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Use these shorthand utilities for quickly configuring the position of an element.

Position values

Quick positioning classes are available, though they are not responsive.

<div class="position-static">...</div>
<div class="position-relative">...</div>
<div class="position-absolute">...</div>
<div class="position-fixed">...</div>
<div class="position-sticky">...</div>

Arrange elements

Arrange elements easily with the edge positioning utilities. The format is {property}-{position}.

Where property is one of:

  • top - for the vertical top position
  • start - for the horizontal left position (in LTR)
  • bottom - for the vertical bottom position
  • end - for the horizontal right position (in LTR)

Where position is one of:

  • 0 - for 0 edge position
  • 50 - for 50% edge position
  • 100 - for 100% edge position

(You can add more position values by adding entries to the $position-values Sass map variable.)

<div class="position-relative">
  <div class="position-absolute top-0 start-0"></div>
  <div class="position-absolute top-0 end-0"></div>
  <div class="position-absolute top-50 start-50"></div>
  <div class="position-absolute bottom-50 end-50"></div>
  <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 start-0"></div>
  <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 end-0"></div>

Center elements

In addition, you can also center the elements with the transform utility class .translate-middle.

This class applies the transformations translateX(-50%) and translateY(-50%) to the element which, in combination with the edge positioning utilities, allows you to absolute center an element.

<div class="position-relative">
  <div class="position-absolute top-0 start-0 translate-middle"></div>
  <div class="position-absolute top-0 start-50 translate-middle"></div>
  <div class="position-absolute top-0 start-100 translate-middle"></div>
  <div class="position-absolute top-50 start-0 translate-middle"></div>
  <div class="position-absolute top-50 start-50 translate-middle"></div>
  <div class="position-absolute top-50 start-100 translate-middle"></div>
  <div class="position-absolute top-100 start-0 translate-middle"></div>
  <div class="position-absolute top-100 start-50 translate-middle"></div>
  <div class="position-absolute top-100 start-100 translate-middle"></div>

By adding .translate-middle-x or .translate-middle-y classes, elements can be positioned only in horizontal or vertical direction.

<div class="position-relative">
  <div class="position-absolute top-0 start-0"></div>
  <div class="position-absolute top-0 start-50 translate-middle-x"></div>
  <div class="position-absolute top-0 end-0"></div>
  <div class="position-absolute top-50 start-0 translate-middle-y"></div>
  <div class="position-absolute top-50 start-50 translate-middle"></div>
  <div class="position-absolute top-50 end-0 translate-middle-y"></div>
  <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 start-0"></div>
  <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 start-50 translate-middle-x"></div>
  <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 end-0"></div>


Here are some real life examples of these classes:

<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary position-relative">
  Mails <span class="position-absolute top-0 start-100 translate-middle badge rounded-pill text-bg-secondary">+99 <span class="visually-hidden">unread messages</span></span>

<div class="position-relative py-2 px-4 text-bg-secondary border border-secondary rounded-pill">
  Marker <svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="position-absolute top-100 start-50 translate-middle mt-1" fill="var(--bs-secondary)" xmlns=""><path d="M7.247 11.14L2.451 5.658C1.885 5.013 2.345 4 3.204 4h9.592a1 1 0 0 1 .753 1.659l-4.796 5.48a1 1 0 0 1-1.506 0z"/></svg>

<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary position-relative">
  Alerts <span class="position-absolute top-0 start-100 translate-middle badge border border-light rounded-circle bg-danger p-2"><span class="visually-hidden">unread messages</span></span>

You can use these classes with existing components to create new ones. Remember that you can extend its functionality by adding entries to the $position-values variable.

<div class="position-relative m-4">
  <div class="progress" role="progressbar" aria-label="Progress" aria-valuenow="50" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="height: 1px;">
    <div class="progress-bar" style="width: 50%"></div>
  <button type="button" class="position-absolute top-0 start-0 translate-middle btn btn-sm btn-primary rounded-pill" style="width: 2rem; height:2rem;">1</button>
  <button type="button" class="position-absolute top-0 start-50 translate-middle btn btn-sm btn-primary rounded-pill" style="width: 2rem; height:2rem;">2</button>
  <button type="button" class="position-absolute top-0 start-100 translate-middle btn btn-sm btn-secondary rounded-pill" style="width: 2rem; height:2rem;">3</button>


Sass maps

Default position utility values are declared in a Sass map, then used to generate our utilities.

$position-values: (
  0: 0,
  50: 50%,
  100: 100%

Sass utilities API

Position utilities are declared in our utilities API in scss/_utilities.scss. Learn how to use the utilities API.

"position": (
  property: position,
  values: static relative absolute fixed sticky
"top": (
  property: top,
  values: $position-values
"bottom": (
  property: bottom,
  values: $position-values
"start": (
  property: left,
  class: start,
  values: $position-values
"end": (
  property: right,
  class: end,
  values: $position-values
"translate-middle": (
  property: transform,
  class: translate-middle,
  values: (
    null: translate(-50%, -50%),
    x: translateX(-50%),
    y: translateY(-50%),

` const jsSnippetContent = jsSnippet ? '\/\/ NOTICE!!! Initially embedded in our docs this JavaScript\n\/\/ file contains elements that can help you create reproducible\n\/\/ use cases in StackBlitz for instance.\n\/\/ In a real project please adapt this content to your needs.\n\/\/ \u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\u002b\n\n\/*!\n * JavaScript for Bootstrap\u0027s docs (https:\/\/\/)\n * Copyright 2011-2024 The Bootstrap Authors\n * Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.\n * For details, see https:\/\/\/licenses\/by\/3.0\/.\n *\/\n\n\/* global bootstrap: false *\/\n\n(() =\u003e {\n \u0027use strict\u0027\n\n \/\/ --------\n \/\/ Tooltips\n \/\/ --------\n \/\/ Instantiate all tooltips in a docs or StackBlitz\n document.querySelectorAll(\u0027[data-bs-toggle=\u0022tooltip\u0022]\u0027)\n .forEach(tooltip =\u003e {\n new bootstrap.Tooltip(tooltip)\n })\n\n \/\/ --------\n \/\/ Popovers\n \/\/ --------\n \/\/ Instantiate all popovers in docs or StackBlitz\n document.querySelectorAll(\u0027[data-bs-toggle=\u0022popover\u0022]\u0027)\n .forEach(popover =\u003e {\n new bootstrap.Popover(popover)\n })\n\n \/\/ -------------------------------\n \/\/ Toasts\n \/\/ -------------------------------\n \/\/ Used by \u0027Placement\u0027 example in docs or StackBlitz\n const toastPlacement = document.getElementById(\u0027toastPlacement\u0027)\n if (toastPlacement) {\n document.getElementById(\u0027selectToastPlacement\u0027).addEventListener(\u0027change\u0027, function () {\n if (!toastPlacement.dataset.originalClass) {\n toastPlacement.dataset.originalClass = toastPlacement.className\n }\n\n toastPlacement.className = \u0060${toastPlacement.dataset.originalClass} ${this.value}\u0060\n })\n }\n\n \/\/ Instantiate all toasts in docs pages only\n document.querySelectorAll(\ .toast\u0027)\n .forEach(toastNode =\u003e {\n const toast = new bootstrap.Toast(toastNode, {\n autohide: false\n })\n\n\n })\n\n \/\/ Instantiate all toasts in docs pages only\n \/\/ js-docs-start live-toast\n const toastTrigger = document.getElementById(\u0027liveToastBtn\u0027)\n const toastLiveExample = document.getElementById(\u0027liveToast\u0027)\n\n if (toastTrigger) {\n const toastBootstrap = bootstrap.Toast.getOrCreateInstance(toastLiveExample)\n toastTrigger.addEventListener(\u0027click\u0027, () =\u003e {\n\n })\n }\n \/\/ js-docs-end live-toast\n\n \/\/ -------------------------------\n \/\/ Alerts\n \/\/ -------------------------------\n \/\/ Used in \u0027Show live alert\u0027 example in docs or StackBlitz\n\n \/\/ js-docs-start live-alert\n const alertPlaceholder = document.getElementById(\u0027liveAlertPlaceholder\u0027)\n const appendAlert = (message, type) =\u003e {\n const wrapper = document.createElement(\u0027div\u0027)\n wrapper.innerHTML = [\n \u0060\u003cdiv class=\u0022alert alert-${type} alert-dismissible\u0022 role=\u0022alert\u0022\u003e\u0060,\n \u0060 \u003cdiv\u003e${message}\u003c\/div\u003e\u0060,\n \u0027 \u003cbutton type=\u0022button\u0022 class=\u0022btn-close\u0022 data-bs-dismiss=\u0022alert\u0022 aria-label=\u0022Close\u0022\u003e\u003c\/button\u003e\u0027,\n \u0027\u003c\/div\u003e\u0027\n ].join(\u0027\u0027)\n\n alertPlaceholder.append(wrapper)\n }\n\n const alertTrigger = document.getElementById(\u0027liveAlertBtn\u0027)\n if (alertTrigger) {\n alertTrigger.addEventListener(\u0027click\u0027, () =\u003e {\n appendAlert(\u0027Nice, you triggered this alert message!\u0027, \u0027success\u0027)\n })\n }\n \/\/ js-docs-end live-alert\n\n \/\/ --------\n \/\/ Carousels\n \/\/ --------\n \/\/ Instantiate all non-autoplaying carousels in docs or StackBlitz\n document.querySelectorAll(\u0027.carousel:not([data-bs-ride=\u0022carousel\u0022])\u0027)\n .forEach(carousel =\u003e {\n bootstrap.Carousel.getOrCreateInstance(carousel)\n })\n\n \/\/ -------------------------------\n \/\/ Checks \u0026 Radios\n \/\/ -------------------------------\n \/\/ Indeterminate checkbox example in docs and StackBlitz\n document.querySelectorAll(\ [type=\u0022checkbox\u0022]\u0027)\n .forEach(checkbox =\u003e {\n if (\u0027Indeterminate\u0027)) {\n checkbox.indeterminate = true\n }\n })\n\n \/\/ -------------------------------\n \/\/ Links\n \/\/ -------------------------------\n \/\/ Disable empty links in docs examples only\n document.querySelectorAll(\ [href=\u0022#\u0022]\u0027)\n .forEach(link =\u003e {\n link.addEventListener(\u0027click\u0027, event =\u003e {\n event.preventDefault()\n })\n })\n\n \/\/ -------------------------------\n \/\/ Modal\n \/\/ -------------------------------\n \/\/ Modal \u0027Varying modal content\u0027 example in docs and StackBlitz\n \/\/ js-docs-start varying-modal-content\n const exampleModal = document.getElementById(\u0027exampleModal\u0027)\n if (exampleModal) {\n exampleModal.addEventListener(\\u0027, event =\u003e {\n \/\/ Button that triggered the modal\n const button = event.relatedTarget\n \/\/ Extract info from data-bs-* attributes\n const recipient = button.getAttribute(\u0027data-bs-whatever\u0027)\n \/\/ If necessary, you could initiate an Ajax request here\n \/\/ and then do the updating in a callback.\n\n \/\/ Update the modal\u0027s content.\n const modalTitle = exampleModal.querySelector(\u0027.modal-title\u0027)\n const modalBodyInput = exampleModal.querySelector(\u0027.modal-body input\u0027)\n\n modalTitle.textContent = \u0060New message to ${recipient}\u0060\n modalBodyInput.value = recipient\n })\n }\n \/\/ js-docs-end varying-modal-content\n\n \/\/ -------------------------------\n \/\/ Offcanvas\n \/\/ -------------------------------\n \/\/ \u0027Offcanvas components\u0027 example in docs only\n const myOffcanvas = document.querySelectorAll(\ .offcanvas\u0027)\n if (myOffcanvas) {\n myOffcanvas.forEach(offcanvas =\u003e {\n offcanvas.addEventListener(\\u0027, event =\u003e {\n event.preventDefault()\n }, false)\n })\n }\n})()\n' : null const project = { files: { 'index.html': markup, 'index.js': jsSnippetContent }, title: 'Bootstrap Example', description: `Official example from ${window.location.href}`, template: jsSnippet ? 'javascript' : 'html', tags: ['bootstrap'] } StackBlitzSDK.openProject(project, { openFile: 'index.html' }) }