

View synonyms for appreciate


[ uh-pree-shee-eyt ]

verb (used with object)

appreciated, appreciating.
  1. to be grateful or thankful for:

    They appreciated his thoughtfulness.

  2. to value or regard highly; place a high estimate on:

    to appreciate good wine.

  3. to be fully conscious of; be aware of; detect:

    to appreciate the dangers of a situation.

  4. to raise in value.

verb (used without object)

appreciated, appreciating.
  1. to increase in value:

    Property values appreciated yearly.


/ əˈpriːʃɪˌeɪt; -sɪ- /


  1. to feel thankful or grateful for

    to appreciate a favour

  2. may take a clause as object to take full or sufficient account of

    to appreciate a problem

  3. to value highly

    to appreciate Shakespeare

  4. usually intr to raise or increase in value
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Derived Forms

  • apˈpreciˌator, noun
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Other Words From

  • ap·pre·ci·at·ing·ly adverb
  • ap·pre·ci·a·tor noun
  • self-ap·pre·ci·at·ing adjective
  • un·ap·pre·ci·at·ing adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of appreciate1

First recorded in 1645–55; from Medieval Latin appreciātus “valued, appraised,” from Late Latin appretiātus, past participle of appretiāre “to appraise” (equivalent to Latin ap- ap- 1 + preti(um) price + -ātus -ate 1 )
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Word History and Origins

Origin of appreciate1

C17: from Medieval Latin appretiāre to value, prize, from Latin pretium price
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Example Sentences

Fans, however, appreciate Singh's raw honesty about his self-destructive tendencies - and his effort to overcome them.

From BBC

The statement issued by the four European countries on Saturday said they were "committed to working with the Arab initiative" and they appreciated the "important signal" the Arab states had sent by developing it.

From BBC

“It just fills my heart that people are so open to connecting with nature and appreciating it.”

It is testament to her diplomacy that Trump seems to genuinely appreciate her tone, clarity and overall demeanour in their interactions.

From BBC

Cooking for strangers in hostels has taught me that kindness is appreciated.

From Salon


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When To Use

What are other ways to say appreciate?

To appreciate something is to value or regard it highly. How is appreciate different from esteem, value, and prize? Learn more on



