Free Wars is a 2D turn-based strategy game, whose gameplay is based on the ones of Advanced Wars series.
- For each player, the available units and their base attributes are exactly the same
- Capture bases to earn fund every turn and use the fund to build units
- The attack damage of a unit are greatly affected by its HP (50% damage at 50% HP for example)
- Each player gets energy through battles in game, and may spend the energy on various passive/active skills
- Use cocos2d-lua v3.9 as the game engine
- Use Tiled as the map editor
The game is now playable. By now, the followings are implemented:
- Online multi-player combat
- Passive/active skills
- Chat in-game
- Game replay
- Many optional war settings, such as fog of war, starting fund, and so on
- Team
- Weather (as advanced settings in game)
- Campaign
More functionality is being developed, such as score for campaign, skills, and so on.
The game is designed so that it can be played with on the following platforms:
- Windows 7 or above (download and play)
- Android (installation required)
If you want to have a try, feel free to email to [email protected], and I will send you the win32 binary files or an android apk.
The game uses cocos2d-lua v3.9 as its engine, which is cross-platform, so you can develop the game on most desktop platforms.
A typical way to setup the development environment:
- Download the engine and unzip it
- Create an empty lua project using the tools in the engine and compile it (for details, please reach for the documents of the engine)
- Download the files of this project, then copy them to the project above, overwriting the existing files
Feel free to comment/play/contribute to the code/game.
For more information, please refer to the wiki (in Chinese) of this project.
Thank you very much!