This is Ebrahim but others like to call him Bob. Bob likes to speak in the third person and type what the voice 🔊 in his head 🧕 says.
Bob is an electrical engineer who got into programming because the market required it more than electronics. It's also pratically free to Do. If you care about where Bob studied you can check his LinkedIn.
Making things but specifically 👨🔧
- Things that are useful 🛠
- Things that serve the community 💒
- Things that are interactive and playful 🥳 when you use them.
The above style was taken from @arghyadeep99 This is the API I'm using
- Build on top of what he provided 🎩↗
- Fork 🍴 and star 🌟 the repositories that are useful so he knows which are worth pursuing
- If you want buy him a 🍺 (Do It here)
Making Lebanon Better. One Byte at a time