- A former core member in GDG-GDSC Google Developer Student Club, (REC) Raghu Engineering College, Visakhapatnam.
- Check out my
from here
const aboutMe: {
workingOn: string[];
learning: string[];
contactMe: string;
pronouns: string[];
} = {
workingOn: ['react', 'nextjs', 'oracle-sql-plsql'],
learning: ['typescript', 'odi', 'obiee'],
contactMe: '[email protected]',
pronouns: ['he', 'him'],
- Learn to become a Data Science specialist: Data Science
- Learn Compose using Kotlin: Jetpack Compose
- Learn Machine Learning from Google Devs: Machine Learning
- Checkout my Shortcuts from here
- Checkout my Cheat-Sheets collection from here
- Checkout my bash commands cheat-sheet from here
- Learn Mobile Application Development (Beginner) within
from here (Android using XML and Java). - Learn Web Technologies (Beginner) within
from here (Beginner Web Stack, MySQL and Java (Servlets, JSP and JDBC)).
- 🌱 See what I'm learning now from here
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Next and React
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate and contribute on Android Compose, ReactJS, NextJS, Angular.
- 😄 Pronouns: Vinnu, Reddy.
- 📫 How to reach me: @itsvidhanreddy
- 📈 Visit my portfolio from here - Built using NextJS14.