Easily communicate with mongoose/baucis api
Represents your business objects. Your object classes should inherit ActiveRecord to be usable in angular-orm. This extends their behaviour with methods such as save(), archive(), populate()...
Your DAOs should extend GenericDAO to be able to perform queries.
You can chose to use stock QueryBuilder or extend it to add custom querying behaviour. It is necessary to obtain a QueryBuilder instance from the DAO's query method before passing it back in the QB's get() method
ServiceLocator (Singleton)
Internally used by the other classes to retrieve corresponding DAO from ActiveRecord, or the ActiveRecord from the DAO. Objects will be automatically registered in the SL when creating the DAO.
Helps registering the DAO in angularjs, providing it with the injector it needs to work.
- Create a class defining your model
import ActiveRecord from '../ActiveRecord'
var model = {
_id: {
type : String
// Whatever mongoose scheme you need
// Creating a class from your model
var AR = ActiveRecord(model, 'Address');
// Either export AR or extend it if you need business methods
export default class Address extends AR {
// Business methods here
- Define the manager
import Address from './../models/address';
import GenericDao from '../GenericDao';
import QueryBuilder from '../QueryBuilder';
// If you extend QueryBuilder you can add custom query params
class AddressQueryBuilder extends QueryBuilder{
// Custom search function
if (term){
this.setQuery({fullAddress: {$regex: '.*' + term + '.*', $options: 'i'}})
// Don't forget to return this. It's what makes QB's methods chainable
return this;
// Create the Ad-Hoc class. AddressQueryBuilder param isn't mandatory. Ignore it to use the default queryBuilder
var DAO = GenericDao(Address, AddressQueryBuilder);
// Finally export the DAO
export default class AddressManager extends DAO {
- Register it all in AngularJS
import DaoHelper from './DaoHelper';
import AddressManager from './managers/addressManager';
var module = angular
.module('myModule.myServices', []);
DaoHelper.registerService(module, 'AddressManager', AddressManager);
Compile ES6 (or don't) I like to make an external module with all my services, compile it to Javascript using babel and browserify, and use it in my application as standard javascript.
Use angular config step to define your urls.
angular.module('myModule') // angular-orm provides you with configuration providers named after your DAO + 'provider' .config(['AddressManagerProvider', function(AddressManagerProvider){ AddressManagerProvider.setRootUrl('www.myserver.com/addresses') }])
Make Queries The simplest query you can do is
this will call the specified url with GET method and deserialize the returned values to Address instances.Note that get() will return a promise which will return an object such as
{ 'data': [ /* your data */], 'meta': { 'total': 100 } }
If you wish to perform more complicated queries, obtain a QueryBuilder instance with
var qb = AdressManager.query()
Then chain methods likepaginate populate sort
... And pass it back to theget()
method of the Manager -
Complex Queries
var qb = AddressManager.query() qb .search('query', 'some field') .sort('anotherfield') .populate('field') AddressManager .get(qb) .then( function(data){ // Do Something with data }) ```