
C++ compiler support

< cpp

The following tables present compiler support for new C++ features. These include accepted revisions to the standard, as well as various technical specifications:


[edit] Notes

* - hover over a cell marked with the star * to see additional pop-up notes.
DRnn - the number nn after "DR" denotes target C++ revision the Defect Report is applied to, e.g., DR20 → C++20.

[edit] C++26 features

Note that this list may change, as the draft C++26/2c standard evolves.

[edit] C++26 core language features

C++26 feature


Apple Clang
EDG eccp
Intel C++
Nvidia HPC C++ (ex PGI)*
Nvidia nvcc
DR98: Removing undefined behavior from lexing P2621R3 Yes 3.3 16.0.0*
DR98: Making non-encodable string literals ill-formed P1854R4 14 14 16.0.0*
Unevaluated strings P2361R6 14 17 (partial)*
Adding @, $, and ` to the basic character set P2558R2 15 Yes 16.0.0*
constexpr cast from void*  (FTM)* P2738R1 14 17
DR20: On the ignorability of standard attributes P2552R3 15 Yes
DR11: Static storage for braced initializers P2752R3 14
User-generated static_assert messages  (FTM)* P2741R3 14 17
Placeholder variables with no name  (FTM)* P2169R4 14 18
Pack indexing  (FTM)* P2662R3 15 19
Removing deprecated arithmetic conversion on enumerations P2864R2 14 18
DR11/20: Template parameter initialization P2308R1 9 18
Disallow binding a returned reference to a temporary P2748R5 14 19
Attributes for structured bindings  (FTM)* P0609R3 15 19
Erroneous behavior for uninitialized reads, [[indeterminate]] attribute P2795R5
= delete("reason");  (FTM)* P2573R2 15 19
Variadic friends  (FTM)* P2893R3 15 20
DR98: Clarifying rules for brace elision in aggregate initialization P3106R1 Yes 17
DR20: Disallow module declarations to be macros P3034R1 15
DR11: Trivial infinite loops are not undefined behavior P2809R3 14 19
constexpr placement new  (FTM)*  (FTM)* P2747R2 15 20
Structured binding declaration as a condition  (FTM)* P0963R3 15 6 (partial)*
Ordering of constraints involving fold expressions  (FTM)* P2963R3 19
Deleting a pointer to an incomplete type should be ill-formed P3144R2 15 19 6.7
Structured bindings can introduce a pack  (FTM)* P1061R10 21
constexpr structured bindings and references to constexpr variables P2686R5 6.7
constexpr exceptions  (FTM)* P3068R6
Oxford variadic comma P3176R1 15 20
Removing deprecated array comparisons P2865R6 15
#embed  (FTM)* P1967R14 15 19*
Concept and variable-template template-parameters  (FTM)* P2841R7
Trivial relocatability  (FTM)* P2786R13
Trivial unions  (FTM)* P3074R7
Observable checkpoints P1494R5
Contracts  (FTM)* P2900R14

C++26 feature

Apple Clang
EDG eccp
Intel C++
Nvidia HPC C++ (ex PGI)*
Nvidia nvcc

[edit] C++26 library features

C++26 feature


GCC libstdc++
Clang libc++
Apple Clang*
Testing for success or failure of <charconv> functions  (FTM)* P2497R0 14 18 16.0.0*
std::text_encoding: text encodings identification  (FTM)* P1885R12
Arithmetic overloads of std::to_string and std::to_wstring use std::format  (FTM)* P2587R3 14
Type checking format args  (FTM)* P2757R3 15
Formatting pointers  (FTM)* P2510R3 14* 17* 19.40**
Hashing support for std::chrono value classes  (FTM)* P2592R3
<rcu>: Read-Copy Update  (FTM)* P2545R4
<hazard_pointer>: Hazard Pointers  (FTM)* P2530R3
ADL-proof std::projected P2538R1 14* 18* 19.38** 16.0.0*
constexpr stable sorting  (FTM)* P2562R1
Member std::basic_format_arg::visit()  (FTM)* P2637R3 15 19
Member std::variant::visit()  (FTM)* P2637R3 15 18
std::is_within_lifetime  (FTM)* P2641R4
Extending associative containers with the remaining heterogeneous overloads  (FTM)* P2363R5
Enabling the use of std::weak_ptr as keys in unordered associative containers  (FTM)* P1901R2
Native handles in file streams  (FTM)* P1759R6 14 18 16.0.0*
Interfacing string streams with std::string_view  (FTM)* P2495R3 19
Interfacing std::bitset with std::string_view  (FTM)* P2697R1 18 16.0.0*
More constexpr for <cmath> and <complex>  (FTM)*  (FTM)* P1383R2 4.6 (partial)*
Adding the new 2022 SI prefixes on ratios: std::quecto, std::ronto, std::ronna, and std::quetta  (FTM)* P2734R0 14 17
std::function_ref: type-erased callable reference  (FTM)* P0792R14
std::copyable_function  (FTM)* P2548R6
std::bind_front, std::bind_back, and std::not_fn to NTTP callables  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)* P2714R1
std::submdspan()  (FTM)* P2630R4
Freestanding Language: Optional ::operator new P2013R5 N/A
Freestanding std::char_traits, std::errc and facilities in: <charconv>, <cstdlib>, <cstring>, <cwchar>  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)* P2338R4 N/A
More freestanding facilities  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)* P2198R7 N/A
Saturation Arithmetic  (FTM)* P0543R3 14 18 16.0.0*
<debugging>: Debugging support  (FTM)* P2546R5
<linalg>: A free function linear algebra interface based on the BLAS  (FTM)* P1673R13
Making assert() macro user friendly P2264R7
Runtime format strings  (FTM)* P2918R2 14 18 16.0.0*
std::span over an initializer list  (FTM)* P2447R6 18 16.0.0*
std::span::at()  (FTM)* P2821R5 14 18 16.0.0*
Added tuple protocol to std::complex  (FTM)* P2819R2 19
A new specification for std::generate_canonical P0952R2 19.42*
Removing deprecated typedef std::allocator::is_always_equal P2868R3 15 18 16.0.0*
Removing function overload of std::basic_string::reserve() that takes no argument P2870R3 18 16.0.0*
Removing deprecated Unicode conversion facets (<codecvt>) P2871R3 18 16.0.0*
Freestanding: removing std::strtok  (FTM)* P2937R0 14 19.40*
Freestanding Library: Partial Classes  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)* P2407R5 14 19.42*
Freestanding Library: std::inout, std::expected, std::span  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)* P2833R2 14 19.42*
DR23: std::basic_const_iterator should follow its underlying type’s convertibility  (FTM)* P2836R1
14 19.40*
DR20: std::make_format_args now accepts only lvalue references instead of forwarding references P2905R2 14 18 19.40* 16.0.0*
DR20: Fix formatting of code units as integers  (FTM)* P2909R4 13.3 18 19.40* 16.0.0*
views::concat  (FTM)* P2542R8 15
Concatenation of strings and string views  (FTM)* P2591R5 15 19
Enabling list-initialization for algorithms  (FTM)* P2248R8
std::ranges::generate_random  (FTM)* P1068R11
Comparisons for std::reference_wrapper, and constraints for comparisons of std::pair, std::tuple, std::optional, and std::variant  (FTM)*  (FTM)* P2944R3 14 19 (partial)*
Padded mdspan layouts  (FTM)* P2642R6
New CTAD for std::span and std::mdspan with integral constants P3029R1 19
Atomic maximum and minimum  (FTM)* P0493R5
std::formatter<std::filesystem::path>  (FTM)* P2845R8
Printing Blank Lines with std::println()  (FTM)* P3142R0 14* 19* 19.41**
Undeprecate std::polymorphic_allocator::destroy P2875R4 15 19.41*
Removing deprecated strstreams P2867R2 19
Removing deprecated std::shared_ptr Atomic Access APIs P2869R4
Removing std::wstring_convert P2872R3 19
DR23: Permit an efficient implementation of std::print  (FTM)* P3107R5
Execution control library  (FTM)* P2300R10
std::inplace_vector: dynamically-resizable vector with fixed capacity  (FTM)* P0843R14
std::philox_engine: counter-based random number engine  (FTM)* P2075R6
std::optional range support  (FTM)* P3168R2
std::is_virtual_base_of: type trait for detecting virtual base classes  (FTM)* P2985R0 15 20
std::dims for std::mdspan  (FTM)* P2389R2 19
DR11: Formal specification of the type of std::ignore P2968R2 15 19 19.42*
DR20: Removing the common reference requirement from the indirectly invocable concepts  (FTM)* P2997R1 15 19 19.42*
Deprecating std::is_trivial and std::is_trivial_v P3247R2 15
DR20: Algorithm function objects P3136R1 Yes Yes 19.39* Yes
std::ranges::cache_latest_view  (FTM)* P3138R5
Constraining std::expected equality operators  (FTM)* P3379R0 15
std::aligned_accessor: an std::mdspan accessor expressing pointer over-alignment  (FTM)* P2897R7
std::is_sufficiently_aligned: checks a pointer’s alignment precondition  (FTM)* P2897R7
std::atomic_ref::address()  (FTM)* P2835R7
DR11/20: cv-qualified types in std::atomic and std::atomic_ref P3323R1 19.44*
constexpr std::atomic and std::atomic_ref  (FTM)* P3309R3
constexpr for specialized memory algorithms  (FTM)* P3508R0
<stdbit.h> and <stdckdint.h> P3370R1
<simd>: data-parallel types  (FTM)* P1928R15
A utility for creating execution environments P3325R5
constexpr for exception types, e.g. std::bad_alloc, std::bad_cast etc.  (FTM)* P3068R6
Trivial relocatability traits and operations  (FTM)* P2786R13
Defang and deprecate std::memory_order::consume P3475R1
Put std::monostate in <utility> P0472R3 15
std::indirect  (FTM)* P3019R14
std::polymorphic  (FTM)* P3019R14
More constexpr containers and adaptors  (FTM)* P3372R2
constexpr std::inplace_vector for non-trivial types  (FTM)* P3074R7
std::ranges::to_input_view  (FTM)* P3137R3
std::ranges::approximately_sized_range and std::ranges::reserve_hint  (FTM)* P2846R6
<hive>: A bucket-based container that re-uses memory locations from erased elements  (FTM)* P0447R28
<contracts>: Contract-violation handling support  (FTM)* P2900R14
Standard library hardening P3471R4 19.44* (partial)*
Freestanding library: algorithm, numeric, and random  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)* P2976R1
DR20: Converting contiguous iterators to pointers P3349R0

C++26 feature

GCC libstdc++
Clang libc++
Apple Clang*

[edit] C++23 features

[edit] C++23 core language features

C++23 feature


Apple Clang
EDG eccp
Intel C++
Nvidia HPC C++ (ex PGI)*
Nvidia nvcc
Literal suffix for (signed) size_t  (FTM)* P0330R8 11 13 19.43* 13.1.6* 6.5 2022.2 23.9
Make () more optional for lambdas P1102R2 11 13 19.44* 13.1.6* 6.3 2022.2 22.5
if consteval  (FTM)* P1938R3 12 14 19.44* 14.0.0* 6.3 2022.2 24.1
Removing Garbage Collection Support P2186R2 12 N/A 19.30* N/A N/A
Narrowing contextual conversions in static_assert and constexpr if P1401R5 9 13 (partial)*
14.0.0* 2022.2 20.7
Trimming whitespaces before line splicing P2223R2 Yes Yes Yes 6.7 2022.2 Yes
Make declaration order layout mandated P1847R4 Yes Yes Yes Yes 2022.2 Yes
Removing mixed wide string literal concatenation P2201R1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Explicit object member functions (deducing this)  (FTM)* P0847R7 14 18
6.3 22.5
auto(x) and auto{x}  (FTM)* P0849R8 12 15 14.0.3* 6.4 2022.2 23.3
#elifdef and #elifndef P2334R1 12 13 19.40* 13.1.6* 6.5 2022.2 23.9
Non-literal variables (and labels and gotos) in constexpr functions  (FTM)* P2242R3 12 15 19.43* 14.0.3* 6.3 2022.2 22.5
Consistent character literal encoding P2316R2 Yes Yes 19.30* Yes Yes 2022.2 Yes
Character sets and encodings P2314R4 10 Yes Yes Yes 2022.2 Yes
Extend init-statement (of for loop) to allow alias-declaration P2360R0 12 14 14.0.0* 2022.2
Multidimensional subscript operator  (FTM)* P2128R6 12 15 19.42* 14.0.3* 2022.2
Attributes on lambdas P2173R1 9 13 19.44* 13.1.6* 6.6 2022.2 22.5
#warning P2437R1 Yes* Yes 15.0.0* 6.5 2023.2 Yes
Remove non-encodable wide character literals and multicharacter wide character literals P2362R3 13 14 15.0.0* 6.7 2023.2
Labels at the end of compound statements P2324R2 13 16 16.0.0* 6.5 2023.2 23.9
Delimited escape sequences P2290R3 13 15 15.0.0* 6.7 2023.2
Named universal character escapes  (FTM)* P2071R2 13 15 15.0.0* 6.7 2023.2
Relaxing some constexpr restrictions  (FTM)* P2448R2 13 17 (partial)
2024.0 (partial)
Simpler implicit move  (FTM)* P2266R3 13 13 6.7 2022.2
static operator()  (FTM)* P1169R4 13 16 19.44* 16.0.0* 6.7 2023.2
Requirements for optional extended floating-point types P1467R9 13 N/A 6.4
Class template argument deduction from inherited constructors P2582R1 14
Attribute [[assume]] P1774R8 13 19
Support for UTF-8 as a portable source file encoding P2295R6 13* 15* 19.0 (Update 2)** 15.0.0* 2023.2
static operator[]  (FTM)* P2589R1 13 16 19.44* 16.0.0* 6.7 2023.2
Permitting static constexpr variables in constexpr functions  (FTM)* P2647R1 13 16 16.0.0* 2023.2
Extending the lifetime of temporaries in range-based for loop initializer  (FTM)* P2644R1
15 19
DR11: Change scope of lambda trailing-return-type P2036R3
17 2023.2
DR20: Meaningful exports P2615R1 15 17 (partial)
DR20: consteval needs to propagate up  (FTM)* P2564R3 14 17 16.0.0* 6.7 2024.0
DR98: C++ Identifier Syntax using Unicode Standard Annex 31 P1949R7 12 14 14.0.0* 6.4 2022.2
DR11: Allow duplicate attributes P2156R1 11 13 13.1.6* 6.5 23.9
DR20: Adjusting the value of feature-test macro __cpp_concepts P2493R0 12 19.32* 6.4 23.3
DR98: Relax requirements on wchar_t to match existing practices P2460R2 Yes Yes Yes 15.0.0* N/A 2023.2
DR11: Using unknown pointers and references in constant expressions P2280R4 14 20*
DR20: The Equality Operator You Are Looking For P2468R2 13 16 16.0.0* 2023.2
DR20: char8_t Compatibility and Portability Fix  (FTM)* P2513R4 13 16 19.34* 16.0.0* 2023.2
DR98/11: Clarify reporting of diagnostic directives and allow static_assert of non-value-dependent expressions in a template context CWG2518 13 17 16.0*

C++23 feature

Apple Clang
EDG eccp
Intel C++
Nvidia HPC C++ (ex PGI)*
Nvidia nvcc

[edit] C++23 library features

C++23 feature


GCC libstdc++
Clang libc++
Apple Clang*
Stacktrace library  (FTM)* P0881R7
12 (partial)*
<stdatomic.h>  (FTM)* P0943R6 12 15 19.31* 14.0.3*
std::is_scoped_enum  (FTM)* P1048R1 11 12 19.30* 13.0.0*
std::basic_string::contains(), std::basic_string_view::contains()  (FTM)* P1679R3 11 12 19.30* 13.0.0*
std::to_underlying  (FTM)* P1682R3 11 13 19.30* 13.1.6*
Relaxing requirements for time_point<>::clock P2212R2 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Providing size feedback in the Allocator interface  (FTM)* P0401R6 15 19.30* 14.0.3*
<spanstream>: string-stream with std::span-based buffer  (FTM)* P0448R4 12 19.31*
std::out_ptr(), std::inout_ptr()  (FTM)* P1132R8 14 19 19.30*
constexpr type_info::operator==()  (FTM)* P1328R1 12 17 19.33**
Iterator pair constructors for std::stack and std::queue  (FTM)* P1425R4 12 14 19.31* 14.0.3*
Non-deduction context for allocators in container deduction guides P1518R2 12* 13* 19.31** 13.1.6**
ranges::starts_with() and ranges::ends_with()  (FTM)* P1659R3 17 (partial)*
19.31* 16.0.0*
Prohibiting std::basic_string and std::basic_string_view construction from nullptr P2166R1 12 13 19.30* 13.1.6*
std::invoke_r()  (FTM)* P2136R3 12 17 19.31* 15.0.0*
Range constructor for std::basic_string_view P1989R2 11 14 19.30* 14.0.3*
Default template arguments for std::pair's forwarding constructor P1951R1 14 14 19.30* 14.0.3*
Remove Garbage Collection and Reachability-Based Leak Detection (library support) P2186R2 12 14 19.30* 14.0.3*
zip: views::zip, views::zip_transform, views::adjacent, and views::adjacent_transform  (FTM)* P2321R2 13 15 (partial)* 19.33*(partial)***
Heterogeneous erasure overloads for associative containers  (FTM)* P2077R3 19.32*
std::byteswap()  (FTM)* P1272R4 12 14 19.31* 14.0.3*
Printing volatile T* P1147R1 11.3 14 19.31* 14.0.3*
basic_string::resize_and_overwrite()  (FTM)* P1072R10 12 14 19.31* 14.0.3*
Monadic operations for std::optional  (FTM)* P0798R8 12 14 19.32* 14.0.3*
std::move_only_function  (FTM)* P0288R9 12 19.32*
Add a conditional noexcept specification to std::exchange P2401R0 12 14 19.25* 14.0.3*
Require std::span & std::basic_string_view to be TriviallyCopyable P2251R1 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Clarifying the status of the “C headers” P2340R1 Yes Yes Yes Yes
<expected>  (FTM)* P0323R12
12 16 19.33* 15.0.0*
constexpr for <cmath> and <cstdlib>  (FTM)* P0533R9 4.6 (partial)*
std::unreachable()  (FTM)* P0627R6 12 15 19.32* 14.0.3*
Deprecating std::aligned_storage and std::aligned_union P1413R3 13 16 19.33*
std::reference_constructs_from_temporary & std::reference_converts_from_temporary  (FTM)* P2255R2 13 (partial)*
constexpr std::unique_ptr  (FTM)* P2273R3 12 16 19.33* 15.0.0*
Constructing containers and strings from ranges with ranges::to(), tagged constructors, insert and assign member functions  (FTM)*  (FTM)* P1206R7 14 (partial)* 17 19.34* 15.0.0*
Pipe support for user-defined range adaptors (ranges::range_adaptor_closure, std::bind_back)  (FTM)*  (FTM)* P2387R3 13 (partial)*
19 19.34*
ranges::iota(), ranges::shift_left(), and ranges::shift_right()  (FTM)*  (FTM)* P2440R1 13 (partial)* 19.34*
views::join_with  (FTM)* P2441R2 13 19.34*
views::chunk and views::slide  (FTM)*  (FTM)* P2442R1 13 19.33*
views::chunk_by  (FTM)* P2443R1 13 18 19.33* 16.0.0*
std::mdspan: a non-owning multidimensional array reference  (FTM)* P0009R18
17 (partial)*
19.39* 15.0.0*
<flat_map>  (FTM)* P0429R9 15 20
<flat_set>  (FTM)* P1222R4 15
ranges::find_last(), ranges::find_last_if(), and ranges::find_last_if_not()  (FTM)* P1223R5 13 19 19.36*
Freestanding Library: Easy <utility>, <ranges>, and <iterator> P1642R11 13* N/A
views::stride  (FTM)* P1899R3 13 19.34*
Compatibility between std::tuple and tuple-like objects  (FTM)* P2165R4 14 2.9 (partial)* 19.36* (partial)*
Rectifying constant iterators, sentinels, and ranges. views::as_const  (FTM)* P2278R4 13 19.35* (partial)*
Formatting Ranges  (FTM)* P2286R8 16 19.37*(partial)*
Improve default container formatting  (FTM)* P2585R1 16 (partial)*
19.42* 15.0.0*
Formatted output library <print>  (FTM)* P2093R14
14 17 (partial)*
19.37* 15.0.0**
Formatting std::thread::id and std::stacktrace  (FTM)* P2693R1 14 17 (partial)* 19.38* 15.0.0*
constexpr for integral overloads of std::to_chars() and std::from_chars()  (FTM)* P2291R3 13 16 19.34* 15.0.0*
ranges::contains() and ranges::contains_subrange()  (FTM)* P2302R4 13 19 19.34* 16.0.0**
Ranges fold algorithms  (FTM)* P2322R6 13 19.35*
views::cartesian_product  (FTM)* P2374R4
13 19.37*
Adding move-only types support for comparison concepts (equality_comparable, totally_ordered, three_way_comparable)  (FTM)* P2404R3 19.36*
Ranges iterators as inputs to non-ranges algorithms  (FTM)* P2408R5 19.34*
constexpr std::bitset  (FTM)* P2417R2 13 16 19.34* 15.0.0*
basic_string::substr() && P2438R2 16 19.34* 15.0.0*
views::as_rvalue  (FTM)* P2446R2 13 16 19.34* 15.0.0*
Standard Library Modules  (FTM)* P2465R3 15* 17 (partial)* 19.35*
std::forward_like()  (FTM)* P2445R1 14 16 19.34* 15.0.0*
Support exclusive mode for std::fstream  (FTM)* P2467R1 12 18 19.36* 16.0.0*
views::repeat  (FTM)* P2474R2 13 17 19.36* 15.0.0*
Relaxing range adaptors to allow for move-only types  (FTM)* P2494R2 14 17 19.34* 15.0.0*
std::basic_string_view range constructor should be explicit P2499R0 12.2 16 19.34* 15.0.0*
std::generator: synchronous coroutine generator for ranges  (FTM)* P2502R2
14 19.43*
Add a conditional noexcept specification to std::apply P2517R1 10 18 19.34* 16.0.0*
Explicit lifetime management (std::start_lifetime_as)  (FTM)* P2590R2
Clarify handling of encodings in localized formatting of chrono types  (FTM)* P2419R2 15* 19.34**
std::move_iterator should not always be input_iterator  (FTM)* P2520R0 12.3* 17* 19.34** 15.0.0*
Deduction guides update for explicit object parameter call operators LWG3617 14 19.34*
Deduction guides update for static operator() P1169R4 13 16 19.39* 15.0.0*
Standard names and library support for extended floating-point types P1467R9 13 19.37**
Monadic operations for std::expected  (FTM)* P2505R5 13 17 19.36* 15.0.0*
views::enumerate  (FTM)* P2164R9 13 19.37*
std::is_implicit_lifetime  (FTM)* P2674R1 20
std::common_reference_t of std::reference_wrapper should be a reference type  (FTM)*  (FTM)* P2655R3 19.37*
Disallowing user specialization of std::allocator_traits P2652R2 19 19.37*
Deprecating std::numeric_limits::has_denorm P2614R2 18 19.37* 16.0.0*
Making Multi-Param Constructors Of views explicit P2711R1 17 (partial)* 19.36** 15.0.0*
DR20: Relaxing Ranges Just A Smidge  (FTM)* P2609R3 15 20 19.37*
DR20: Stashing Stashing Iterators For Proper Flattening P2770R0 14 18 19.37*
DR17: std::visit() for classes derived from std::variant  (FTM)* P2162R2 11.3 13 19.20**
DR20: Conditionally borrowed ranges P2017R1 11 16 19.30*
DR20: Repairing input range adaptors and std::counted_iterator P2259R1 12 19.30*(partial)*
DR20: views::join should join all views of ranges P2328R1 11.2 15 19.30* 14.0.3*
DR20: view does not require default_initializable  (FTM)* P2325R3 11.3 16 19.30* 15.0.0*
DR20: Range adaptor objects bind arguments by value P2281R1 11 14 19.29 (16.10)*
DR20: constexpr for std::optional and std::variant  (FTM)*  (FTM)* P2231R1 11.3 (partial)*
13 (partial)*
19.31* 13.1.6* (partial)
DR20: views::lazy_split and redesigned views::split P2210R2 12 16 19.31* 15.0.0*
DR20: Fix ranges::istream_view P2432R1 12 16 19.31* 15.0.0*
DR20: view with ownership  (FTM)* P2415R2 12 14 19.31* 14.0.3*
DR20: Fixing locale handling in chrono formatters  (FTM)* P2372R3
13 19.31*
DR20: Cleaning up integer-class types P2393R1 19.32*
DR20: Compile-time format string checks; Reducing binary code size of std::format() family  (FTM)* P2216R3 13 14 (partial)*
19.32* 14.0.3*
DR20: Add support for non-const-formattable types to std::format P2418R2 13 15 19.32* 14.0.3*
DR20: std::basic_format_string P2508R1 13 15 19.35* 14.0.3*
DR20: Poison Pills are Too Toxic  (FTM)* P2602R2 14 19 19.36*
DR20: std::format fill character allowances P2572R1 14 17 19.37*
DR20: Improving std::format's width estimation P2675R1 14 17 19.38*
DR20: std::barrier's phase completion guarantees  (FTM)* P2588R3 19.28 (16.8)**

C++23 feature

GCC libstdc++
Clang libc++
Apple Clang*

[edit] C++20 features

[edit] C++20 core language features

C++20 feature


Apple Clang
EDG eccp
Intel C++
Nvidia HPC C++ (ex PGI)*
Nvidia nvcc
Allow Lambda capture [=, this] P0409R2 8 6 19.22* 10.0.0* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
__VA_OPT__ P0306R4
8 (partial)*
10 (partial)*
9 19.25* 11.0.3* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
Designated initializers  (FTM)* P0329R4 4.7 (partial)*
3.0 (partial)*
19.21* 12.0.0* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
template-parameter-list for generic lambdas  (FTM)* P0428R2 8 9 19.22* 11.0.0* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
Default member initializers for bit-fields P0683R1 8 6 19.25* 10.0.0* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
Initializer list constructors in class template argument deduction P0702R1 8 6 19.14* Yes 5.0 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
const&-qualified pointers to members P0704R1 8 6 19.0 (2015)* 10.0.0* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
Concepts  (FTM)* P0734R0 5*
10 19.23* (partial)*
12.0.0* (partial) 6.1 2023.1* 20.11 12.0 11.0
Lambdas in unevaluated contexts P0315R4 9 13 (partial)*
14 (partial)*
19.28 (16.8)* 13.1.6* (partial) 6.2 2023.1 (partial)
20.7 12.0
Three-way comparison operator  (FTM)* P0515R3 10 8 (partial)
19.20* 12.0.0* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
DR11: Simplifying implicit lambda capture P0588R1 8 19.24* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0
init-statements for range-based for P0614R1 9 8 19.25* 11.0.0* 6.0 2021.7 20.11 12.0 11.0
Default constructible and assignable stateless lambdas P0624R2 9 8 19.22* 10.0.1* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
Type mismatch of defaulted special member functions P0641R2 9 (partial)* 8 19.0 (2015)* (partial)* 10.0.1* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
Access checking on specializations P0692R1 Yes 8 (partial)
19.26* 14.0.0* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0
ADL and function templates that are not visible P0846R0 9 9 19.21* 11.0.3* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
DR11: Specify when constexpr function definitions are needed for constant evaluation  (FTM)* P0859R0 5.2 (partial)*
8 19.27* (partial)*
11.0.0* (partial) 12.0 11.0
Attributes [[likely]] and [[unlikely]] P0479R5 9 12 19.26* 13.0.0* 5.1 2021.7 20.7 12.0
Make typename more optional P0634R3 9 16 19.29 (16.10)* 16.0.0* 5.1 2023.1 20.7 12.0
Pack-expansions in lambda init-captures  (FTM)* P0780R2 9 9 19.22* 11.0.3* 6.1 2021.7 20.11 12.0 11.0
Attribute [[no_unique_address]] P0840R2 9 9 19.28 (16.9)** 11.0.3* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
Conditionally trivial special member functions  (FTM)* P0848R3 10 16 19.28 (16.8)* 6.1 2021.7 20.11 12.0
DR17: Relaxing the structured bindings customization point finding rules P0961R1 8 8 19.20* 10.0.1* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
DR11: Relaxing the range-for loop customization point finding rules P0962R1 8 8 19.25* 11.0.0* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
DR17: Allow structured bindings to accessible members P0969R0 8 8 19.20* 10.0.1* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
Destroying operator delete  (FTM)* P0722R3 9 6 19.27* 10.0.0* 6.1 2023.1 20.11 12.0 11.0
Class types in Non-type template parameters P0732R2 9 12 (partial) 19.26*(partial)*
19.28 (16.9)*
13.0.0* (partial) 6.2 2023.1 (partial) 21.3 12.0
Deprecate implicit capture of this via [=] P0806R2 9 7 19.22* 10.0.1* 5.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
explicit(bool)  (FTM)* P0892R2 9 9 19.24* 11.0.3* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
Integrating feature-test macros P0941R2 5 3.4 19.15* (partial)
Yes 5.0 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
Prohibit aggregates with user-declared constructors P1008R1 9 8 19.20* 10.0.1* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
constexpr virtual function  (FTM)* P1064R0 9 9 19.28 (16.9)* 11.0.3* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
Consistency improvements for comparisons P1120R0 10 8 (partial)
19.22* 12.0.0* 5.1 2023.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
char8_t  (FTM)* P0482R6 9 7* 19.22* 10.0.0* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
std::is_constant_evaluated()  (FTM)* P0595R2 9 9 19.25* 11.0.3* 5.1 19.1 21.1 12.0 11.0
constexpr try-catch blocks P1002R1 9 8 19.25* 10.0.1* 5.1 2023.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
Immediate functions (consteval)  (FTM)* P1073R3 10 (partial)*
11 (partial)
14 (partial)*
19.28 (16.8)*

19.29 (16.10)*
11.0.3* (partial)
5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0
Nested inline namespaces P1094R2 9 8 19.27* 10.0.1* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
Yet another approach for constrained declarations P1141R2 10 10 19.26* (partial)
19.28 (16.9)*
12.0.5* 6.1 2023.1 20.11 12.0 11.0
Signed integers are two's complement P1236R1 9 9 Yes 11.0.3* N/A 2023.1* yes* 12.0 11.0
dynamic_cast and polymorphic typeid in constant expressions P1327R1 10 9 19.28 (16.9)* 11.0.3* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
Changing the active member of a union inside constexpr  (FTM)* P1330R0 9 9 19.10* 11.0.3* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
Coroutines  (FTM)*  (FTM)* P0912R5
10 8 (partial)
17 (partial)*
19.0 (2015)* (partial)
19.28 (16.8)*
10.0.1* (partial) 5.1 2021.1 23.3* 12.0 (host code only)
Parenthesized initialization of aggregates  (FTM)* P0960R3 10 16 19.28 (16.8)* 16.0.0* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0
DR11: Array size deduction in new-expressions P1009R2 11 9 19.27* 11.0.3* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
Modules  (FTM)* P1103R3 11 (partial) 8 (partial) 19.0 (2015)* (partial)
19.28 (16.8)*
10.0.1* (partial) 2023.1 (partial)
Stronger Unicode requirements P1041R4
10 Yes 19.0 (2015)**
Yes N/A 2023.1* Yes 12.0 11.0
<=> != == P1185R2 10 10 19.22* 12.0.0* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
DR11: Explicitly defaulted functions with different exception specifications P1286R2 10 9 19.28 (16.8)* 11.0.3* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0 11.0
Lambda capture and storage class specifiers of structured bindings P1091R3
10 8 (partial)
16.0.0* 5.1 2021.1 20.7 12.0
Permit conversions to arrays of unknown bound P0388R4 10 14 19.27* 14.0.0* 6.0 2021.5 20.11 12.0
constexpr container operations  (FTM)* P0784R7 10 10 19.28 (16.9)* 12.0.0* 6.0 2021.5 20.11 12.0 11.0
Deprecating some uses of volatile P1152R4 10 10 19.27* 12.0.0* 6.0 2021.5 20.11 12.0 11.0
constinit  (FTM)* P1143R2 10 10 19.29 (16.10)* 12.0.0* 6.1 2021.7 20.11 12.0 11.0
Deprecate comma operator in subscripts P1161R3 10 9 19.25* 11.0.3* 6.0 2021.7 20.11 12.0 11.0
[[nodiscard]] with message P1301R4 10 9 19.25* 11.0.3* 6.0 2021.5 20.11 12.0 11.0
Trivial default initialization in constexpr functions P1331R2 10 10 19.27* 12.0.0* 6.1 2021.7 20.11 12.0 11.0
Unevaluated asm-declaration in constexpr functions P1668R1 10 10 19.28 (16.9)* 12.0.0* 6.1 2021.7 20.11 12.0 11.0
using enum  (FTM)* P1099R5 11 13 19.24* 13.1.6* 6.3 2023.1 22.5 12.0
Synthesizing Three-way comparison for specified comparison category P1186R3 11 10 19.24* 12.0.0* 6.0 2021.5 20.11 12.0 11.0
DR17: [[nodiscard]] for constructors P1771R1 10 9 19.24* 11.0.3* 6.0 2021.5 20.11 12.0 11.0
class template argument deduction for alias templates  (FTM)* P1814R0 10 19 19.27* 6.5 23.9 12.0
class template argument deduction for aggregates  (FTM)* P1816R0
17 19.27* 6.3 2023.1 (partial)*
23.3 12.0
DR11: Implicit move for more local objects and rvalue references P1825R0 11* 13 19.24* 13.1.6* 6.0 2021.5 20.11 12.0
Allow defaulting comparisons by value P1946R0 10 10 19.25* 12.0.0* 6.1 2021.7 20.11 12.0 11.0
Remove std::weak_equality and std::strong_equality P1959R0 10 10 19.25* 12.0.0* 6.1 2021.7 20.11 12.0 11.0
Inconsistencies with non-type template parameters  (FTM)* P1907R1 10 (partial)
18 (partial)* 19.26* 13.1.6* (partial) 6.2 2023.1 (partial) 21.3 12.0
DR98: Pseudo-destructors end object lifetimes P0593R6 11 11 Yes 12.0.5* N/A 2023.1* Yes 12.0 11.0
DR11: Converting from T* to bool should be considered narrowing P1957R2 10*
11 19.27* 12.0.5* 6.1 12.0 11.0

C++20 feature

Apple Clang
EDG eccp
Intel C++
Nvidia HPC C++ (ex PGI)*
Nvidia nvcc

[edit] C++20 library features

C++20 feature


GCC libstdc++
Clang libc++
Apple Clang*
std::endian  (FTM)* P0463R1 8 7 19.22* 10.0.0*
Extending std::make_shared() to support arrays  (FTM)* P0674R1 12 15 19.27* 14.0.3*
Floating-point atomic  (FTM)* P0020R6 10 18 19.22* 16.0.0*
Synchronized buffered (std::basic_osyncstream)  (FTM)* P0053R7 11 18 19.29 (16.10)*
constexpr for <algorithm> and <utility>  (FTM)* P0202R3 10 8 (partial)
19.26* 10.0.1* (partial)
More constexpr for <complex>  (FTM)* P0415R1 9 7 (partial)
19.27* 10.0.0* (partial)
Make std::memory_order a scoped enumeration P0439R0 9 9 19.25* 11.0.3*
String prefix and suffix checking: string(_view) ::starts_with / ends_with  (FTM)* P0457R2 9 6 19.21* 10.0.0*
Library support for operator<=> <compare>  (FTM)* P0768R1 10 7 (partial)
12 (partial)*
19.20* (partial)
19.28 (16.9)*
std::remove_cvref  (FTM)* P0550R2 9 6 19.20* 10.0.0*
[[nodiscard]] in the standard library P0600R1 9 7 (partial)
19.13* (partial)
10.0.0* (partial)
Using std::move in numeric algorithms P0616R0 9 12 19.23* 13.0.0*
Utility to convert a pointer to a raw pointer  (FTM)* P0653R2 8 6 19.22* Yes
Atomic std::shared_ptr and std::weak_ptr  (FTM)* P0718R2 12 19.27*
std::span  (FTM)* P0122R7 10 7 19.26* 10.0.0*
Calendar and Time zone  (FTM)* P0355R7 11 (partial)*
13 (partial)*
7 (partial)
19 (partial)*
19.29 (16.10)* 10.0.0* (partial)
<version> P0754R2 9 7 19.22* 10.0.0*
Comparing unordered containers P0809R0 Yes Yes 16.0* Yes
ConstexprIterator requirements  (FTM)*  (FTM)* P0858R0 9 12 19.11* 13.0.0*
std::basic_string::reserve() should not shrink P0966R1 11 8 19.25* 10.0.1*
Atomic Compare-And-Exchange with padding bits P0528R3 13 19.28 (16.8)*
std::atomic_ref  (FTM)* P0019R8 10 19 19.28 (16.8)*
contains() member function of associative containers, e.g. std::map::contains() P0458R2 9 13 19.21* 13.1.6*
DR11: Guaranteed copy elision for piecewise construction P0475R1 9 Yes 19.29 (16.10)* Yes
std::bit_cast()  (FTM)* P0476R2 11 14 19.27* 14.0.3*
Integral power-of-2 operations:

std::bit_ceil(), std::bit_floor(), std::bit_width(), std::has_single_bit()  (FTM)*

19.28 (16.8)*
Improving the return value of erase-like algorithms  (FTM)* P0646R1 9 10 19.21* 12.0.0*
std::destroying_delete_t  (FTM)* P0722R3 9 9 19.27* 11.0.3*
std::is_convertible  (FTM)* P0758R1 9 9 19.23* 11.0.3*
Add std::shift_left/right to <algorithm>  (FTM)* P0769R2 10 12 19.21* 13.0.0*
Constexpr for std::swap() and swap related functions P0879R0 10 13 19.26* 13.1.6*
std::type_identity  (FTM)* P0887R1 9 8 19.21* 10.0.1*
Concepts library  (FTM)* P0898R3 10 13 19.23* 13.1.6*
constexpr comparison operators for std::array P1023R0 10 8 19.27* 10.0.1*
std::unwrap_ref_decay and std::unwrap_reference  (FTM)* P0318R1 9 8 19.21* 10.0.1*
std::bind_front()  (FTM)* P0356R5 9 13 19.25* 13.1.6*
std::reference_wrapper for incomplete types P0357R3 9 8 19.26* 10.0.1*
Fixing operator>>(basic_istream&, CharT*) P0487R1 11 8 19.23* 10.0.1*
Library support for char8_t  (FTM)* P0482R6 9 8 (partial)
19.22* 10.0.1* (partial)
Utility functions to implement uses-allocator construction P0591R4 9 16 19.29 (16.10)* 15.0.0*
DR17: std::variant and std::optional should propagate copy/move triviality P0602R4 8.3 8 19.11* 10.0.1*
DR17: A sane std::variant converting constructor P0608R3 10 9 19.29 (16.10)**
std::function's move constructor should be noexcept P0771R1 7.2 6 19.22* Yes
The One Ranges Proposal  (FTM)* P0896R4 10 13 (partial)
19.29 (16.10)* 14.0.3*
Heterogeneous lookup for unordered associative containers  (FTM)* P0919R3
11 12 19.23* (P0919R3)
19.25* (P1690R1)
<chrono> zero(), min(), and max() should be noexcept P0972R0 9 8 19.14* 10.0.1*
constexpr in std::pointer_traits  (FTM)* P1006R1 9 8 19.26* 10.0.1*
std::assume_aligned()  (FTM)* P1007R3 9*
15 19.28 (16.9)* 14.0.3*
Smart pointer creation with default initialization (e.g. make_unique_for_overwrite)  (FTM)* P1020R1
16 19.28 (16.9)* 15.0.0*
Misc constexpr bits  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)* P1032R1 10 13 19.28 (16.8)* 13.1.6*
Remove comparison operators of std::span P1085R2 10 8 19.26* 10.0.1*
Make stateful allocator propagation more consistent for operator+(basic_string) P1165R1 10 15 19.26* 14.0.3*
Consistent container erasure, e.g. std::erase(std::vector), or std::erase_if(std::map)  (FTM)* P1209R0
Standard library header units P1502R1 11 19.29 (16.10)*
polymorphic_allocator<> as a vocabulary type  (FTM)* P0339R6 9 16 19.28 (16.9)* 15.0.0*
std::execution::unseq  (FTM)* P1001R2 9 17 19.28 (16.8)*
std::lerp() and std::midpoint()  (FTM)* P0811R3 9 9 19.23* (partial)
19.28 (16.8)*
Usability enhancements for std::span P1024R3 10 9*
19.26* 11.0.3*
DR17: Make std::create_directory() intuitive P1164R1 8.3 12 19.20* 13.0.0*
std::ssize() and unsigned extent for std::span  (FTM)* P1227R2 10 9 19.25* 11.0.3*
Traits for (un)bounded arrays  (FTM)* P1357R1 9 9 19.25* 11.0.3*
std::to_array()  (FTM)* P0325R4 10 10 19.25* 12.0.0*
Efficient access to std::basic_stringbuf’s buffer P0408R7 11 17 19.29 (16.10)* 15.0.0*
Layout-compatibility and pointer-interconvertibility traits  (FTM)*  (FTM)* P0466R5 12 19.29 (16.10)**
Bit operations: std::

rotl(), rotr(), countl_zero(), countl_one(), countr_zero(), countr_one(), popcount()  (FTM)*

P0553R4 9 9 19.25**
19.28 (16.8)*
Mathematical constants  (FTM)* P0631R8 10 11 19.25* 12.0.5*
Text formatting  (FTM)* P0645R10 13 14**
19.29 (16.10)* 15.0.0*
std::stop_token and std::jthread  (FTM)* P0660R10 10 17

19.28 (16.9)*
constexpr std::allocator and related utilities  (FTM)* P0784R7 10 12 19.29 (16.10)* 13.0.0*
constexpr std::string  (FTM)* P0426R1
12 15 19.29 (16.10)*
constexpr std::vector  (FTM)* P1004R2 12 15 19.29 (16.10)*
Input range adaptors P1035R7 10 16 19.29 (16.10)* 15.0.0*
constexpr std::invoke() and related utilities P1065R2 10 12 19.28 (16.8)* 13.0.0*
Atomic waiting and notifying, std::counting_semaphore, std::latch and std::barrier  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)*  (FTM)* P1135R6 11 11 19.28 (16.9)* 13.1.6*
std::source_location  (FTM)* P1208R6 11 15*
19.29 (16.10)* 15.0.0*
Adding <=> to the standard library P1614R2 10 14*
19.29 (16.10)* 13.1.6* (partial)
constexpr default constructor of std::atomic and std::atomic_flag  (FTM)* P0883R2 10 13 19.26* 13.1.6*
constexpr for numeric algorithms  (FTM)* P1645R1 10 12 19.26* 13.0.0*
Safe integral comparisons  (FTM)* P0586R2 10 13 19.27* 13.1.6*

C++20 feature

GCC libstdc++
Clang libc++
Apple Clang*

[edit] Older standards

[edit] See also

Feature testing (C++20) A set of preprocessor macros to test the corresponding to C++ language and library features
C documentation for compiler support