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Better FFmpeg Progress

Runs an FFmpeg command and uses tqdm to show a progress bar.


39%|███████████████████████████████████████████ | 23.6/60.2 [00:19<00:34, 1.07s/s]


  • 39% is the percentage progress.
  • 23.6 seconds of the input file have been processed.
  • 60.2 is the duration of the input file in seconds.
  • 00:19 is the time elapsed since the FFmpeg process started.
  • 00:34 is the estimated time required for the FFmpeg process to complete.
  • 1.07 shows how many seconds of the input file are processed per second.


pip install better-ffmpeg-progress --upgrade


Simple Example:

Call ffmpeg_process method and supply string or a list of arguments.

from better_ffmpeg_progress import ffmpeg_process
# Pass a list of FFmpeg arguments, and run directly.
ffmpeg_process(["ffmpeg", "-i", "input.mp4", "-c:a", "libmp3lame", "output.mp3"])
ffmpeg_process("ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:a libmp3lame output.mp3")

Create an instance of the FfmpegProcess class and supply string or a list of arguments like you would to

from better_ffmpeg_progress import FfmpegProcess
# Pass a list of FFmpeg arguments, like you would if using
process = FfmpegProcess(["ffmpeg", "-i", "input.mp4", "-c:a", "libmp3lame", "output.mp3"])
# Use the run method to run the FFmpeg command.

Advanced Example:

from better_ffmpeg_progress import FfmpegProcess
from typing import Optional, ClassVar

class MyProcess(FfmpegProcess):
    # class_var and method are optional
    ffmpeg_output_path: ClassVar[Optional["str | Path"]] = "ffmpeg_output.txt"

    def progress_handler(
        percentage: float, speed: float, eta: Optional[float], estimated_size: Optional[float]
        if estimated_size is not None:
            print(f"Estimated Output Filesize: {estimated_size / 1_000_000} MB")

    def success_handler():
        # Code to run if the FFmpeg process completes successfully.

    def error_handler():
        # Code to run if the FFmpeg process encounters an error.

MyProcess("ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:a libmp3lame output.mp3")


from better_ffmpeg_progress import FfmpegProcess
from typing import Optional

def handle_progress_info(
    percentage: float, speed: float, eta: Optional[float], estimated_size: Optional[float]
    if estimated_size is not None:
        print(f"Estimated Output Filesize: {estimated_size / 1_000_000} MB")

def handle_success():
    # Code to run if the FFmpeg process completes successfully.

def handle_error():
    # Code to run if the FFmpeg process encounters an error.

# Pass a list of FFmpeg arguments, like you would if using
process = FfmpegProcess(["ffmpeg", "-i", "input.mp4", "-c:a", "libmp3lame", "output.mp3"])

ffmpeg_output_path = "ffmpeg_output.txt"

# Use the run method to run the FFmpeg command.

The FfmpegProcess class takes the following optional arguments:

  • ffmpeg_loglevel

    • Desired FFmpeg log level. if user not supply, default is "verbose". [str]
  • hide_tips

    • Hide tips from FfmpegProcess. [bool]

The run method takes the following optional arguments:

  • progress_handler

    • You can create a function if you would like to do something with the following values:

      • Percentage progress. [float]
      • Speed, e.g. 22.3 which means that 22.3 seconds of the input are processed every second. [float]
      • ETA in seconds. [float]
      • Estimated output filesize in bytes. [float]
        • Note: This is not accurate. Please take the value with a grain of salt.

      The values will be None if unknown. The function will receive the aforementioned metrics as arguments, about two times per second.

  • ffmpeg_output_file - A string path to define where you want the output of FFmpeg to be saved. By default, this is saved in your temp dir with a folder named "ffmpeg_output", with the filename [<input_filename>].txt.

  • success_handler - A function to run if the FFmpeg process completes successfully.

  • error_handler - A function to run if the FFmpeg process encounters an error.


pip install tox
tox -q 



  • Add the ability to specify a success_handler argument, a function to run if the FFmpeg process completes successfully.
  • Add 0.001 to tqdm's total parameter to prevent the chance of getting TqdmWarning: clamping frac to range [0, 1]


  • [v2.0.7] Fix 'estimated_size' referenced before assignment error.
  • [v2.0.7] The progress bar now uses 1 decimal place for seconds processed and total duration.


  • [v2.0.8] Add the ability to specify an error_handler argument, a function to run if the FFmpeg process encounters an error.
  • [v2.0.9] Fix a typo (commit da45a84)




A Python package that allows you to run an FFmpeg command & see percentage progress, ETA, etc.







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