Showing posts with label interpreter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interpreter. Show all posts

Friday, January 3, 2025

REBOL 1.0 Was Slow

Rebol 1.0 was slow. I paid little attention to speed in the implementation — I was concerned with correctness. The intepreter was intended to be a reference implementation, with well-defined behavior on every edge case. My intent was to add a compiler at a later date.

Once source of slowness was the liberal use of first-class continuations in the interpreter. Rebol 1.0 used a “Cheney on the MTA” interpretation strategy, where no function ever returned a value and the stack simply got deeper and deeper. When the stack overflowed, a stack garbage collection was triggered. Since most of the stack was garbage, this was a fast operation (I used a garbage collector that used time proportional to live storage). With such an implementation, first-class continuations were trivial to implement — all continuations were first-class, it was just a question of whether you surfaced them to the user. I didn’t have an ideological belief either way, but there they were, so why not? Many control flow constructs that would otherwise require an ad hoc implementation can be easily implemented with first-class continuations.

Rebol had return statements that would return control to the caller from within the function. 99% of the time, the caller is sitting on the stack just above the current frame. But 1% of the time, the user would do something weird like create a lexical closure over the return statement and pass it downward. Like as not he didn’t deliberately do this, but rather used some library that was implemented in continuation-passing style. If this happened, the return statement might have to unwind an arbitrary amount of stack. To implement this, I captured the current continuation at the entry of each function and bound it to the implicit “return” variable. Invoking return invoked the continuation and returned control to the caller. The advantage of doing it this way was that return statements had the correct semantics under all circumstances. There were no special rules governing use of return and no code had to have special cases for unexpected returns.

A similar thing happened in the implementation of break and continue in loops. These were implemented by capturing the continuation at the entry of the loop and binding it to the implicit break variable, and capturing the continuation on each iteration and binding it to the implicit continue variable. Because these were first-class continuations, they could be used to restart the loop after it exited. That wasn’t a requirement. I was perfectly happy to stipulate that break and continue only work while a loop is in progress, but in Rebol 1.0, they’d continue to work after the loop finished.

Worrying about continuations captured in lexical closures may seem weird, but it’s a real issue. It is common to introduce implicit lexical contours in a program: even a let expression does it. You would like to be able to use break and continue in the body of a let expression in a loop. Some Rebol constructs were implemented by implicitly macroexpanding the code into a call to a helper function. break and continue would work across function call boundaries, so there were no limitations on introducing helper functions within a loop.

A more traditional language has a handful of ad hoc iteration constructs that are implemented with special purpose code. The special purpose code knows it is a loop and can be optimized for this. break and continue statements have a special dependency on the enclosing loop.

Rebol 1.0 was properly tail recursive, so there was no special implementation of loops. They were ordinary functions that happened to call themselves. Non-standard iteration constructs could be created by the user by simply writing code that called itself. break and continue just surfaced the interpreter’s continuation to the user. As a consequence, loops in Rebol 1.0 were implemented completely in Rebol code but had signifcant interpreter overhead.

Rebol 2.0 and later are not properly tail recusive. As a consequence, special looping constructs are required to be written in C to support iteration. Common iteration constucts such as for and while are provided and do not have interpreter overhead, but if you want a non-standard iteration construct, there is no way to achieve it. You have to re-write your code to use one of the built-in iteration constructs or go without and risk blowing the stack.

My intent was to eventually write a compiler for Rebol. I wrote a prototype called Sherman that compiled to MIT-Scheme and was supported by the MIT-Scheme runtime library. Loops compiled with Sherman ran quickly as expected.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Scheme Interpreter: Conclusions

This experiment with writing an MIT-Scheme S-code interpreter in C# was successful in these ways:

  • It showed that the S-code interpreter is an independent component of the Scheme system. The interpreter substrate can be replaced with a new implementation, written in a different language, using a different evaluation strategy, without replacing the Scheme runtime system written in Scheme.
  • It showed that the S-code interpreter can, on small segments of code, perform as fast as compiled code. However, growing the size of these small segment causes an exponential increase in the number of interpreter specializations. The obvious solution of automatically generating interpreter specializations on demand is the equivalent of JIT compilation.
  • It validated the idea that the lexical environment can be represented as a flattened vector of values. Mutable variables can be implemented by cell conversion. Variable values are copied from outer scopes to inner scopes when closures are created. The semantics of such an implementation is equivalent to the semantics of a nested series of frames as used in MIT-CScheme.
  • It showed that you can implement tail recursion via trampolines at each call site, and that you can implement first-class continuations by testing for a magic return value after the return of each trampoline. We don’t use the C# exception handling mechanism to unwind the stack when implementing first-class continuations, just a conditional branch and a normal return. This is far less complicated and expensive.

It was a failure in these ways:

  • Although it showed one way in which we could take incremental steps to increase the speed of the interpreter until it approached the speed of compiled code, each step resulted in an exponential increase in the number of specializations in the interpreter and had diminishing returns.
  • The ultimate outcome of this process would be an interpreter with thousands of specializations. Small Scheme programs could be completely represented by a single specialization, and they would be interpreted as fast as compiled code. But this is because the specialization is eessentially a compiled version of the Scheme program. In other words, we ultimately will have an interpreter that “optimizes” by looking up a program in a huge table that maps small programs to their precomputed compiled bodies. This is just an unusual and inefficient way to implement a compiler.
  • Because C# offers no way to dump a the heap in binary format, we must cold load the system each time we start it.
  • One of the tasks in the cold load is to initialize the unicode tables. These are big tables that take a long time to initialize.
  • It took an annoyingly long time to get to Scheme’s initial top-level prompt.
  • Debugging crashes in the Scheme system was annoying and slow because we have to cold load the Scheme system to reproduce bugs.
  • I have understated a large component of the work: providing a new C# implementation for each of the hundreds of primitives in the Scheme runtime. I only bothered to implement those primitives called as part of the cold lood boot sequence, but still there were a lot of them. For many of these primitives, the C# implementation just achieved the same effect “in spirit” as the MIT-CScheme implementation. These were easy to implement. But some were more persnickety where it was vital that the C# implementation produced exactly the same bits as the MIT-CScheme implementation. For instance, the code used to hash the types for generic method dispatch had to produce the exact same hash values in both implementations. This is because there is code that depends on the hashed multimethod ending up at a precomputed location in a method cache.
  • The C# interpreter was complete enough to boot a Scheme cold load and run it to the top-level prompt. It could run the top-level REPL. But much was missing. It could not host the SF program, which generates the S-code for the Scheme runtime. You’d have to run an original instance of MIT-CScheme to generate the S-code that you would then run in the C# interpreter.

I think the next Lisp system I will try should be based around a simple, portable JIT compiler.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Calling Conventions in the Interpreter

C# is not tail recursive. It could be. The IL that it compiles to supports tail recursion, but the C# compiler doesn’t generate the tail call instruction. It would be a simple thing to add: when the compiler emits a call instruction, it could check if the next instruction is a return, and if so, emit a tail call instruction. This could be controlled by a compiler flag so only us weirdos who want this feature would enable it.

But until the C# compiler adds this feature, we have to resort to other methods. I chose to use a trampoline at each call site. This is a small segment of code that awaits the result of the function call. If the callee wants to tail call, it returns the tail call target to the caller, which performs the call on the callee’s behalf. This requires a modification to the calling conventions.

EvalStep is the virtual method that all S-code objects implement to perform an evaluation. Its signature is this:

abstract class Control : SchemeObject
     public abstract TailRecursionFlag EvalStep (out object answer, 
                                                 ref Control expression, 
                                                 ref Environment environment);

The result of the evaluation is returned in the answer parameter. This is an out parameter, so the answer is allocated in the caller and a pointer to it is passed to the callee. The callee returns the answer by modifying it in the callers stack frame.

The expression and environment parameters are the expected parameters for a call to Eval. They, too, are allocated in the caller’s frame and references to them are passed to the callee. The callee is allowed to modify the caller’s values of these variables.

The returned value is a TailRecursionFlag. This is either 1, indicating that a value has been returned in the answer, or 0, indicating that the caller should perform another EvalStep. To return a value, the callee modifies the answer. To perform a tail call, the callee modifies the expression and environment references and returns 0.

Any caller must call EvalStep as follows: The caller allocates an answer variable to receive the answer of the call. It also allocates an expression, and environment variable to pass to the callee. It then calls EvalStep in a loop until the callee returns a TailRecursionFlag of 1, indicating that the answer has been set to the return value.

In the EvalStep for an S-code Conditional we see an example of the calling convention:

  object ev;
  Control unev = predicate;
  Environment env = environment;

  while (unev.EvalStep (out ev, ref unev, ref env) == TailRecursionFlag.TailCall) { };

We are making a recursive call to evaluate the predicate. We set up ev to receive the result of the evaluation. We set up unev and env to hold the expression and environment to pass to EvalStep. unev.EvalStep does the eval dispatch via virtual function dispatch.

If the predicate returns a TailRecursionFlag of ReturnValue, the loop will exit. The predicate is assumed to have put the return value in the ev variable.

If the predicate wants to tail call, it will modify the values of unev and env to the new expression and new environment, and return a TailRecursionFlag of TailCall. The loop will iterate, using the new value of unev and env to again dispatch a call to EvalStep.

When the while loop exits, the ev variable will contain the return value of the predicate. Control may be returned to the while loop several times before the loop exits. This is the trampoline in action.

Conditional expressions don’t return a value. They either tail call the consequent or the alternative. The EvalStep for a conditional ends like this:

  answer = null;
  expression = (ev is bool evb && evb == false) ? alternative :
  return TailRecursionFlag.TailCall;

The answer variable in the caller is set to null. out parameters must always be assigned to before the function exits, so this just keeps the compiler happy. If the return value of calling EvalStep on the predicate is the boolean false, we set the expression in the caller to the alternative, otherwise the consequent. This is the target of our tail call to EvalStep. For the scode for a conditional, we leave the environment alone — the tail call uses the same environment unchanged. We finally return TailRecursionFlag.TailCall so that the caller’s trampoline makes another iteration around its while. It will call EvalStep on the alternative or consequent that we stuffed in the caller’s expression.

This little song and dance is performed at every recursive call to EvalStep making EvalStep behave as a tail-recursive function. This calling convention is about half the speed of a normal C# method call. It is the cost of using a trampoline for tail recursion.

First Class Continuations

There is one more obscure reason that the control might return to us when evaluating the predicate. If some function further down the call chain invokes call-with-current-continuation, we need to copy the stack. The callee indicates this by returning a magic return value of Special.UnwindStack. The callee sets the caller’s environment to an UnwinderState that will accumulate the stack frames as we unwind the stack. So our calling convention says we need to check the return value of EvalStep, and if it is Special.UnwindStack, we allocate a ConditionalFrame on the heap that will contain the state of the current stack frame. We AddFrame to the UnwinderState. We propagate this up the stack by putting it in the caller’s environment, setting the caller’s value of answer to Special.UnwindStack and returning TailRecursionFlag.ReturnValue to stop the caller’s trampoline loop.

The full code of EvalStep for an S-code if expression is this:

 public override TailRecursionFlag EvalStep (out object answer, 
                                             ref Control expression,
                                             ref Environment environment)
    object ev;
    Control unev = predicate;
    Environment env = environment;

    // Tail recursion trampoline.
    while (unev.EvalStep (out ev, ref unev, ref env) == TailRecursionFlag.TailCall) { };
    // Support for first class continuations.
    if (ev == Special.UnwindStack)
        ((UnwinderState) env).AddFrame (new ConditionalFrame (this, environment));
        environment = env;
        answer = Special.UnwindStack;

        return TailRecursionFlag.ReturnValue;

    // Tail call EvalStep on the consequent or alternative.
    answer = null;
    expression = (ev is bool evb && evb == false) ? alternative : consequent;
    return TailRecursionFlag.TailCall;

First class continuations allow you unload and reload the pending call chain. We see that at each call site, we must check the return value and, if it is Special.UnwindStack, we create a new Frame on the heap and add it to the unwinder state befor we propagate the Special.UnwindStack up the call chain.

At the very top of the call chain, we have the outermost call to EvalStep. If the Special.UnwindStack value is returned to this call, the stack has been unwound and the UnwinderState is sitting in the environment variable. We need to rewind the stack and put the stack frames back on the stack. We create a RewindState from the UnwinderState. Each time we PopFrame from the RewindState, we get a deeper frame. We reload the stack by getting the outermost frame from the RewindState and calling EvalStep on it. The EvalStep for a Frame sets up the trampoline loop, calls PopFrame to get the next frame, and calls EvalStep on it. When we run out of stack frames to reload, the stack is reloaded and we return control the innermost frame so it can continue where it left off. This is the rewind loop.

The EvalStep for a Frame, after making the recursive call to EvalStep on the next frame, continues with code that is a duplicate of the code in the original frame before the cotinuation was captured. A specific example will make this clear. If an if expression is on the stack when it is uwound, a ConditionalFrame is created. A ConditionalFrame is a subclass of SubproblemFrame which has this EvalStep method:

public override TailRecursionFlag EvalStep (out object answer,
                                            ref Control expression,
                                            ref Environment environment)
    object temp;
    Control expr = ((RewindState) environment).PopFrame ();
    Environment env = environment;
    while (expr.EvalStep (out temp, ref expr, ref env) == TailRecursionFlag.TailCall) { };
    if (temp == Special.UnwindStack)
        ((UnwinderState) env).AppendContinuationFrames (continuation);
        environment = env;
        answer = Special.UnwindStack;

        return TailRecursionFlag.ReturnValue;
    expression = this.expression;
    environment = this.environment;
    return Continue (out answer, ref expression, ref environment, temp);

public abstract TailRecursionFlag Continue (out object answer,
                                            ref Control expression,
                                            ref Environment environment,
                                            object value);

That is, the EvalStep of the SubproblemFrame establishes a trampoline, pops the next frame from the RewindState, and invokes its EvalStep method. When an answer is returned, the SubproblemFrame calls its Continue method.

The Continue method is a virtual method that is implemented by each subclass of SubproblemFrame. It finishes the work of the frame. In the case of a ConditionalFrame, the Continue method is this:

public override TailRecursionFlag Continue (out object answer,
                                            ref Control expression,
                                            ref Environment environment,
                                            object value)
    answer = null;
    expression = value is bool bvalue && bvalue == false
      ? SCode.EnsureSCode (this.expression.Alternative)
      : SCode.EnsureSCode (this.expression.Consequent);
    return TailRecursionFlag.TailCall;
compare this to the code in the original Conditional:
    // Tail call EvalStep on the consequent or alternative.
    answer = null;
    expression = (ev is bool evb && evb == false) ? alternative : consequent;
    return TailRecursionFlag.TailCall;

There are only superficial differences: the Continue method gets the value returned by the predicate in an argument rather than in a local variable. It type checks the alternative and consequent components of the if expression by calling SCode.EnsureSCode. Otherwise, the code does the same thing.

It is not possible to actually rewind the stack with the original set of pending methods. What we do instead is rewind the stack with methods that do the same thing as the original pending methods. It is close enough. The same values will be computed.

There is one place you can see the difference. If you look at the stack trace in the debugger before you capture a continuation, you will see the pending recursive calls to the S-code EvalStep methods. If you look at the stack trace in the debugger after you capture a continuation, you will instead see pending calls to the EvalStep methods of a set of frames. The pending frames are in the same order and have names similar to the original pending methods. They compute the same values, too. But the debugger can notice that these are not the originals.

More Inlining

Calls to (null? x) usually appear as the predicate to a conditional. We can specialize the conditional. Instead of

  [quote 69]
  [quote 420]]

We create a new S-code construct, if-null?-argument0, and construct the conditional as

  [quote 69]
  [quote 420]]

We avoid a recursive call and generating a ’T or ’NIL value and testing it, we just test for null and jump to the appropriate branch, just like the compiled code would have done.

Multiple arguments

We can further specialize the conditional based on the types of the consequent and alternative. In this case, they are both quoted values, so we can specialize the conditional to [if-null?-argument0-q-q 69 420]. (Where the name of the S-code type is derived from the type of the consequent and alternative.)

if-null?-argument0-q-q is an esoteric S-code type that codes a test of the first argument for null, and if it is null, returns the first quoted value, otherwise the second quoted value. This S-code type runs just as fast as compiled code. Indeed the machine instructions for evaluating this S-code are the same as what the compiler would have generated for the original Lisp form.

But there is a problem

Why not continue in this vein specializing up the S-code tree? Wouldn’t our interpreter be as fast as compiled code? Well it would, but there is a problem. Every time we add a new S-code type, we add new opportunities for specialization to the containing nodes. The number of ways to specialize a node is the product of the number of ways to specialize its children, so the number of ways to specialize the S-code tree grows exponentially with the number of S-code types. The few specializations I’ve just mentioned end up producing hundreds of specialized S-code types. Many of these specialized S-code types are quite esoteric and apply at most to only one or two nodes in the S-code tree for the entire program and runtime system. Performing another round of inlining and specialization would produce thousands of specialized S-code types — too many to author by hand, and most of which would be too esoteric to ever be actually used.

The solution, of course, is to automate the specialization process. We only generate a specialized S-code type when it is actually used by a program. The number of specialized S-code types will be limited by the number of ways programs are written, which is linear in the size of the program.

But specializing the code when we first encounter it is just JIT compiling the code. We’ve just reinvented the compiler. We might as well skip the multi-level specialization of the S-code tree and write a simple JIT compiler.

Inlinig Primitive Function Calls and Argument Evaluation

Inlining some primitives

Reconsider our model of a Lisp program as a “black box” that issues a series primitive function calls. We can eliminate some of the primitive function calls by implementing them directly within our “black box”. We inline some primitives.

Take null? as an example. Instead of constructing (null? arg) as

  [quote [primitive null?]]
  [argument 0]]

we add a new S-code construct, primitive-null?, and construct (null? arg) as

  [argument 0]]

We don't have to evaluate the function. We don't even have to jump to the entry point of the null? primitive. After we evaluate argument 0, we just test for null in the interpreter and return T or NIL as appropriate.

There are maybe 20 or so primitives that are used frequently enough to be worth inlining in this way. Each primitive you inline like this adds bloat to the interpreter.

Inlining simple arguments

The leaves of a tree of S-code are the atomic expressions, whereas the internal nodes of the tree are compound expressions. We can eliminate the leaves by inlining them into their parent nodes. For example if a leaf node is a lexical variable reference, we inline this into the parent node. We unroll the evaluation of the leaf node thus saving a recursive call to the interpreter and an evaluation dispatch.

Consider our previous example which we consructed as

  [argument 0]]

We further specialize primitive-null? based on its argument type into primitive-null?-argument or primitive-null?-lexical. Now our S-code becomes:

[primitive-null?-argument 0]

The leaf node [argument 0] is absorbed into the parent node [primitive-null? ...] making a new leaf node [primitive-null?-argument]. The evaluator for this S-code node simply tests if argument 0 is null and returns T or NIL as appropriate.

Compare this to the original S-code:

  [global 'null?]
  [argument 0]]

This required two recursive calls to the interpreter, a global lookup, and a primitive function call on top of the null test. We’ve eliminated all of those. There’s not much left to do. Testing null? in the interpreter is almost as fast as testing null? in compiled code.

The number of S-code types needed to perform this inlining is the number of kinds of leaf nodes raised to the power of the number of leaves in the parent node. A call to a one-argument primitive would need specializations for the cases where the argument is a quoted value, an argument, a lexical variable or a global variable — four specializations. Calls to a two-argument primitive turn into one of sixteen specializations — the product of four for each argument. A call to a three-argument primitive would turn into one of sixty-four specializations.

We can inline all the non-compound argument evaluations, both to primitive functions and to user-defined functions. In our S-code tree, we have removed all the leaf nodes and absorbed them into their parent nodes (which have now become new leaves). The interpreter is now quite a bit faster, although still not as fast as compiled code.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Usual Integrations, Function Calls and Primitive Calls

Near the beginning of most MIT-Scheme files you'll see (declare (usual-integrations)). This instructs the SF program, which translates Scheme to S-code, to replace the “usual” global variables with their (compile time) values. You lose the ability to change the values of these variables, but who redefines CAR or CDR? (And if you do, just remove the declare form or add CAR and CDR to the exception list.)

Now forms such as (null? x), which used to be syntaxed into this S-code:

   [global ’null?]
   [argument 0]]

are now syntaxed into this S-code:

   [quote [primitive null?]]
   [argument 0]]

Recall that S-code is a tree representation of Lisp code that is walked by the interpreter. The leaves of the tree are all either quote, global, argument, or lexical, and each of these only take one or two machine instructions to eval. The “overhead” of interpretation involves getting to the leaves.

The internal nodes of an S-code tree are the compound forms: function calls and special forms. IF and PROGN (in Scheme BEGIN) are the two most frequently evaluated special forms. When we construct the S-code for a compound form, we pattern match against the subforms and specialize the S-code. Specialized S-code for a compound form is called a “superoperator”. Superoperators eliminate the eval dispatch for the subforms. The machine code for interpreting a superoperator is close to the equivalent compiled code. Let us examine some of the most important superoperators.

Funcall Argument List Elimination

In general, a function call accumulates a list of arguments and jumps to APPLY to dispatch the function. We can eliminate the overhead of doing this. First, we can eliminate the call to APPLY by having applicable objects implement the applicable interface. We use virtual function dispatch to invoke the code that implements the applicable object. Applicable objects can be applied to any number of arguments passed as a list. We can eliminate the overhead of manipulating short argument lists by spreading the arguments and adding call0, call1, call2, and call3 methods to the applicable interface. The number of arguments at any particular call site is fixed, and it is usually a small number. We eliminate the overhead of accumulating the argument list for a function call by specializing the funcall S-code object on the number of arguments.

An S-code funcall is replaced by a funcall0, funcall1, funcall2, funcall3, or funcalln depending on the number of arguments. The argument accumulation loop is unrolled in the numbered cases placing the arguments in local C# variables. The funcallx superoperators directly call the appropriate calln method in the function’s applicable interface.

Primitive Function Call

Function calls to primitive procedures are the foundation of Lisp and Scheme programs. We can look at a Lisp program as if it were a “black box” that makes a series of primitive function calls. If unoptimized, a Lisp program ought to make the same series of primitive function calls with the same values whether it is interpreted or compiled. The primitive function will run at the same speed no matter how it is called, so if compiled code is faster than interpreted, it is issuing the primitive function calls faster, taking less time between them. The time between issuing primitive function calls is the interpretation overhead, and we want to reduce that.

When we construct an S-code funcall (and funcall0, funcall1, etc.), we check if the thing being called is a literal quoted primitive function, and if it is, we replace the S-code with a primitive-funcall (or primitive-funcall0, primitive-funcall1, etc.). A primitive-funcall evaluates its arguments, but it can skip evaluating the function. It can skip the apply dispatch, too, and just jump right to the primitive entry point.

We construct (null? arg) as

  [quote [primitive null?]]
  [argument 0]]

The MIT-Scheme interpreter and the MIT-Scheme hardware all special case function calls with small numbers of arguments and those which call primitive procedures.

In the next post, we develop this idea beyond what MIT-Scheme already does.

Eliminating Deep Search

In general, when you look up a lexical variable, you have to do a deep search. You start with the innermost scope and work your way out until you find the variable you are looking for. This takes an absurd amount of time for each variable lookup, so we want to avoid actually doing it.

As mentioned in the previous post, we special case the two most common cases: when the variable is in the innermost scope and when the variable is in the global scope. In the other cases, when the variable is in an intermediate scope, we can flatten the scopes by copying the variable values from inner scopes to outer scopes whenever the variable is closed over. This only works because we have put the mutable variables in cells and we copy pointers to the cells.

When an S-code lambda object is created, we walk the code and find the variables that are closed over. We create a closure with a copy of the variable’s value (or a copy of its cell). In essence, we replace:

(lambda (x) (+ x y))

(assuming y is a lexical variable) with

(%make-closure ’(lambda (x) (+ x y)) y)

Once we have done this, we no longer need to deep search for lexical variables. There is only one lexical frame, it contains a copy of the variable, and we know the offset of the variable in the frame. Lexical variable lookup is now just a vector-ref.

The drawback is that we have cell-converted the mutable variables, so calling a function that contains mutable variables will allocate memory. Use of SET! makes your code expensive. Furthermore, %make-closure is linear in the number of things being closed over. But typically, closures only close over one or two items.

So between these specializations (this post and the two previous ones), we have removed the overhead of variable lookup. An expression like (lambda (x) (+ y x)) (where y is a lexical variable) is converted into S-code that looks like:

  [quote (lambda ’(x)
              [global ’+]
              [lexical 0]
              [argument 0]])]
  [argument n]  ;; wherever ’y is in the outer scope

Evaluating variables is the bulk of the work in a Lisp program. Now both the interpreter and compiler can evaluate a variable with one or two machine instructions. Interpreted code is still slower than compiled code, but this isn’t a bottleneck anymore.

Now we look for other bottlenecks. Watch this space.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Specialized Variables

In general, when you lookup a variable, you have to do a deep search through the lexical contours. This is because someone could have captured a first class environment and evaled a define in it that shadows a variable.

However, this is a very rare case. In the vast majority of cases, the variable is either a global variable or lexical variable bound in the immediately enclosing environment. We can optimize for these cases.

Symbols refer to three different kinds of variable: if the variable is free, it refers to a global or “top-level” variable, if it is bound, it may be bound in the immediately enclosing environment (i.e., it is an argument), or it may be bound in a environment further up the lexical chain. We can determine which of these cases applies statically when we construct the S-code and select the appropriate subtype of S-code variable.

A global or top-level variable can contain a pointer to the value cell of the variable in the global environment, so variable lookup simply involves a dereference. If the variable is lexically bound, and the environment is a StatcEnvironment (or subtype), then the lexical address of the variable is known statically and cannot change (the variable cannot be shadowed), so we can store the lexical address in the S-code variable. Lookup is faster because it involves constant offsets.

The variable corresponding to argument 0 of the current lambda is by far the most commonly accessed variable, followed by argument 1. We can create special S-code types for each of these two variables in j addition to the three types for global, lexical, and the other arguments. By classifying the variables into one of these five types at syntax time, we can greatly reduce the amount of work needed at runtime to access the variable.

So consider the form (lambda (n) (lambda (x) (+ x n))). n is a lexical variable bound one level deep. x is an argument and + is a global. The S-code representation of this form will have three different variable types. The S-code for n will be a LexicalVariable with a depth of 1 and offset of 0. The eval method for LexicalVariable can walk back one level in the lexical chain and then access the zeroth element of the environment.

On the other hand, the S-code for x will be an ArgumentVariable with an argument number of 0. The eval method for ArgumentVariable can call the GetArg0 method of the environment.

Finally, the S-code for + will be a GlobalVariable with a pointer to the global value cell for +. The eval method for this type of S-code variable can simply dereference the pointer.

Between specializing environments and S-code varibles, we can greatly reduce the amount of time needed to access variables.

Specialized Environments

A Lisp program conceptually does a lookup every time it evaluates a symbol. Since evaluating symbols is the single most common operation, you want it to be as fast as possible. In compiled code, symbol values might be stored in registers, on the stack, or in a vector, but in interpreted code they are usually stored in a structure called an environment. In compiled code, the symbol value can often be retrieved by a move instruction, but in interpreted code there may be a function call and a vector-ref needed to get the value. This is a significant performance hit.

We can customize the layout of an environment to speed up symbol lookup. In the general case, an environment is a fairly heavyweight data structure. Because you can eval a define form at any time, you need an environment that supports incremental definition and you need to deep search each time you do a lookup because someone might have defined a shadowing variable.

But 99% of the time, you don’t need the general case. If no one captures a first-class environment, then you don’t need to support incremental definitions because no one can call eval to define a new variable. If no one mutates a variable, then you can store a copy of the variable’s value directly in the environment instead of indirectly through a ValueCell object. Most environments only close over a couple of variables, so you can make the variables fields of the environment object instead of storing them in a vector of values. You statically know the number of variables, so you can store them in a fixed-size class instance.

An Environment is an abstract base class.

A GlobalEnvironment is a singleton class that represents bindings in a hash table.

A StandardEnvironment is a concrete subclass of Environment that supports assignment and incremental definitions. The bindings are kept in a vector of ValueCell objects and the incremental bindings are kept in a hash table. This is a general purpose environment.

class StandardEnvironment : public Environment {
  Vector<ValueCell*> bindings;
  HashTable<ValueCell*> incrementalBindings;

A variable lookup in a StandardEnvironment involves fetching the vector of value bindings from the environment, looking up the variable in the vector of bindings, and if it is not found, looking it up in the hash table of incremental bindings, and finally fetching the value from the cell. Several levels of indirection are involved.

A StaticEnvironment supports assignment, but not incremental definitions. Bindings are kept in a vector of ValueCell objects.

class StaticEnvironment : public Environment {
  Vector<ValueCell*> bindings;

  Object* GetArg0() { return bindings[0].Value; }


Looking up a value in a StaticEnvironment is slightly quicker because there is no table of incremental bindings to search.

An ImmutableEnvironment holds bindings in a vector and does not support assignment or incremental definitions. Binding values are kept directly instead of indirectly through ValueCell objects.

class ImmutableEnvironment : public Environment {
  Vector<Object*> bindings;

  Object* GetArg0() { return bindings[0]; }


Looking up a variable in an ImmutableEnvironment is quicker because there are no ValueCell objects to dereference.

A SimpleEnvironment is an abstract subclass of ImmutableEnvironment that does not support assignment or incremental definition. Bindings are kept in class fields.

A SimpleEnvironment0 is a concrete subclass of SimpleEnvironment that holds no bindings — these are created when you invoke a thunk. A SimpleEnvironment1 is a concrete subclass of SimpleEnvironment that holds one binding, and so on up to SimpleEnvironment3.

  class SimpleEnvironment2 : public SimpleEnvironment {
    Object* var0;
    Object* var1;

  Object* GetArg0() { return var0; }


Looking up a variable in an SimpleEnvironment is quicker because you don’t have to indirect through a vector of bindings. A method as simple as GetArg0(), which simply returns a field in the instance, can often be inlined.

Environments are created by applying closures. There are subtypes of closures that correspond to the different kinds of environments. For example, a SimpleClosure2 is a closure that creates a SimpleEnvironment2.

Closures are created by evaluating lambda expressions. There are subtypes of lambda expressions that correspond to the different kinds of closures. For example, a SimpleLambda3, when evaluated, will create a SimpleClosure3.

When S-code lambda object are created, they are analyzed to see if a first-class environment is captured, and if not, whether any of the variables are mutated. The appropriate subclass of lambda object is created based on this analysis.

Almost all environments end up being SimpleEnvironments and are quite a bit faster than the general case.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Interpreting S-code

Lisp programs are not text but rather nested lists of symbols (atoms) and other lists. By default, a symbol represents a variable and a list represents a function call, but some lists are special forms that don’t follow the normal function call semantics.

S-code is an alternative representation for Lisp programs. Instead of nested lists, S-code is a set of nested data structures. Each S-code type corresponds to a Lisp form. There is an almost trivial isomorphism between S-code and the list representation of Lisp. S-code is a bit easier to interpret and compile than the list representation because the data structures representing the code can contain auxiliary information to aid in interpretation of the code. For example, a variable reference in S-code can contain the lexical depth and offset of the variable.

Converting from nested lists to S-code is a process called “syntaxing”. The nested lists are walked, the macros are expanded, auxiliary information is collected, and the S-code is generated. The S-code can be directly interpreted or compiled to machine code. “Unsyntaxing” is the process of converting S-code back to nested lists and it basically involves a walk of the data structure, discarding the auxiliary information, and collecting a tree of lists, thus recovering the original Lisp program (modulo macro expansion).

The MIT-Scheme hardware (Scheme 79, Scheme 81, and Scheme 86) directly executed S-code. MIT-CScheme is a C and assembly program that interprets S-code and runs compiled S-code. MzScheme and Racket also use a similar nested data structure represention of Scheme programs. I don’t think they call it “S-code”, but it is essentially the same thing. No doubt other Lisp and Scheme interpreters use this technique.

(The Lisp machine, by contrast, compiled Lisp programs to a byte-code that was interpreted by the microcoded Lisp machine hardware. I believe that MzScheme and Racket now include a JIT compiler.)

A few years back, for kicks, I wrote an S-code interpreter for Scheme. I decided to write it in C# so that I could leverage the .NET Common Language Runtime. I wouldn’t have to write a garbage collector, for example. I wrote it to interpret the S-code generated by MIT-Scheme. This way I could leverage the MIT-Scheme runtime as well. But this interpreter is not simply a port of the C implementation of MIT-Scheme. Many parts of the interpreter work completely differently from the MIT C implementation. Among them:

  • The C# call stack is used to hold the continuations. Subproblem continuations are C# continuations. Nested Scheme function calls appear as nested C# function calls, so the C# debugger can be used to debug Scheme code.
  • Tail recursion is handled by a trampoline at each function call boundary. To tail call a function, you return the function, the arguments, and a special marker to the caller’s trampoline, which will make the call on your behalf.
  • First class continuations are handled by lightweight stack inspection. In addition to a special marker for tail recursion, there is also a special marker for continuation capture. If this is returned, the caller’s trampoline will evacuate its current stack frame from the stack onto the heap and propagate the special marker up the stack.
  • Eval dispatch is handled through virtual method dispatch. Each type of S-code object has an eval method that is specialized for the type. I was curious if the virtual method dispatch was fast enough to be in the main interpreter loop.
  • The S-code interpreter is instrumented to discover the “hot” paths through the code. Certain patterns of S-code that are determined to be dynamically frequent can be replaced by S-code “superoperators” that provide specialized higher performance evaluation paths that avoid recursive evaluation steps.
  • Variable assignments are eliminated through cell conversion. All variables are ultimately immutable. Variables that were assigned to are converted to mutable cells that are allocated on the heap. This means we can use a flattened environment structure, but calls to procedures with mutable variables will cons.
  • The nested environment structure was replaced with flattened environment vectors. Shared immutable lexical variables are copied, and since mutable variables are stored in cells, their references are copied. Lexical variable lookup is constant independent of the lexical depth, but closure construction becomes linear in the number of variables being closed over.


C# does not provide a way to dump a heap snapshot, so it isn’t possible to save a Lisp image. Instead, the interpreter is “cold loaded” each time it is started. Indeed, the main problem with the interpreter is the startup time. It spends an inordinate amount of time initializing the unicode tables.

The major version of MIT-Scheme has been incremented. The C# interpreter fails to reach the prompt when cold loading the latest version. I haven’t tracked down the problem.

The C# interpreter assumes that the S-code abstraction is completely opaque, i.e. that the Scheme code knows nothing about the binary layout of S-code objects and only manipulates them through the provided primitives. This isn’t always the case, however, so the C# intepreter sometimes has to recognize that certain idiomatic patterns of S-code are actually attempting to emulate a primitive operation. For example, system-pair-car is a primitive that extracts the first element of any system object that has two elements, i.e. objects that MIT-Scheme implements as a cons cell even though not tagged as one. But the point of using C# was to hide the representation of Scheme objects from the Scheme code, so many objects are no longer implemeted as cons cells. The interpreter notices calls to system-pair-car and instead extracts whatever field of the object that MIT-Scheme would have put in the car.

The interpreter is not complete enough to host the SF program, which creates Scheme .fasl files from Scheme source. You need MIT-Scheme to create the .fasl files, which can then be loaded into the C# interpreter.

Now what?

I got increasingly frustrated with the limitations. It was taking too long to do a full debugging cycle. Playing whack-a-mole with the bugs was getting tedious.

I wanted to understand fundamentally why interpreters are so slow. In theory, shouldn’t the interpreter be able to perform the same operations as the compiled code? What exactly is “interpreter overhead”? Shouldn’t it be able to run in the same ballpark as the compiled code? What would it take to make a high-performance interpreter?

I discovered some of the answers. A large part of the overhead comes from instruction dispatch. Compiled code has its instructions dispatched in hardware and often have dedicated hardware to read and process the instruction stream. Interpreters use software to do the dispatch. You can make the interpreter faster by combining instructions and dispatching instruction combinations. There is a combinatorical explosion of instruction combinations, however, so you only want to combine the most common instruction sequences.

I wrote a number of hand-coded instruction combinations, but it got tedious and I realized that I wanted an automatic way to generate instruction combinations for common instruction sequences. That is, I wanted a JIT compiler. I put the project on the shelf at this point because a JIT compiled S-code interpreter is another project in itself.

I decided to blog a bit about some of the more unusual features of this interpreter, so watch this space if you are interested.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Tail recursion in REBOL

Many years ago I worked on a language called REBOL. REBOL was notable in that it used a variation of Polish notation. Function names came first, followed by the arguments in left to right order. Parentheses were generally not needed as the subexpression boundaries could be deduced from the arguments. It’s a bit complicated to explain, but pretty easy to code up.

An interpreter environment will be a lists of frames, and each frame is an association list of variable bindings.

(defun lookup (environment symbol)
  (cond ((consp environment)
         (let ((probe (assoc symbol (car environment))))
           (if probe
               (cdr probe)
               (lookup (cdr environment) symbol))))
        ((null environment) (error "Unbound variable."))
        (t (error "Bogus environment."))))

(defun extend-environment (environment formals values)
  (cons (map ’list #’cons formals values) environment))

define mutates the topmost frame of the environment.

(defun environment-define! (environment symbol value)
  (cond ((consp environment)
         (let ((probe (assoc symbol (car environment))))
           (if probe
               (setf (cdr probe) value)
               (setf (car environment) (acons symbol value (car environment))))))
        ((null environment) (error "No environment."))
        (t (error "Bogus environment."))))

We’ll use Lisp procedures to represent REBOL primitives. The initial environment will have a few built-in primitives:

(defun initial-environment ()
   (list #’+

A closure is a three-tuple

(defclass closure ()
  ((arguments :initarg :arguments :reader closure-arguments)
   (body :initarg :body :reader closure-body)
   (environment :initarg :environment :reader closure-environment)))

An applicable object is either a function or a closure.

(deftype applicable () ’(or closure function))

We need to know how many arguments a function takes. We keep a table of the argument count for the primitives

(defparameter +primitive-arity-table+ (make-hash-table :test #’eq))

(eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
  (setf (gethash #’* +primitive-arity-table+) 2)
  (setf (gethash #’< +primitive-arity-table+) 2)
  (setf (gethash #’+ +primitive-arity-table+) 2)
  (setf (gethash #’- +primitive-arity-table+) 2)
  (setf (gethash #’1- +primitive-arity-table+) 1)
  (setf (gethash #’print +primitive-arity-table+) 1)
  (setf (gethash #’zerop +primitive-arity-table+) 1)

(defun arity (applicable)
  (etypecase applicable
    (closure (length (closure-arguments applicable)))
    (function (or (gethash applicable +primitive-arity-table+)
                  (error "Unrecognized function.")))))

REBOL-EVAL-ONE takes a list of REBOL expressions and returns two values: the value of the leftmost expression in the list, and the list of remaining expressions.

(defun rebol-eval-one (expr-list environment)
  (if (null expr-list)
      (values nil nil)
      (let ((head (car expr-list)))
        (etypecase head

          ((or number string) (values head (cdr expr-list)))

           (case head

              (let ((name (cadr expr-list)))
                (multiple-value-bind (value tail) (rebol-eval-one (cddr expr-list) environment)
                  (environment-define! environment name value)
                  (values name tail))))

              (multiple-value-bind (pred tail) (rebol-eval-one (cdr expr-list) environment)
                (values (rebol-eval-sequence (if (null pred)
                                                 (cadr tail)
                                                 (car tail))
                        (cddr tail))))

                 (values (make-instance ’closure
                          :arguments (cadr expr-list)
                          :body (caddr expr-list)
                          :environment environment)
                  (cdddr expr-list)))

              (let ((value (lookup environment head)))
                (if (typep value ’applicable)
                    (rebol-eval-application value (cdr expr-list) environment)
                    (values value (cdr expr-list)))))))))))

If the leftmost symbol evaluates to something applicable, we find out how many arguments are needed, gobble them up, and apply the applicable:

(defun rebol-eval-n (n expr-list environment)
  (if (zerop n)
      (values nil expr-list)
      (multiple-value-bind (value expr-list*) (rebol-eval-one expr-list environment)
        (multiple-value-bind (values* expr-list**) (rebol-eval-n (1- n) expr-list* environment)
          (values (cons value values*) expr-list**)))))

(defun rebol-eval-application (function expr-list environment)
  (multiple-value-bind (arglist expr-list*) (rebol-eval-n (arity function) expr-list environment)
    (values (rebol-apply function arglist) expr-list*)))

(defun rebol-apply (applicable arglist)
  (etypecase applicable
    (closure  (rebol-eval-sequence (closure-body applicable)
                                   (extend-environment (closure-environment applicable)
                                                       (closure-arguments applicable)
    (function (apply applicable arglist))))

Evaluating a sequence is simply calling rebol-eval-one over and over until you run out of expressions:

(defun rebol-eval-sequence (expr-list environment)
  (multiple-value-bind (value expr-list*) (rebol-eval-one expr-list environment)
    (if (null expr-list*)
        (rebol-eval-sequence expr-list* environment))))

Let’s try it:

(defun testit ()
     define fib
       lambda (x)                         
        (if lessp x 2
            (add fib sub1 x
                 fib sub x 2))

     define fact
       lambda (x)
       (if zerop x
           (mult x fact sub1 x))

     define fact-iter
       lambda (x answer)
       (if zerop x
           (fact-iter sub1 x mult answer x))

     print fib 7
     print fact 6
     print fact-iter 7 1

CL-USER> (testit)


This little interpreter illustrates how basic REBOL evaluation works. But this interpreter doesn’t support iteration. There are no iteration special forms and tail calls are not “safe for space”. Any iteration will run out of stack for a large enough number of repetition.

We have a few options:

  • choose a handful of iteration specail forms like do, repeat, loop, for, while, until etc.
  • invent some sort of iterators
  • make the interpreter tail recursive (safe-for-space).
It seems a no brainer. Making the interpreter tail recursive doesn’t preclude the other two,. In fact, it makes them easier to implement.

To effectively support continuation passing style, you need tail recursion. This alone is a pretty compelling reason to support it.

But it turns out that this is easier said than done. Are you a cruel TA? Give your students this interpreter and ask them to make it tail recursive. The problem is that key recursive calls in the interpreter are not in tail position. These are easy to identify, but you’ll find that fixing them is like flattening a lump in a carpet. You’ll fix tail recursion in one place only to find your solution breaks tail recursion elsewhere.

If our interpreter is written in continuation passing style, it will be syntactically tail recursive, but it won’t be “safe for space” unless the appropriate continuations are η-reduced. If we look at the continuation passing style version of rebol-eval-sequence we’ll see a problem:

(defun rebol-eval-sequence-cps (expr-list environment cont)
  (rebol-eval-one-cps expr-list environment
    (lambda (value expr-list*)
      (if (null expr-list*)
          (funcall cont value)
          (rebol-eval-sequence-cps expr-list* environment cont)))))

We cannot η-reduce the continuation. We cannot make this “safe for space”.

But the continuation contains a conditional, and one arm of the conditional simply invokes the containing continuation, so we can η-convert this if we unwrap the conditional. We’ll do this by passing two continuations to rebol-eval-one-cps as follows

(defun rebol-eval-sequence-cps (expr-list environment cont)
  (rebol-eval-one-cps expr-list environment
     ;; first continuation
     (lambda (value expr-list*)
       (rebol-eval-sequence-cps expr-list* environment cont))
     ;; second continuation, eta converted
rebol-eval-one-cps will call the first continuation if there are any remaining expressions, and it will call the second continuation if it is evaluating the final expression.

This intepreter, with the dual continuations to rebol-eval-one-cps, is safe for space, and it will interpret tail recursive functions without consuming unbounded stack or heap.

But we still have a bit of an implementation problem. We’re allocating an extra continuation per function call. This doesn’t break tail recursion because we discard one of the continuations almost immediately. Our continuations are not allocated and deallocated in strict stack order anymore. We cannot easily convert ths back into a stack machine implementation.

To solve this problem, I rewrote the interpreter using Henry Baker’s Cheney on the M.T.A technique where the interpreter functions were a set of C functions that tail called each other and never returned. The stack would grow until it overflowed and then we’d garbage collect it and reset it. The return addresses pushed by the C function calls were ignored. Instead, continuation structs were stack allocated. These contained function pointers to the continuation. Essentially, we would pass two retun addresses on the stack, each in its own struct. Once the interpreter figured out which continuation to invoke, it would invoke the function pointer in the struct and pass a pointer to the struct as an argument. Thus the continuation struct would act as a closure.

This technique is pretty portable and not too bad to implement, but writing continuation passing style code in portable C is tedious. Even with macros to help, there is a lot of pointer juggling.

One seredipitous advatage of an implementation like this is that first-class continuations are essentially free. Now I’m not wedded to the idea of first-class continuations, but they make it much easier to implement error handling and advanced flow control, so if you get them for free, in they go.

With it’s Polish notation, tail recursion, and first-class continuations, REBOL was described as an unholy cross between TCL and Scheme. “The result of Outsterhout and Sussman meeting in a dark alley.”

Current versions of REBOL use a simplified interpreter that does not support tail recursion or first-class continuations.