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Business (539)

The ACal Project is a Web-based event calendar made for everyone. It was designed to be simple to install and setup. It does not require a database server, and installing is as easy as drag and drop. It can run on almost any ISP's server that has PHP installed.
ADM (Asterisk Desktop Manager) aims to integrate your desktop with the Asterisk PBX and hardware IP phone by providing some useful features such as automatic on-call volume reduction, one click dialling (from the clipboard), automatic messenger "away" status when on a call, and some Cisco 79xx specific features. It runs with any GNOME compatible window manager.
Minimalistic but full-featured address book running completely in your browser. How it works: XML + XSLT = HTML address book (XML file) is tranformed (XSLT file) by web browser to HTML. No server or plugin needed.
ADempiere BR
This is the Brazilian version of the full-fledged, world class ERP/CRM/SCM/BI software ADempiere. It can also be used in English though, but it encompasses processes for the actual very complex fiscal and invoicing rules in Brazil (one of the most complexes in the world).
AEIOU (An Electronic IOU) is a web application for creating local commodity currencies based on electronic IOU tickets. The software allows currency issuers to register themselves and create IOU tickets. These tickets consist of an electronic document detailing what the issuer owes to the bearer of the document (a specific quantity of goods or services), and a secret key. The ticket can then be transferred via any electronic medium to another party as payment for other goods or services. The recipient then contacts the AEIOU website, uses the secret key to verify the ticket, and receives a new secret key known only to them. This key can be used to redeem the ticket with the original issuer (and receive the promised goods/services), or to transfer the ticket again via the same mechanism.
ATOS is a locally hosted application that allows freelancers to easily manage clients/projects, generate invoices against backlogs, and estimate their personal taxes based on their invoiced income.
The ATSlog software provides a handy web-oriented interface for viewing and analysing calls for various types of PBX (Private Branch eXchange) models.
At present the program operates successfully with Panasonic, Samsung, Hybrex, Siemens, LG, and Alcatel PBX models. If your particular type of PBX is not supported yet, we can add this functionality.
AWOL is an in/out board, similar to something you'd see on the wall of a lobby or desk of a switchboard operator, to keep track of who's in the building, when they'll be back, etc. It's accessable from the Web, so people can mark themselves in or out from their own desk.
Abelujo is a web application that allows bookstores to manage their stock of books: a user can register new books by scanning their barcode, sell them to clients, pass command, and more. It is provided as a free software under the AGPLv3 licence and the development team offers professional services. It is used by professional bookstores in France, Belgium and Switzerland, where Abelujo can connect to professional data providers such as Dilicom and Electre. The software is also localized and used in other countries such as Spain. A companion application, ABStock, allows to publish the bookstore's books publicly on the web. This application optionally allows clients to reserve books. The small development team is based in France. They offer paid hosting and support, formation, and they can develop a bookstore's website, with real-time updates of books, and online payments.
'absence' is a CGI application designed to help keep track of people in a group. It is intended to do one thing: allow the user to display the plans of all people in a group in a way that makes it easy to see who's present and who's absent. It is not intended for anything else. The resolution is one day. It could easily be adapted do handle reservations for any set of objects, as long as a resolution of a day is acceptable. An example of a possible use is reserving machines/computers in a laboratory.

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