Doug Stevenson
Developer Advocate

The Cloud Functions for Firebase team is pleased to provide a turnkey solution for secure, scheduled functions using Firebase tools and SDKs.

One of the most common questions about Google Cloud Functions is how to schedule a function for regular execution, similar to a cron job. In the past, the Firebase team recommended solutions involving App Engine or third party schedulers as a scheduling mechanism to invoke a function, which works fine. However, solutions that involve the invocation of an HTTP function aren’t fully secure, because the HTTP endpoint URL is effectively public and accessible to anyone who knows that URL. And, solutions that involve creating and sending messages to a Cloud Pub/Sub endpoint can be difficult to manage.

Recently, Google Cloud released Cloud Scheduler, which allows you to schedule HTTP requests or Cloud Pub/Sub messages to functions that you deploy. You can follow a tutorial for getting that set up in your project, if you like. But today, it gets even easier than that, and it doesn’t require working with the Google Cloud console.

Firebase now supports a new type of Pub/Sub function, built on top of Cloud Scheduler, that automatically configures Cloud Scheduler, along with a Pub/Sub topic, that invokes a function that you define using the Cloud Functions for Firebase SDK.

If you’re using version 2.3.0 of the firebase-functions NodeJS module, along with 6.7.0 of the Firebase CLI, you can now define functions that use Google Scheduler’s standard cron syntax like this:

export scheduledFunctionCrontab =
functions.pubsub.schedule('5 11 * * *').onRun((context) => {
    console.log('This will be run every day at 11:05 AM UTC!');

You can schedule invocations using an English description as well:

export scheduledFunctionPlainEnglish =
functions.pubsub.schedule('every 5 minutes').onRun((context) => {
    console.log('This will be run every 5 minutes!');

To get started with scheduled functions using Firebase tools, navigate to the documentation, and check out this sample available in GitHub. Your project must be on the Blaze payment plan, as Cloud Scheduler and Pub/Sub require billing information. Each Cloud Scheduler job costs $0.10 (USD) per month, and there is an allowance of three free jobs per Google account. Besides the normal costs for Cloud Functions, the costs for this feature are the same as if you set up the underlying infrastructure manually - for more information, check out the full pricing information for Cloud Scheduler and Cloud PubSub.

Patrick Martin
Developer Advocate

Today we're excited to announce Firebase Hosting integration for Google Cloud’s new Cloud Run service. Cloud Run is a fully managed compute platform that enables developers to run stateless containers that are invocable via HTTP requests in a language and framework of their choosing. Firebase Hosting integration lets you use this architecture as a backend for a web app or microservice in your Firebase project.

Firebase Hosting is already a convenient and secure way to host sites and microservices. It can serve static pages you upload directly and, with the proper configuration in the firebase.json file, direct incoming requests to Cloud Functions for Firebase to serve dynamic content. This workflow is a one stop shop if you don’t mind working in the NodeJS environment. You can already build a fast site with dynamic content that automatically scales horizontally to meet user demand.

Not every developer wants to work with NodeJS though. Many already have large teams with existing knowledge in other languages and frameworks. Languages such as Go, Ruby, and Java have a huge presence in the server market but are currently absent in Firebase’s existing cloud backend solutions.

Leveraging the power of Google’s own experience building infrastructure for Kubernetes and the efforts of the Knative open source project, Google Cloud Platform now lets you deploy stateless servers. The only requirements are that you can generate a docker image able to interact to HTTP requests on the port specified in the $PORT environment variable for Kubernetes and that you respond within 60 seconds for Firebase Hosting. How does this tie into Firebase Hosting though?

If you’re new to Hosting, you may only be aware of static hosting or the free SSL certificates. To facilitate serving dynamic content, rewrites allow you to hit your cloud functions, which we’ve extended to support Cloud Run as well. With a few minor changes to your firebase.json file, you can now point a specific path to your container:

  "hosting": {
    "public": "public",
    "rewrites": [ {
      "source": "/cloudrun",
      "run": {
        "serviceId": "my-awesome-api",
        // Optional (default is us-central1)
        "region": "us-central1",
    } ]

or use wildcards to expose an entire API

  "hosting": {
    "public": "public",
    "rewrites": [ {
      "source": "/api/**",
      "run": {
        "serviceId": "my-awesome-api",
        // Optional (default is us-central1)
        "region": "us-central1",
    } ]

If you have a dynamic site that doesn’t update very frequently, take advantage of Firebase Hosting’s global CDN (content delivery network) to improve your site’s response time. For example, if you’re using ExpressJS and NodeJS, configure the caching behavior using the Cache-Control header like so:

 res.set('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=300, s-maxage=600');

which caches the results of a request in the browser (max-age) for 5 minutes and in the CDN (s-maxage) for 10 minutes. With properly tuned cache settings, you can have a fast, flexible, dynamically rendered site that doesn’t need to run your server logic every time the user opens the page.

Unlike Cloud Functions for Firebase, when you use Cloud Run, you can build an image with any combination of languages and frameworks to handle these requests. Ruby developers can easily pull in Sinatra, you can fire up the Spring framework for Java teams, or check out server side Dart using Shelf to serve content. You don’t have to wait for any official language support -- if you can create a docker container, you can make and deploy backend code. Even if you’re working in high performance computing and your engineering team is trained up in Fortran, you can just leverage that existing knowledge to create a web dashboard with without having to wait for any official support from Google or Firebase.

Similar to Cloud Functions, Cloud Run automatically scales your containers horizontally to meet the demands of your users. There’s no need to manage clusters or node pools; you simply use the resources needed at the time to accomplish the task at hand. One tradeoff is that, also like Cloud Functions, Cloud Run images are stateless. However, unlike Cloud Functions, each container can handle up to 80 concurrent users, which can help reduce the frequency of cold starts.

Using Firebase Hosting with Cloud Run, we hope to empower you to build better web apps faster than ever before. Now your frontend and backend developers can truly use a single language, even share a code base. To get started right away, follow our step-by-step guide. Note that Cloud Run exists in the Google Cloud console rather than the Firebase console, but if you have a Firebase project then you already have a Google Cloud Platform project as well.

Todd Kerpelman
Developer Advocate

Hey there, Firebase developers!

Well, Cloud Next 2019 is upon us, and if you happen to be one of the several thousand people descending upon Moscone Center this year and want to get your fill of Firebase knowledge, you're in luck! There are a bunch of great sessions the Firebase team is putting on throughout the conference. And if you want to talk to any of us in person, swing on by the App Dev zone in the expo area. We'll be at the Firebase booth from now until Thursday the 11th.

But if you're not able to make it to beautiful downtown San Francisco this year, never fear! You can still find out everything that's new with Firebase in this blog post, so read on!

Firebase Products Are Now Included in GCP Support

For those of you who are Google Cloud Platform customers, we are pleased to announce that the GCP support plan now includes support for Firebase products. This means that if you are using any of the paid GCP support packages, you can get the same high-quality support that you've come to expect from GCP for Firebase products as well. This includes target response times as quick as 15 minutes, technical account management (for enterprise customers), phone support, and much more.

Now if you're not a paying GCP customer, don't worry -- free community support isn't going anywhere. But for many of our larger customers who were interested in a more robust paid support experience, this new option is welcome news. To find out more, you can check out the support pages on the GCP site as well as the Firebase Support Guide.

Firebase Hosting Supports Cloud Run

One of the new GCP products that we announced at this year's Cloud Next is Cloud Run, a fully managed compute platform that lets you run stateless containers which you can invoke via HTTP requests. And we're happy to announce that you can use Cloud Run in conjunction with Firebase Hosting.

Why do you care? Because Firebase Hosting isn't just good for hosting static sites. You can run microservices on top of Hosting as well. In the past, you did this by connecting your Hosting site with Cloud Functions for Firebase, which meant that you had to write all of your code in Node.js. But now that you can deploy stateless servers through Cloud Run and have Hosting talk to them, you can build your microservices in anything from Python to Ruby to Swift.

This is a pretty deep topic which deserves its own blog post, so keep an eye out for that in the next couple of days. Or check out the documentation if you want to get started today.

Way More Powerful Filtering for Analytics

In the past, you could filter your event reports in Google Analytics for Firebase by a single user property (or audience). So you could quickly answer questions like how many iOS 12 users were signing up for your newsletter. But up until now, you couldn't filter by more than one different user property at once. So if you wanted to find out how many iOS 12 users on iPad Pros were signing up for your newsletter, that wasn't really possible.

Well, we're happy to announce that you'll be able to filter your Analytics event reports by any number of different user properties or audiences -- both ones defined by Firebase as well as custom user properties -- at the same time. So if you want to find out how many iOS 12 users with iPad Pros who prefer dogs over cats signed up for your newsletter, that's now something you can see directly within the Firebase console.

This change is currently rolled out to a small number of users, and will be available to everybody over the next few weeks. This will apply automatically to all of your data going back to December of 2018 when it becomes available, so hop on over to the Firebase console and give it a try!

Custom Domains for Dynamic Links

About 9 months ago ago, we gave developers the ability to create nicer looking domains for their Dynamic Links. So instead of having Dynamic Links with domains that looked like, you could set them to something much nicer, like

We improved upon this feature to give you the ability to create dynamic links with any custom domain you own. So if you want to create a link with a domain like, this is now something you can do with Dynamic Links.

The one caveat here is that your site needs to be hosted using Firebase Hosting. If migrating your primary domain over to Firebase Hosting isn't feasible, you can easily setup a subdomain of your site instead. For instance, maybe you can't move all of to Firebase Hosting, but you could pretty easily set up on Firebase Hosting, and use that for your Dynamic Links moving forward.

To find out more about custom domains in Dynamic Links and to get started, make sure to check out the documentation.

More Coming Soon!

Of course, we're always rolling out new features and improvements to the Firebase platform, and with I/O happening just next month, maybe we'll have something more to talk about in May 😉. There's only one way to find out: Attend I/O in person, or keep reading the Firebase blog! (Okay, that's two ways. Counting was never a strong suit of mine.)

Christiaan Prins
Product Manager
Max Gubin
Software Engineer

Today we are announcing the release of two new features to ML Kit: Language Identification and Smart Reply.

You might notice that both of these features are different from our existing APIs that were all focused on image/video processing. Our goal with ML Kit is to offer powerful but simple-to-use APIs to leverage the power of ML, independent of the domain. As such, we are excited to expand ML Kit with solutions for Natural Language Processing (NLP)!

NLP is a category of ML that deals with analyzing and generating text, speech, and other kinds of natural language data. We're excited to start out with two APIs: one that helps you identify the language of text, and one that generates reply suggestions in chat applications. Both of these features work fully on-device and are available on the latest version of the ML Kit SDK, on iOS (9.0 and higher) and Android (4.1 and higher).

Generate reply suggestions based on previous messages

A new feature popping up in messaging apps is to provide the user with a selection of suggested responses, either as actions on a notification or inside the app itself. This can really help a user to quickly respond when they are busy or a handy way to initiate a longer message.

With the new Smart Reply API you can now quickly achieve the same in your own apps. The API provides suggestions based on the last 10 messages in a conversation, although it still works if only one previous message is available. It is a stateless API that fully runs on-device, so we don't keep message history in memory nor send it to a server.

textPlus app providing response suggestions using Smart Reply

We have worked closely with partners like textPlus to ensure Smart Reply is ready for prime time and they have now implemented in-app response suggestions with the latest version of their app (screenshot above).

Adding Smart Reply to your own app is done with a simple function call (using Kotlin in this example):

val smartReply = FirebaseNaturalLanguage.getInstance().smartReply
        .addOnSuccessListener { result ->
            if (result.status == SmartReplySuggestionResult.STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED_LANGUAGE) {
                // The conversation's language isn't supported, so the
                // the result doesn't contain any suggestions.
            } else if (result.status == SmartReplySuggestionResult.STATUS_SUCCESS) {
                // Task completed successfully
                // ...
        .addOnFailureListener {
            // Task failed with an exception
            // ...

After you initialize a Smart Reply instance, call suggestReplies with a list of recent messages. The callback provides the result which contains a list of suggestions.

For details on how to use the Smart Reply API, check out the documentation.

Tell me more ...

Although as a developer, you can just pick up this new API and easily get it integrated in your app, it may be interesting to reveal a bit on how it works under the hood. At the core of Smart Reply is a machine-learned model that is executed using TensorFlow Lite and has a state-of-the-art modern architecture based on SentencePiece text encoding[1] and Transformer[2].

However, as we realized when we started development of the API, the core suggestion model is not all that’s needed to provide a solution that developers can use in their apps. For example, we added a model to detect sensitive topics, so that we avoid making suggestions in response to profanity or in cases of personal tragedy/hardship. Also, we included language identification, to ensure we do not provide suggestions for languages the core model is not trained on. The Smart Reply feature is launching with English support first.

Identify the language of a piece of text

The language of a given text string is a subtle but helpful piece of information. A lot of apps have functionality with a dependency on the language: you can think of features like spell checking, text translation or Smart Reply. Rather than asking a user to specify the language they use, you can use our new Language Identification API.

ML Kit recognizes text in 110 different languages and typically only requires a few words to make an accurate determination. It is fast as well, typically providing a response within 1 to 2 ms across iOS and Android phones.

Similar to the Smart Reply API, you can identify the language with a function call (using Kotlin in this example):

val languageIdentification =
    .identifyLanguage("¿Cómo estás?")
    .addOnSuccessListener { identifiedLanguage ->
        Log.i(TAG, "Identified language: $identifiedLanguage")
    .addOnFailureListener { e ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Language identification error", e)

The identifyLanguage functions takes a piece of a text and its callback provides a BCP-47 language code. If no language can be confidently recognized, ML Kit returns a code of und for undetermined. The Language Identification API can also provide a list of possible languages and their confidence values.

For details on how to use the Language Identification API, check out the documentation.

Get started today

We're really excited to expand ML Kit to include Natural Language APIs. Give the two new NLP APIs a spin today and let us know what you think! You can always reach us in our Firebase Talk Google Group.

As ML Kit grows we look forward to adding more APIs and categories that enables you to provide smarter experiences for your users. With that, please keep an eye out for some exciting ML Kit announcements at Google I/O.