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Useful things for ClassiCube such as server plugins and commands.

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Welcome to my repository for MCGalaxy tools!

Here you will find the source of my public plugins and commands, free to use however you please. If a command/plugin isn't compiling or working as it should, make a new issue here and I'll get to it when possible. Command/plugin requests are open and you can suggest them here.



Name Description
AntiVPN Prevents people from joining your server with a VPN.
BetterPing Makes your ping significantly lower.
BugWebhook Send a message on Discord whenever there's an error on your server.
CommandsInPluginExample Example source code for embedding commands into your plugin.
Compass Adds a compass into your HUD.
Crouching Adds an option to crouch in the game by pressing left shift.
CustomChat* Allows changing the chat format.
CustomSoftware Allows changing the software name both in-game and in the launcher.
CustomTab* Allows changing the format of your tab list.
CustomWorldGen Example source code for adding custom newlvl themes.
DailyBonus Gives people money once per day when they login OR type /daily OR have been server for 30+ minutes.
DiscordActionLog Relays a message to a Discord channel whenever an action has been performed (kick, ban, warn etc).
DiscordChannelName Renames a Discord channel name to match server player count.
DiscordVerify Bridge between Discord <-> server for linking Discord accounts.
Example Example source code in case you want to make your own plugins.
ExampleStoreItem Example source code for adding a custom item to /store.
FavouriteMap Allows people to set their own favourite map shown in /whois.
GamemodeTemplate The template I use for gamemodes on my server.
HoldBlocks Shows the block you're holding in your hand for everybody to see.
IRCWebhook Relays a message from your server to Discord without a bot.
LastLocation* Return to your last known location.
LocationJoin Announces the country players connect to the server from in chat.
Lottery Enter and win money.
Nametags* Changes your nametag.
NickBlocker Prevents using /whonick in a level which has -nicks in its MOTD.
Parties Join and talk with specific people.
TempFlood* Allows client-side water flooding.
TimeAFK Shows the amount of time players have been idle for.
VenkLib Essential commands every server owner should have.
VenkSurvival Adds survival options such as PvP, drowning, fall damage, hunger, mining and more.
XP Adds an XP leveling system.

* means that the plugin is private or made exclusive for specific people.


Name Description
/Adventure Easily toggle /map buildable and /map deletable in one command.
/Announce Shows custom text in the middle of peoples' screen.
/Bottom Opposite of /top in that it sorts in ascending order.
/Chevify Turns your map into a funky mess.
/FakeGive Tells people they've gotten money when they haven't.
/FixTP Replaces all map textures with a newly-specified one. Useful for mass-fixing levels with broken textures.
/ImportSchematic Imports a .schematic file from Minecraft into CC's .lvl format.
/ListLevels Shows a list of levels that have either build or visit permissions set to a specified rank.
/MoveEverything Moves bots, message blocks and portals relatively. Useful for moving builds.
/Preset Easier access for /os env preset that doesn't require realm ownership to use.
/Quote Add and view quotes from players.
/Remove Removes a player from the playerbase permanently.
/Reward Used primarily in message blocks to give rewards to players.


How to install plugins:

  1. Put the plugin's .cs file into the ./plugins/ folder. If it's not there, make a new folder and put it in there.
  2. Either in-game or via the server console, type /pcompile [plugin name]. It should say Plugin compiled successfully., if it doesn't, make an issue here.
  3. Now type /pload [plugin name]. It should say Plugin loaded successfully.
  4. And you're done, enjoy your plugin.

How to install commands:

  1. Put the command's .cs file into the ./extra/commands/source/ folder. If it's not there, make a new folder and put it in there.
  2. Either in-game or via the server console, type /compile [command name]. It should say Command compiled successfully., if it doesn't, make an issue here.
  3. Now type /cmdload [command name]. It should say Command loaded successfully.
  4. And you're done, enjoy your command.

NOTE: If you want your commands to load upon server start, you should add the command name into the ./text/cmdautoload.txt file.

For example, if your command file is named CmdHelloWorld.cs, you would put HelloWorld on a new line.


Useful things for ClassiCube such as server plugins and commands.






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  • C# 99.7%
  • Visual Basic .NET 0.3%