] Create environment
fog create lambda [name] Create lambda
fog create org [name] Create org
fog create policyrule Create policy rule
fog create resource [name] Create resource
fog create resources [files...] Create resources
fog create workspace [name] Create workspace
fog delete <command>
fog delete api [api_name] Delete api
fog delete container [container_name] Delete container
fog delete containers Delete containers
fog delete environment [context_path] Delete environment
fog delete group [name] Delete group
fog delete lambda [lambda_name] Delete lambda
fog delete lambdas Delete lambdas
fog delete org [fqon] Delete org
fog delete policy [policy_name] Delete policy
fog delete user [name] Delete user
fog delete workspace [context_path] Delete workspace
fog export <command>
fog export hierarchy [context_path] Export hierarchy
fog export resources [context_path] Export environment resources
fog login Log in to Gestalt Platform Instance
fog logout Logout of Gestalt Platform Instance
fog meta <command>
fog meta DELETE [path] HTTP functions
fog meta GET [path] HTTP functions
fog meta PATCH [path] HTTP functions
fog meta POST [path] HTTP functions
fog meta PUT [path] HTTP functions
fog meta patch-provider HTTP functions
fog migrate <command>
fog migrate container [container_name] Migrate container
fog migrate containers Migrate containers
fog promote <command>
fog promote container [container_name] Promote container
fog promote containers Promote containers
fog restart <command>
fog restart containers Restart containers
fog scale <command>
fog scale container [container_name] Scale container
fog security <command>
fog security DELETE [path] HTTP functions
fog security GET [path] HTTP functions
fog security PATCH [path] [file] HTTP functions
fog security POST [path] HTTP functions
fog security PUT [path] HTTP functions
fog service <command>
fog service deploy Deploy a Service
fog service package Package a Service
fog show <command>
fog show apiendpoints [context_path] Show apiendpoints
fog show apis [context_path] Show apis
fog show containers [context_path] Show containers
fog show datafeeds [context_path] Show datafeeds
fog show entitlements [context_path] Show entitlements
fog show environments [context_path] List enviornments
fog show group-members List group members
fog show groups List groups
fog show hierarchy Show the hierarchy
fog show lambdas [context_path] Show lambdas
fog show orgs List orgs
fog show policies [context_path] Show policies
fog show policyrules [context_path] Show policyrules
fog show providers [context_path] List providers
fog show secrets [context_path] Show secrets
fog show streamspecs [context_path] Show streamspecs
fog show users List users
fog show volumes [context_path] Show volumes
fog show workspaces [context_path] List workspaces
fog status Show Status
Resource templates can be in either JSON or YAML format. The following template directives are supported:
#{Config CONFIG_KEY} - Replaces with the config value CONFIG_KEY from the --config <file> or from environment variable
#{Provider /root/provider-name id} - Replaces with the ID of the named provider
#{Lambda /root/workspace/env/lambda-name id} - Replaces with the ID of the named lambda
#{Environment /root/workspace/env id} - Replaces with the ID of the named environment
Example Usage:
# The following gets replaced with the ID of the provider 'default-laser'
"provider": {
"id": "#{Provider /root/default-laser id}",
"locations": []
fog create resource -f template.json # Creates the resource from template
fog create resource -f template.json --config config.yaml # Creates the resource from template, using a config file for paramters