SmallAnimalsWorth is a game where tiny animals battle against larger ones, created using Unity. The game features three levels, each with a different theme and animals. As you progress, the levels get progressively harder. 🐦
In the game, you can choose to heal or attack. Your opponents have three types of attacks: a regular one that reduces your health bar, a bullet hell attack where you dodge flying objects like bananas or sushi, and a summoning attack that calls for help, launching another bullet hell where you dodge attacking animals. To win, you need to reduce the enemy's health bar to zero. 🦎
This game was developed as the Final Project for the 3D Game Development course at University of Debrecen, led by Dr. Kruppa Kinga Tünde, from February 2023 to June 2023. Other projects completed during the course can be viewed in the repository here. 🐠