- 🎓 I'm an undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor's in Computer Science and Engineering at BRAC University.
- 💻 I have a strong interest in Software Development, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Django, C programming, Java.
- 💡 I enjoy solving problems and building projects that have a positive impact.
- 🔭 I’m working on Real Estate Management Project.
- 🤖 I'm a tech enthusiast, coder and also a quick learner.
- 📚 In my free time, I love exploring new technologies, reading tech blogs.
- Programming Languages: Python, Java, C.
- Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Django.
- Database Management: MySQL, MongoDB.
- Tools & Technologies: Git.
- Operating Systems: Windows & Linux.
- Achieve and maintain a high CGPA throughout my undergraduate studies.
- Engage in research projects in areas like Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, with the aim of publishing a paper in a reputable journal or conference.
- Improve my problem-solving skills by participating in competitive programming contests like Codeforces, LeetCode, or HackerRank.
- Apply for scholarships, particularly for studying abroad and to apply prestigious graduate programs (Masters or Ph.D.) in Computer Science, with the aim of specializing in ML/AI.