Sabtu, 30 November 2013

Leon Pulsa Murah

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Senin, 25 November 2013

Rise of the Serpent People

Once you know what to look for, it sure takes the laborious process of detective work away! This is certainly the case with identifying these other humanoid beings who have infiltrated the earth. We were told in the Bible of “seed of the serpent” and there are other ancient accounts, which even predate the Bible – of serpent headed beings! They were also known to be of another vibration, meaning another dimension.

(Start at 1:53) Sports reporter Rich King and his bizarre snake like behavior

These serpent beings have hatred toward the human race because of what I call interdimensional racism and to serpent beings all humans are ______________ , feel free to pencil in any racial epithet here. You must understand, all it takes for you to be loathed by these serpent beings is to be human regardless of skin tone. I believe the hatred is exacerbated if you are a Believer in the Most High and His Son. We have all been targeted for enslavement or termination based on the agenda of the serpent beings and I believe President Kennedy (RIP) stumbled upon their plan. We all know how this turned out for him.

Rich King’s explanation for his serpent like behavior

What do you think about Rich King's explanation for his behavior?
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Almost every ancient culture had some type of reptile or flying reptile or aquatic reptile, who was venerated as a god or gods. These reptile beings were superior in strength, agility, cunningness, and could kill with a look. Entertainment has celebrated these beings through cartoons and movies. This was to suspend the people’s belief in the plausibility of the serpent race and to perpetuate humanoid serpent beings, are nothing more than fantasy.
The history of the serpent beings was methodically removed and suppressed from popular culture over generations. This was a regularly discussed topic within social and academic circles in the 18th century. You need only to read the work of Reverend John Bathurst Deane, M.A., F.S.A., aptly titled, “Worship of the Serpent,” published in 1883. Here Reverend Deane, traces the serpent race throughout the world and attests to the fact, the serpent has been the “tempter” of mankind since the formation of human cultures. This is a must read for any researcher for understanding the depth and underpinnings of the serpent kingdom — still very much in power today!

Start at 2:53 – Listen carefully to what Johnny says…

Does Johnny act like he has a secret?
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We were made to believe the serpent beings would look like reptiles and hiss after every sentence. Our expectations were set up from the beginning by multi-media. We have been oblivious to the fact this is about the nature of the being as well. Lucifer was able to build his own ADAM or through breeding and eventually grafted a “human looking” serpent being. These “human looking” serpent beings infiltrated societies and targeted positions of power for the purposes of takeover. Ironically, characteristics of the serpent are coming to light through their eyes and tongues.
Why is this becoming so prevalent now? Is this because awareness is spreading or is there a cosmic component at play here? The further we go back in generations, the more we must question their adages. They had a saying when people became extremely agitated it was called a “hissy fit.” This was because a person would get so angry — they would hiss like a snake! This generation also would refer to a person who could not be trusted as a “snake.” Our generation is witnessing a new phenomenon where the iris’ of certain people, presents as a slit. How is it possible to change the round shape of the human iris into a slit?

Start at 1:30 – Watch Kerman have a hissy fit!

There are also cases of people with erratic tongue behavior and excessive lip licking; even making LL Cool J’s lip licking appear tame. It is obvious these “lip-lickers” have assumed positions in the media and even world governments. This gives credence to the 8th Emerald Tablet of Thoth, who stated these serpent beings gain positions into the councils of men. In my opinion, the humanoid serpent-being infiltration of the earth, is more plausible than an alien invasion. Even if there was an alien invasion, you could be standing next to a serpent-being pointing toward the sky with you.

Start looking at the eyes of people on TV!

Everything Lucifer plans is subtle and you will never perceive the deception right in your face! This serpent race has been plotting against mankind before the advent of writing! Think about that for a moment. The time spent on all of the components of control is unfathomable to humans, with respect to beings who exist outside of time. It is obvious these are the beings whom the banking cartels worship. There is an element of “magic” here because there are things here which defy the physical laws of our realm. This is why the world is riddled with symbols which resonate with a counterpoint from the serpent realm.

Another creepy licker. Who licks their lips like this?

It is here symbols can be evoked from the physical realm to channel energy from the spiritual realm. This is why the serpent beings imbued money with these symbols as well. They know how to control us and this is evident through entertainment which has hypnotized the majority of the sleeping masses. What is magic to us in our physical realm is nothing more than status quo in the spiritual realm. We have so many techniques being used against but the greatest one is — they walk amongst us.

Start at 1:10 – Absolutely no reason to stick his tongue out!

Their nature is to conquer mankind physically, spiritually, by any means necessary. Music is the most powerful assault weapon being used against us. Plato said, “If you want to measure the spiritual depth of a society, show me their music,” and right now America would look like drug addicted whores with no clothes. This was done to disconnect us from our Divinity and connect us with pleasure seeking. Without spiritual defense there is no defense and we are like a city with no walls.

Matthew 13:24-30

The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares

24 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. 26 But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. 27 So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.

It is sad to see the masses so oblivious to onslaught after onslaught on our souls. People suffer from not truly realizing there is a spiritual universe which makes are world seem like a virtual “meat based” world. I find it interesting people who have experienced ayahuasca or near death experiences are forever changed and know there is another world which is stunning, magnificent, and the breadth of it, beyond human comprehension.

Is this how people are being converted to reptile behavior?

We need to realize – we are not alone and “they” are living amongst us. Just like we have a yearning to connect with our God, so do they! There God is the serpent being known as Lucifer and he hates us so much he hides his true form from us, as does his seed. If you could be a fly on the wall in their homes, you would be shocked to hear their true intentions, and then they would eat you. If spirit and nature are connected then this war is about two diametrically opposed natures encased in a human form. At the end of the day, this is a spiritual war.
I strongly recommend you begin to study the eyes and behavior of people on the television. You will begin to capture bizarre behavior and even strange eyes. This is how you can identify your enemy and turn away from the deception. This why Jesus told the parable of the wheat and the tares because they are living among us now. We do not have to wait for an alien invasion because that is another deception. Jesus said there will be a separation process because society has been infiltrated with beings who look human but are not! 

Kamis, 21 November 2013

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Senin, 18 November 2013

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Sebuah penghasilan principle sungguh luar biasa bukan?

Penghasilan diatas hanya contoh, untuk aktualnya Akan disesuaikan dengan kemampuan anda dalam mengembangkan jaringan bisnis pulsa murah anda. (Bonus Akan diberikan otomatis setiap awal bulan dan langsung diakumulasikan ke saldo deposit anda)