Click here for the Dwell On It, Second Life comic archives!

We have moved!

(pardon our dust)
'); function doLoad() { // the timeout value should be the same as in the "refresh" meta-tag setTimeout( "refresh()", 60*1000 ); } function refresh() { // This version of the refresh function will cause a new // entry in the visitor's history. It is provided for // those browsers that only support JavaScript 1.0. // window.location.href = dURL; } //-->

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I surrender...

Okay. Yes. Thankyou everyone for mentioning it :)

I surrender, yield, and generally give in. Congratulations :)

Today, Dwell On It is now on Wordpress, on its own domain, partially thanks to the awesome folks at DreamHost.

Every post and comment should be there.

I did spend a couple hours rapidly learning style-sheets, PHP and wordpress getting everything installed, configured and migrated. I will probably tune-up the look a little over the next while.

If all has gone well, your RSS feeds will already be feeding from the new blog feed, thanks to a bit of technomagical wizardry. I hope. Sure, it bites a bit to lose the search-rankings and all of that, but you've all managed to convince me that this is the right way to go.

If you've come in late and you're looking at the site wondering where the posts are, you need to be looking here instead. With luck, though, you are already looking at the new site.

(and wouldn't you know that all the links would get screwed up while passing them around among people and tools? -- All fixed now)