Copyright 2025 Robert Clark
In the last blog post, "Could Blue Origin offer it’s own rocket to the Moon?", I suggested that with technically feasible upgrades of the New Glenn booster engine, New Glenn might be transformed into a Saturn V-class, 100 tons to LEO, Moon rocket.
An objection raised to the calculations I presented there was that the maximum New Glenn first stage tank size I was using did not include ullage space, i.e., the space left unfilled or filled with gas to account for boiloff. Three possible solutions: first, even with the commonly used estimate of ca. 1,150 tons propellant load it would require just a ca. 10% increase in tank size to get the prop. load in the 1,300 ton range. SpaceX has shown that additional tank rings have been swapped in and out of the Starship to get an additional propellant load increase of this size or more.
Second, an announcement from the Texas State Senate has indicated Blue Origin has been assigned a grant to increase the New Glenn prop.load by subcooling, i.e., densifying the propellant. Propellant subcooling typically results in an approx. 10% propellant load increase.
Third, New Glenn's, Moon lander uses hydrolox so it must make use of some zero-boil-off tech to not lose too much hydrogen over a mission lasting several days. This same tech might be able to be used on the New Glenn first stage to minimize the need for ullage.
Therefore we'll work on the basis the New Glenn can be upgraded to get ca. 100 tons to LEO as expendable.
Getting a crewed lander.
The space industry was pleasantly surprised by Blue Origin's New Glenn being able to reach orbit on its first launch. They were even more surprised by the announcement the next mission planned will take a cargo lander to the Moon as early as March, though more recently they've only said sometime in late Spring.
The success of Blue Origin reaching orbit on the first launch with New Glenn and the rapidity at which they wish to progress to launching a lunar lander on the Moon shows the importance in having a top notch Chief Engineer such as David Limp making the technical decisions. If SpaceX had taken the route of hiring a true Chief Engineer, they would already be flying the Starship with paying customers at least in expendable mode. Moreover, they would recognize having a launcher as expendable with 250 ton capacity means they could do single launch missions to the Moon or Mars, no SLS, no multiple refueling flights required.
As it is, SpaceX is in real danger of being lapped by Blue Origin in having a manned Moon rocket or even a Mars rocket.
Blue Origin has stated their Blue Moon Mk1 cargo lander will have a 21,350 kg fueled mass, and payload of 3,000 kg payload to the Moon one-way.
Blue Moon Mk1 cargo lunar lander.
Given the delta-v requirements for getting to the Moon we can make estimates of its propellant and dry mass values:
Delta-V budget.
Earth–Moon space. Reports are the current version of the New Glenn has a payload to LEO of 25 tons. A 21,350 kg fueled mass of the Blue Moon Mk1 lander plus 3 tons cargo would be 24,350 kg, just under the payload capacity of the current New Glenn.
This though means Blue Moon has to provide the delta-v for trans-lunar injection(TLI) and insertion into lunar orbit as well as lunar landing. From the table the total of TLI and insertion into low lunar orbit and landing is 5.93 km/s, 5930 m/s.
The engine on the lander is supposed to be the BE-7 hydrolox engine upgraded from the BE-3 used on the New Glenn's upper stage. We'll assume the BE-7 has about the same vacuum Isp of the BE-3, of 445 s. Then taking the propellant load of the Blue Moon as 18.35 tons and dry mass as 3 tons allows it to get 3 tons in cargo to the 5,930 m/s delta-v needed to go from LEO to the lunar surface, plus some margin:
445*9.81Ln(1 + 18.35/(3 +3)) = 6,110 m/s.
The Blue Moon Mk1 is also already developed and paid for by Blue Origin on its own dime. And it is established fact at this point that spaceflight components, rockets or spacecraft, as developed by commercial space, and privately funded saves 90% off the previous governmentally financed approach that is paid for by governmental space agencies such as NASA.
A key fact not yet generally recognized is that we are already at the long desired point of having spaceflight being sufficiently low cost that it can be fully financed by commercial space and private funding only, no governmental financing required at all. BUT such low costs hold true only if it is privately funded.
A majorly important example is the Mars Sample Return mission. There is much hand-wringing at NASA and among space science advocates about the $10 billion price tag estimated by NASA for MSL. But in point of fact this mission and all space science missions going forward can be paid for at 1/100th the costs estimated by NASA by following the commercial space approach. And in fact the costs as privately funded would be so low, such missions could even be mounted as privately financed at a profit. See discussion here:
Low Cost Commercial Mars Sample Return.
The argument for this is quite simple. SpaceX and now multiple other space startups have confirmed that development costs as privately funded are 1/10th the costs of governmental funded development costs. But then production costs of individual space components rockets or spacecraft are commonly 1/10th or less than their development costs. As a space company paying for a space project on your own dime, rather than paying the large development costs of a new component you would just naturally use ones that already exist, resulting in far smaller outlay on your end. Then taking into account 1/10th cheaper development cost overall as privately financed and 1/10th or lower cost using already existing components, rather than developing them from scratch, the result is 1/100th or less cost than the usual development costs estimated by NASA following the government financed approach.
So we already have a lander in the Blue Moon Mk1. But could this serve as a crewed lander? Yes, it can because of a key fact being overlooked by NASA: Artemis is not Constellation's Apollo on steroids, It is in fact Apollo 2.0.
Perhaps NASA didn't want to acknowledge this so that it would continue to get funding. Just saying Artemis is Apollo redone would not sound nearly as impressive or necessary. But it is important to understand this point.
The argument for this conclusion is quite elementary. The primary launcher of Constellation was the Ares V. It was intended to have a startling 188 tons to LEO payload capacity. But there was more to Constellation than that still. The crew were intended to be launched separately to LEO by the Ares I. This had the payload capacity to LEO of 25 tons. Then the Constellation plan with its two launchers could get ca. 210 tons to LEO. This is about twice that of Apollo, but more importantly its about twice as much as Artemis. So in point of fact in the key measure of payload mass to orbit Artemis is Apollo. It is far from Constellation was capable of.
Once, this is understood then it is understood Artemis should not try to get a lander the size of the Altair lander of Constellation at 45 tons. It should try to get one comparable in size to Apollo.
Instead, NASA is seeking that Altair sized lander such as the crewed version of the Blue Origin lander, the Blue Moon Mk2 also at 45 tons,
Blue Moon Mk2 crewed lunar lander.
or, worse seeking to get the 1,200 ton Starship HLS with multiple refuelings to fit in the Artemis architecture.
Instead we'll show the Mk1 cargo lander can form the lunar lander for single launch crewed lunar mission format based on the New Glenn as launcher.
Architecture 1: this will be analogous to the Early Lunar Access proposal of NASA, a proposed follow-on to Apollo.
The salient feature of this proposal is it used a single crew capsule for the full round trip from Earth orbit, all the way to the lunar surface, and back to Earth, thus no separate lunar module, i.e., no lunar orbit rendezvous(LOR).
You see from the table of delta-v's the delta-v needed from the lunar surface back to Earth is 2.74 km/s, 2,740 m/s. This would not put you in Earth orbit though but on a ballistic return trajectory to reenter Earth's atmosphere, a la the Apollo command module.
The total round-trip delta-v would be 2.74 km/s + 5.93 km/s = 8.67 km/s, 8,670 m/s.
The extra delta-v could be provided by the Delta IV Heavy's upper stage, now being used for the interim upper stage of the SLS. This stage would be put atop the New Glenn as a 3rd stage performing the role of a "Earth Departure Stage" for the push to translunar injection. Carrying the Mk1 with a 3 ton crew module it could get:
465*9.81Ln(1 + 27.2/(3.5 + 24.35)) = 3,110 km/s, sufficient for translunar injection(TLI) of the 24.35 ton total mass of the Mk1 lander and crew module.
This 3rd stage plus the Mk1 and crew module would have a total mass of 30.7 + 24.35 = 55.05 tons. The cited 45 ton payload capacity of the New Glenn to LEO was a for a partially reusable version, with the booster landing downrange. Then for an expendable use it should get ca. 60 tons to LEO, sufficient for the purpose.
However, the key question is of a crew capsule that would be analogous to the Apollo Command capsule or the Orion capsule or the Dragon capsule but only at ca. 3 tons dry mass. This is only half the dry mass of the Apollo Command capsule but required to play a similar role.
A research report of Prof. David Akin of the University of Maryland aerospace department suggests this is indeed possible:
Phoenix: A Low-Cost Commercial Approach to the Crew Exploration Vehicle
Abstract: Since the announcement of President Bush’s Vision for Space Exploration (VSE) in early 2004, the architecture of Project Constellation has been selected. The system will be centered around the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV), which has been dubbed by NASA administrator Michael Griffin as “Apollo on steroids”. The CEV is to be launched on a new launch vehicle, derived from existing shuttle technology. The development of this new
spacecraft and launch vehicle is a very costly proposition. An alternate approach is proposed in this study. The Phoenix is a smaller spacecraft designed specifically to be launched on the Falcon 5 vehicle under development by SpaceX. Because the SpaceX vehicle will cost only a fraction of today’s launch costs, the Phoenix is estimated to cost less than half of the price of the CEV. This reusable three person capsule utilizes an innovative re-entry concept, which allows for a cylindrical spacecraft with greater interior volume. This extremely cost-effective spacecraft is an attractive option for fulfilling VSE requirements.
Below is page 3 from this report:
Since the Cygnus cargo capsule of Orbital Sciences, now a division of Northrop Grumman, of comparable size to the Phoenix proposal, already exits I suggest basing it on the Cygnus just given life support and heat shield. Remember our dictum is, "Use existing resources to save on costs if available."
The proposed heat shield for the Phoenix was a "parashield", a combined parachute and heat shield:
And a proposed heat shield of the Cygnus to make it reusable was an inflatable:
These may indeed work. But to get to an operational system minimizing development work and cost I advise simply making the Cygnus tapered like most manned capsules and using a traditional heat shield beneath it:
For both the Soyuz and Dragon, they have relatively small taper angle so you would lose a relatively small size in capsule interior volume by giving the Cygnus a similar side taper.
Quite notable is with this option you can get a crewed Moon mission with only a single launch of a 60 ton to LEO launcher. Then both the New Glenn as expendable or the Falcon Heavy as expendable could do it in a single launch.
Robert Zubrin had proposed a Moon mission architecture using the Falcon Heavy with his "Moon Direct" proposal but it would require two launches of the Falcon Heavy to do it. This alternative approach could do it in a single launch provided it is indeed possible to produce an Apollo Command module analogue of dry mass only 3 tons.
Architecture 2: an Apollo sized capsule.
The Apollo architecture that had the Apollo Command Module to carry the astronauts for the in space portion of the trip from LEO to lunar orbit with a separate smaller capsule for the lander, had an advantage in providing backup capability. This was quite fortunate during the Apollo 13 mission when the Apollo LEM had to sustain the crew for a part of the time on the way back to Earth.
There is still the question of whether you can make the Apollo Command Module analogue only at 3 tons dry mass. So here we'll do the calculations for an analogous architecture to that of Apollo with a main crew capsule for the in-space portion of the flight and a smaller, separate crew module for the lander.
I estimated above the Blue Moon Mk1 lunar lander has about a 6 to 1 propellant load to dry mass ratio, at 18.35 tons prop load to 3 tons dry mass. But the Mk1 was designed to do all the propulsion from LEO, to translunar injection(TLI), to low lunar orbit insertion, to lunar landing, with a 3 ton cargo. If the only thing required is to go from low lunar orbit to the lunar surface and back with a 3 ton crew module then a much smaller lander can be used.
I'll assume you can a smaller lander at 1/3rd the Mk1 size with a 6 ton prop load while maintaining the 6 to 1 prop mass to dry mass ratio, so 1 ton dry mass. First, from the Earth-Moon delta-v table, the delta-v one way from low lunar orbit to the lunar surface is 1,870 m/s. Then the round-trip delta-v is 3,740. Note now, the smaller lunar lander can provide a delta-v of:
445*9.81Ln(1 + 6/(1 + 3)) = 4,000 m/s, sufficient for the round-trip from lunar orbit to the surface and back to lunar orbit.
Now we need a propulsive stage to do the burn to insert the 6 ton main crew capsule and 10 ton lander into low lunar orbit, and to do the burn to bring the main capsule back to Earth, a la the Apollo architecture. For this we'll use a stage half-size to the Mk1 at 9 ton prop load and 1.5 ton dry mass.
The burn to escape low lunar orbit is commonly estimated as 800 m/s to 900 m/s, same as that for the burn to enter into low lunar orbit. Then 2 tons of propellant is required to be left over as reserve for the return of the primary capsule to Earth, the lander being jettisoned a la the Apollo architecture:
445*9.81Ln(1 + 2/(1.5 + 6)) = 1,030 m/s.
Then 7 tons of propellant out of 9, with the 2 tons left in reserve for the return, is sufficient to put the 6 ton primary capsule and the 10 ton lander into low lunar orbit:
445*9.81Ln(1 + 7/(1.5 + 6 +10 +2)) = 1,340 m/s.
The rather large margin of 1,340 m/s over the maximum 900 m/s needed to insert into low lunar orbit suggests we might be able to do with a somewhat smaller stage for this purpose, perhaps 7 tons instead of 9 tons prop load.
Now the total mass that needs to be sent to TLI is 9 + 1.5 + 6 + 10 = 26.5 tons. We'll use again the upper stage of the Delta IV Heavy to do the TLI burn:
465*9.81Ln(1 +27.2/(3.5 + 26.5)) = 2,940 m/s.
This is slightly less than the value commonly given for TLI in the range of 3,000 m/s to 3,100 m/s. But the propulsive stage that's used to insert into lunar orbit had so much margin that it could be used to provide the slight extra push to make TLI.
Or as I mentioned that propulsive stage for the lunar orbit insertion, essentially reprising the role of the Apollo's Service Module, had so much margin we could make it smaller to ca. 7 tons prop load. Then the TLI total mass would be the same as the Architecture 1 case. And the Delta IV Heavy's upper stage could get the total mass to TLI on its own.
It's still quite notable that doing it either way we still could launch the full system to orbit on a 60 ton to LEO launcher.
Flights to the Moon at costs similar to costs of flights to the ISS.
I said Artemis is really Apollo redone based on its payload size. It is not Constellation. It is not "Apollo on Steroids". Does it have any value then? I am arguing the goal of getting sustainable lunar habitation is important and doable now. It probably can't be done by Artemis though in a sustainable fashion considering that both the Orion capsule and SLS already each, separately cost $2 billion per flight. When you add on the over-large proposed landers the SpaceX HLS or the New Glenn MK2 each costing ca. $2 billion per flight, and the the Boeing EUS, advanced composite casing SRB's, and lunar Gateway, the total per flight would be in the range of $8 billion to $10 billion per flight.
It is now becoming increasing likely that Artemis will be cancelled. The only question now is will it be cancelled before Artemis II or will Artemis II be allowed to fly and then the program would be cancelled.
However, the most important fact is sustainable lunar habitation can be done following the commercial space approach making use of already existing space assets. As I mentioned the combined effect of both these factors can cut the costs of such missions by a factor of 1/100. For example both the Falcon Heavy and the New Glenn cost in the range of ca. $100 million. The small size of the additional in-space stages probably can be done for less than $100 million under the commercial space approach.
And the crew capsules? An unexpected calculation suggests they can be done together for less than $100 million. For instance back in 2009, Orbital Science contracted Thales Alenia to construct the Cygnus capsule for 180 million euros for 9 capsules, about 20 million euros each.
A further contract Thales Alenia made with Axiom Space illustrates how low cost such modules can be while illuminating also how much more expensive space systems are when government funded compared to being privately funded. A contract Thales Alenia made to Axiom Space for two space station modules was only $110 million for two:
14 JUL 2021
Rome 15 July, 2021 – Thales Alenia Space, Joint Venture between Thales (67%) and Leonardo (33%), and Axiom Space of Houston, Texas (USA), have signed the final contract for the development of two key pressurized elements of Axiom Space Station - the world’s first commercial space station. Scheduled for launch in 2024 and 2025 respectively, the two elements will originally be docked to the International Space Station (ISS), marking the birth of the new Axiom Station segment. The value of the contract is 110 Million Euro. The individual modules have about 75 cubic meters pressurized space for four crew members, and already have life support systems.
Now compare that to the HALO module Northrop Grumman contracted with NASA to produce at a cost of $935 million:
Northrop charges on lunar Gateway module program reach $100 million.
by Jeff Foust
January 25, 2024
Northrop received a $935 million fixed-price contract from NASA in July 2021 to build the module, which is based on the company’s Cygnus cargo spacecraft. HALO will provide initial living accommodations on the Gateway and includes several docking ports for visiting Orion spacecraft and lunar landers as well as additional modules provided by international partners. It will launch together with the Maxar-built Power and Propulsion Element (PPE) on a Falcon Heavy.
Based on the "Super" 4-Segment version of the Cygnus, it might have a volume of ca. 33.5 cubic meters:
The Axiom Space AxH1 habitation modules at 70 cubic meters have double the space of the HALO modules but, as privately financed, cost less than 1/10th as much as government financed HALO modules.
The needed crew module would be well cut down in size from the 70 cubic meters of the Axiom space station habitation module, with a comparable reduction in cost. Addition of a heat shield would cost a fraction of the total cost of the crew module itself.
Then the crew modules for the main capsule or of the lander module might cost in the range of a few 10's of millions of dollars.