Welcome to Virtueller Forschungsverbund Edirom (ViFE)
For best practices see labels.
For best practices see labels.
Edirom-Online Frontend is the frontend for the Edirom-Online software. It is a web application written in JavaScript.
The Cartographer App is used to provide placement information of zones of interest in (historical) documents.
Edirom-Online Backend is the backend for the Edirom-Online software. It is a web application written in XQuery.
The MEI Garage is a "workshop" for symbolic music encoding data. It is sharing a code base with the TEI's OxGarage and offers a convenient interface to common tasks for music encoding data, both through Web and REST interfaces. It offers conversion between different formats and customization of the MEI Schema.
Edirom Online is a tool for presenting historical-critical music editions in digital form.