Final ORBO PowerCube Designs

Friday, June 26, 2015

Love it or hate it, these two designs represent the final choice of logo to go on the front of Steorn's revolutionary free energy device.

The ORBO PowerCube is a USB charging station with a difference. It's powered by no conceivable or identifiable power source. I guess you could say its powered by the universe. The idea is simple, you attach your electronic device by means of a USB cable, tap the PowerCube to start it and say goodbye to ever needing batteries or the power company ever again!

Some people love the design and some people hate it, but as I mentioned to Steorn CEO Shaun McCarthy tonight, it really doesn't matter too much what the device looks like.  It represents a milestone in the evolutionary path of our species. In its present form it is confronting and represents a physics shattering moment of reevaluation to our scientific understanding.

The ORBO PowerCube measures approx 9cm across and has one USB cable port for connecting the device of your choice.

There is still no indication from Steorn on their pricing strategy but once word gets out to the still sleeping mainstream press and the general public realises this is most certainly the real deal, then they will be inundated with orders to be one of the first to own a technological miracle.

And this my just the beginning.

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ORBO Field Trial Reported in The Irish Times

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Today the Irish Times has reported on the recent field trial of Steorn's ORBO USB 'PowerCube' at Slattery's Pub, Dublin.

The ORBO PowerCube sitting behind the bar at Slattery's Pub, Dublin

Last week the alleged never-die battery known as the Orbo PowerCube briefly appeared behind the bar in Slattery’s pub on Grand Canal Street, where patrons were treated to what is believed to be one in a series of low key field-tests.

“Soon after I got there a bit of ceremonial music came on and they brought out this silver box. The manager [of Slattery’s] got up on a step ladder and plonked it down on a shelf. It was a four by four-inch box with the Orbo logo on it,” said patron Aidan Sullivan who was present for the field-test.
Phones Being Charged by ORBO at Slatterys
“The manager produced a mobile phone and connected it to the box, which appeared to be charging it,” he added.

On the pub’s Facebook page, Slattery’s representative describes the Orbo as “a battery and then a perpetual motion motor that continually recharges the battery,” adding that “the motor never dies and does not need external power source.”

In theory, this technology is powered by interacting magnetic fields which feed a battery which then has the ability to charge electronic devices indefinitely without ever needing to be charged itself – a feat that would defy the laws of thermodynamics.

However, Slattery’s appear to be taking it with a pinch of salt, writing on Facebook: “I heard if you plug an Orbo into another Orbo it can mend holes in the o zone [sic] layer.”

Those looking to get their hands on one of these devices will have to exercise perpetual patience. Steorn chief executive Shaun McCarthy told The Irish Times: “We are not offering any Orbo products for sale, we are just doing some basic field trials.”

In addition, Mr McCarthy said the company is not publicising the locations of the field trial units

Update: ORBO PowerCube Has Left Slatterys

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Steorn's ORBO PowerCube has left Slatterys, presumably reclaimed by Steorn after its brief encounter with the patrons and staff of Slat's'. Slatterys seemed a little disappointed that the device had been reclaimed so soon - here's waht they said on their Facebook Page.

'The device is no longer here. A little too much attention for a quiet field test. I may have gone over the top posting about it so my bad. I'm hoping that we can get her back under more strict media conditions but Slattery's Pub not exactly a quiet pub hence the perfect place to display it.' -Slatterys

The PowerCube was left at Slatterys Pub in Dublin over the weekend and while it was there, it got a lot of attention. In it's brief spell sitting behind the bar it successfully charged numerous customers and staff smartphones, including HTC's, Samsung and iPhones and had people perplexed and amazed.

Sadly,it has now gone, but we have had a tantalising taste of what is to come from Steorn in 2015 and beyond.  To the already convinced it's a revolution-in-a-cube, but many questions remain for the sceptical out there as one would expect.

There is no word yet on the price and availability of this 'must have' gadget, but we hope to get more information soon to share.

ORBO Update From Slatterys - Still Charging Phones!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Steorn CEO Shaun McCarthy's local is Slattery's Pub in Grand Canal St, Dublin.  Slattery's has been the venue for the very first impromptu field-testing of the device - A Free Energy USB charger.  The Orbo 'PowerCube' has been sitting on a shelf behind the bar for the last few days and staff have been offering to charge customers smartphones for them when they come into the pub.

11th May 2015 - Here's the latest update from Slattery's on how it's all going.

#‎ORBO‬ "We plugged in our 15% Samsung note 4 this morning at 12.40. You can see it charging. I was not in this morning but Michael carried out the task. Steph who came in after needed the phone so used it for various reasons. By 2.40pm the battery was at 30%. So it had been charged this morning. 

We are downloading data from the diagnostics on the back so I'm sure I'll be able to share what we learn from it. I'll be in at 5pm to run another charge and will report."

The 'PowerCube' sitting in it's 'nest' behind the bar at Slattery's.

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WOW! Orbo Successfully Charging Mobile Phones

Saturday, May 9, 2015

As many of you know already, the Orbo 'PowerCube' (USB Free Energy Charger) was left at Slatterys pub in Dublin for 'field Testing'.

I am happy to report that the results are nothing short of astounding. See below..

"We had many people in that sat down in groups and had come to see Orbo in action. She didn't disappoint. She charged many phones, iPhone and Samsung types some HTC. The recharge speeds were more or less normal if you used normal plug source"

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Orbo Field Test FREE ENERGY - Charges Device!

Field Test of Orbo Last Night - Charges Device!

Please bear in mind that this is not a proper demo, or a technical evaluation, just a field test in the pub. You can just see the battery indicator spring into life, changing from a solid block to the lighting symbol as the guy in the video zooms in on the screen. The video is from a mobile phone and it is not expected to be professional quality.

No-one is pretending that this is in any way a credible test or scientific However, it is the very first time a commercial overunity device made for the home market has ever been shown in action.

The Orbo 'PowerCube' is an overunity USB charger for charging your electrical devices such as mobile phones and laptops which has no conventional means of power.

"The future is green" - as can be heard on the video.

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