This project implements a pathfinding solution for a sliding puzzle commonly found in video games. The puzzle involves navigating from a start ('S') to a finish ('F') position on a grid, where the player slides until obstructed by walls or rocks ('0') on a frictionless ice floor.
- Task 1 (Setup): Set up the project environment.
- Task 2 (Data Structure): Implement a data structure to represent the map grid.
- Task 3 (Map Parser): Create a parser to read map data from input files.
- Task 4 (Algorithm): Implement a pathfinding algorithm to find the shortest path from start to finish.
- src/: Contains the source code files.
- input/: Directory for input map files.
- Project documentation.
- LICENSE: License information.
The map is represented using a 2D array in Java. Each cell can contain '.', '0', 'S', 'F', or '@' (for the player's current position).
A parser reads the map from an input file (input/map.txt
), determines its dimensions, and locates 'S', 'F', and '0' positions.
The algorithm uses BFS (Breadth-First Search) to find the shortest path from 'S' to 'F', accounting for sliding movement on ice until blocked.
For an input map file input/map.txt
- Clone the repository:
git clone