Legal Definitions and Terms - "I" List
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Below is our growing list of legal definitions beginning with the letter "I". If there is a term you are looking for please use our search form below and enter the legal term. US Legal, Inc. updates the database of terms weekly and boasts the most up-to-date legal term dictionary on the Internet.
List of legal terms beginning with the Letter "I"
- I-600 Visa Petition
- I-600A Visa Petition
- I-604 Orphan Investigation
- I-94(W)
- i-Edison
- IAC [Patent]
- IAEA Material Balance Area [Energy]
- IAEA Safeguards
- Ibi Esse Poenam, Ubi Et Nox Est
- Ibid.
- IC3
- Id Est
- IDC [Patent]
- Idea
- Ideal Lien Creditor
- Idem Agnes Et Patiens Esse Non Potest
- Idem Sonans
- Identical Bids
- Identifiable Child Abuse Crime Case
- Identifiable Minor
- Identifiable Patient Safety Work Product
- Identification
- Identification Number [Agricultural Marketing Service]
- Identification of Goods and Services
- Identified Adoption
- Identified Banking Product
- Identified Losses [Banks & Banking]
- Identifying Characterestics
- Identifying Source
- Identity Document
- Identity Politics
- Identity Theft
- Identity Theft Insurance
- Identity Theft Report
- Ideological Sign
- Idiochira
- Idiot
- Idle Speed
- IFP Affidavit
- Ignition Interlock Device (IID)
- Ignoramus
- Ignorance of Law
- Ignorantia Facti Excusat
- Ignorantia Juris Non Excusat
- Ignorantia Legis Neminem Excusat
- Ignorare Legis Est Lata Culpa
- Ignoratio Elenchi
- IH-3 Visa
- IH-4 Visa
- III [Triple-Eye]
- Ill Fame
- Illegal
- Illegal Adoption
- Illegal Alien
- Illegal Consideration
- Illegal Contract
- Illegal Detention
- Illegal Diversion
- Illegal Drug
- Illegal Drug Trade
- Illegal Economy
- Illegal Entry
- Illegal Gambling Business
- Illegal Gratuity
- Illegal Immigrant
- Illegal Job Practice
- Illegal Occupancy
- Illegal Possession Of Food Stamps
- Illegal Retention
- Illegal Sentence
- Illegal Sexual Activity
- Illegal Strike
- Illegal Use of Drugs
- Illegitimacy
- Illegitimate Child
- Illicit Cohabitation
- Illicit Sexual Conduct
- Illicit Trade
- Illicit Trafficking
- Illinois Brick Doctrine
- Illinois Land Trust
- Illiquid Asset
- Illiterate
- Illusory
- Illusory Contract
- Illusory Promise
- Illusory Trust
- Illusory-Transfer Doctrine
- Imagery
- Imagery Intelligence
- Imbecile
- Imitation Numismatic Item
- Imitation Pearl
- Imitation Political Item
- Immaterial
- Immaterial Averment
- Immaterial Evidence
- Immaterial Facts
- Immaterial Matter
- Immaterial Variance
- Immediate Cause
- Immediate Control
- Immediate Death
- Immediate Delivery [Shipping]
- Immediate Descent
- Immediate Exit
- Immediate Exportation
- Immediate Family
- Immediate Precursor (Controlled Substance)
- Immediate Relatives
- Immediate Transportation Entry
- Immediate-Notice Clause
- Immediately Apparent Requirement
- Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health
- Immemorial Usage
- Immigrant
- Immigrant Children and Youth [Education]
- Immigrant Intent
- Immigrant Visa
- Immigration
- Immigration Act of 1990
- Immigration and Nationality Act
- Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
- Immigration Appeals Board
- Immigration Applicant
- Immigration Benefit Application
- Immigration Court
- Immigration Judge
- Immigration Laws
- Immigration Officer
- Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA)
- Imminent
- Imminent Apprehension
- Imminent Breach of Bonded Contract
- Imminent Danger
- Imminent Hazard
- Imminent Hazard to the Health and Safety [Education]
- Imminent Threat to the National Security
- Imminent-Peril Doctrine
- Imminently Dangerous Article
- Immobilia Situm Sequuntur
- Immoral Marks
- Immoral or Scandalous Matter (Trademark)
- Immunity
- Immunization
- Impact Accident [Federal Railroad Administration]
- Impact Evaluation Research
- Impact Rule
- Impact Surface
- Impact Zone
- Impair
- Impaired
- Impaired Capital
- Impairment
- Impairment Rating
- Impairment-Related Work Expenses
- Imparlance
- Impartial Expert
- Impartial Hearing Officer
- Impartible Feud
- Impasse
- Impeachable for Waste
- Impeachable Offense
- Impeachment
- Impeachment Clause
- Impeachment of a Witness
- Impeachment of Verdict
- Impeachment of Waste
- Impediments
- Impeding Traffic
- Imperative Theory of Law
- Imperfect Defense
- Imperfect Self Defense
- Imperfect Statute
- Imperfect Title
- Imperfect Trust
- Imperialism
- Impermissible Pyramiding of Inferences
- Impersonal Payee
- Impertinent Matter
- Impervious Surface
- Impetration
- Impleader
- Implement
- Implementation (Labor)
- Implementation Schedule
- Implementing Directives [Administrative Personnel]
- Implementing Issuance [Administrative Personnel]
- Implied Acceptance
- Implied Acquittal
- Implied Admission
- Implied Agency
- Implied Assumpsit
- Implied Assumption of Risk
- Implied Bequest
- Implied Cause of Action
- Implied Condition
- Implied Confession
- Implied Consent
- Implied Contract Exception
- Implied Covenant
- Implied Covenant of Good Faith And Fair Dealing
- Implied Easement
- Implied Employment Contract
- Implied Intent
- Implied Invitation
- Implied License
- Implied License by Conduct
- Implied License by Equitable Estoppel
- Implied Lien
- Implied Malice
- Implied Notice
- Implied Permission
- Implied Power
- Implied Revocation of Will
- Implied Terms in a Contract
- Implied Trust
- Implied Waiver
- Implied Warranty
- Implied Warranty of Fitness
- Implied Warranty of Habitability
- Implied Warranty of Merchantability
- Implied-in-Fact Contract
- Implied-in-Law Contract
- Implied-License Doctrine
- Implied-Reservation-of-Water Doctrine
- Import [Endangered Species]
- Import Activity Summary Statement
- Import and Importation
- Import Letter of Credit
- Import Relief
- Import Restrictions
- Import Sensitive Agricultural Product
- Import Sensitive Producers
- Import Substitution
- Import-Export Clause
- Important Eagle-Use Area
- Importation Document
- Imported Dairy Product
- Importer
- Importer Number
- Importer of Record
- Importing Authority
- Imports
- Importune
- Imposed Duties
- Imposed Plan
- Impossibility
- Impossibility-of-Performance Doctrine
- Impossible Condition
- Impossible Contract
- Impost
- Imposter
- Impostor Rule
- Impound
- Impound Account
- Impoundment Control Act
- Impoundment Resolution
- Impracticability
- Impressment
- Imprest Fund
- Imprimatur
- Imprisonment
- Imprisonment for Debt
- Improper
- Improper Feud
- Improper Influence
- Improper Means
- Improper Supervision of a Minor
- Improper Use of Process
- Improshare Plan
- Improved Benevolent Protective Order of Elks of the World
- Improved Property
- Improvement Bond
- Improvement Lien
- Improvement Patent
- Improvement to Real Property
- Impugn
- Impugned Judgement
- Impunity
- Imputation
- Imputation of Payments
- Imputation System (Tax)
- Imputed Disqualification
- Imputed Income
- Imputed Knowledge
- Imputed Negligence
- In Absentia
- In Alta Proditione Nullus Potest Esse Accessorius Sed Principalis Solummodo
- In Bond
- In Bond Shipment
- In Bonis Defuncti
- In Camera
- In Camera Inspection
- In Confidence
- In Confinio Comitatus
- In Contemplation of Death
- In Custodia Legis
- In Custody
- In Danger Of Default
- In Dubio Haec Legis Constructio Quam Verba Ostendunt
- In Dubio Pro Reo
- In Dubio, Sequendum Quod Tutius Est
- In Emulationem Vicini
- In Entirety
- In Extremis
- In Faciendo
- In Fact Dependent
- In Facto Quod Se Habet Ad Bonum Et Malum,Magis De Bono Quam De Malo Lex Intendit
- In Favorabilibus Magis Attenditur Quod Prodest Quam Quod Nocet
- In Feudis Stricte Novis
- In Feudis Vere Antiquis
- In Flagrante Delicto
- In Flight
- In Forma Pauperis
- In Foro Conscientiae
- In fraudem
- In Gremio Legis
- In Gross
- In Gross Assignment
- In Haec Verba
- In House Training
- In Jure Cessio
- In Law
- In lieu of
- In Limine
- In Loco Parentis
- In Maleficiis Voluntas Spectatur, Non Exitus
- In Misericordia
- In Mora
- In Nullo Est Erratum
- In Pais
- In Paper
- In Pari Delicto
- In Pari Delicto Potior Est Conditio Possidentis
- In Pari Materia
- In Perpetuam Rei Memoriam
- In Personam
- In Pios Usus
- In procinctu
- In Propria Persona/In Pro Per
- In Quantum Lucratus Est
- In Re
- In Rem
- In Rem Jurisdiction
- In Rerum Natura
- In Situ
- In Solido
- In Specie
- In Store Banking
- In Terrorem Clause
- In Testamentis Et Ultimis Voluntatibus Tractatur De Probanda Voluntate Defuncti Post Ejus Mortem
- In Toto
- In Toto Et Pars Continetur
- In Vitro Fertilization
- In-Bond System
- In-Home Aide
- In-Home Services
- In-Kind
- In-Kind Contribution [Mineral Land]
- In-Kind Contribution(s) [Economic Development Administration, Department of Commerce]
- In-Kind Income
- In-Kind Replacement [Food and Nutrition Service]
- In-Kind Support and Maintenance [ISM]
- In-Person Medical Evaluation
- In-Presence Rule
- In-service Training [Education]
- In-Service Withdrawal [Administrative Personnel]
- In-the-Money Amount
- In-Transit Entry
- Inability to Ambulate Effectively
- Inactive Account
- Inactive Judgment
- Inactive Military Duty Training
- Inactive Nest
- Inactive Voters [Federal Elections]
- Inactive-Duty Training
- Inadequate Damages
- Inadmissibility of Pleas
- Inadmissible Evidence
- Inadvertant Discovery
- Inadvertent Discovery
- Inadvertent Error
- Inadvertent Intruder [Energy]
- Inaedificatio
- Inalienable Right
- Inapplicable
- Inappropriate Marital Conduct
- Inattentive Driving
- Inbond
- Incapable of Providing Proper Care
- Incapacitated
- Incapacitated Adult
- Incapacitated Person (Guardianship)
- Incapacitation [Sentencing]
- Incapacity
- Incarcerated Student [Education]
- Incarceration
- Incendiary
- Incendiary Device
- Incentive Arbitration
- Incentive Contract
- Incentive Funds [Transportation]
- Incentive Pay
- Incentive Rate
- Incentive Stock Option
- Incentive Theory
- Incentive Trust
- Incentive Zoning
- Incentive-to-Commercialize Theory
- Incentive-to-Design-Around Theory
- Incentive-to-Disclose Theory
- Incentive-to-Invent Theory
- Incerta Persona
- Incest
- Incestuous Adultery
- Inchartare
- Inchmaree Clause
- Inchoate
- Inchoate Crime
- Inchoate Curtesy
- Inchoate Dower
- Inchoate Instrument
- Inchoate Lien
- Inchoate Offense
- Incident Power
- Incident Report [Health Care]
- Incidental
- Incidental Admission
- Incidental Authority
- Incidental Beneficiary
- Incidental Catch
- Incidental Damages
- Incidental Demand
- Incidental Lands
- Incidental Property (Bankruptcy)
- Incidental Take [Wildlife Law]
- Incidental Take Permit
- Incidents of Ownership
- Incidere
- Incineration Vessel
- Incipitur
- Incite a Riot
- Incites
- Included Offense
- Includible Corporation
- Includible Non-cash Gains
- Inclusion Class [Education]
- Inclusionary-Approach Rule
- Income
- Income And Expense Declaration
- Income Beneficiary
- Income Bond
- Income Execution
- Income Fraud
- Income Fund
- Income in Respect of a Decedent
- Income Inequality
- Income on Debt
- Income on Equity
- Income Splitting
- Income Statement
- Income Stock
- Income Tax
- Income Tax Amendment
- Income Withholding Order
- Incompatibility Clause
- Incompatibility of Temperament
- Incompatible Offices
- Incompetency
- Incompetent Persons
- Incomplete (Education)
- Incomplete Card
- Incomplete Instrument
- Incomplete Transfer
- Inconsistent Defense
- Incontestability Clause
- Incontestability Status (Trademark)
- Incontestable Policy
- Incorporalia Bello Non Adquiruntur
- Incorporate
- Incorporate by Reference
- Incorporated Business
- Incorporated Marketing Associations
- Incorporation by Reference
- Incorporator
- Incorporeal Hereditament
- Incorporeal Property
- Incoterms
- Increased-Risk-of-Harm Doctrine
- Incriminate
- Incriminating Admission
- Incriminating Statements
- Inculpatory
- Inculpatory Evidence
- Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (ILEC)
- Indebitatus Assumpsit
- Indebtedness
- Indebtedness of Decedent
- Indecent Assault
- Indecent Exposure
- Indecent Liberties
- Indefinite Contract
- Indefinite Detention
- Indefinite Employment
- Indefinite Imprisonment
- Indefinite Legacy
- Indefinite-Delivery Contract
- Indemnify
- Indemnifying Bank
- Indemnitor
- Indemnity
- Indemnity Agreement
- Indemnity Bond
- Indemnity Clause
- Indemnity Deed of Trust
- Indemnity Principle
- Indentification Parade
- Indenture
- Indenture (Bankruptcy)
- Indenture of Trust
- Indenture Security
- Indenture to be Qualified
- Indenture Trustee
- Independence in Daily Living [Veterans' Relief]
- Independent Account Controller
- Independent Adjuster
- Independent Adoption
- Independent Agency
- Independent Agent
- Independent Agent (Gaming Law)
- Independent Contractor
- Independent Contractor (Gaming Law)
- Independent Contractors Accountants
- Independent Contractors Appraisers
- Independent Contractors Consultants
- Independent Contractors Distributors
- Independent Contractors Engineers
- Independent Counsel
- Independent Covenant
- Independent Establishment
- Independent Ethics Committee [Food and Drugs]
- Independent Executor
- Independent Expenditure
- Independent Insurance Company
- Independent Judiciary
- Independent Laboratory
- Independent Living
- Independent Living Core Services
- Independent Living Services
- Independent Producer (Oil and Gas)
- Independent Promises
- Independent Regulatory Agency
- Independent Scientific Body
- Independent Source Rule
- Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation - ISFSI [Energy]
- Independent States of the Former Soviet Union
- Independent Student
- Independent System Operator
- Independent Testing Laboratory (Gaming Law)
- Independent Tortfeasors
- Independent Union
- Independent-Significance Doctrine
- Indestructible Trust
- Indeterminate Sentence
- Index [Aeronautics and Space]
- Index Crimes
- Index Fund
- Index Mutual Fund
- Index Offense
- Index Rate
- Index-linked Certificate of Deposit
- Indexed Bond
- Indexed Currency Option Note
- Indexed Option
- Indian
- Indian Agricultural Lands
- Indian Allottee
- Indian Area
- Indian Child
- Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act
- Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (ICWA)
- Indian Child's Tribe
- Indian Children
- Indian Civil Rights Act
- Indian Claims Commission
- Indian Commerce Clause
- Indian Country
- Indian Custodian
- Indian Divorce
- Indian Forest Land
- Indian Gambling Regulation Act
- Indian Health Program
- Indian Housing Block Grant Recipient [HUD]
- Indian Incentive Program [IIP]
- Indian Institution of Higher Education [Education]
- Indian Landowner
- Indian Lands
- Indian Lands [Mineral Lands]
- Indian of the Reservation
- Indian Organization [Education]
- Indian Probate Judge
- Indian Removal Act
- Indian Reorganization Act
- Indian Reservation or Alaska Native Village
- Indian Reservation Road
- Indian Retailers
- Indian Student
- Indian Student Count
- Indian Title
- Indian Tribal Government
- Indian Tribal Organization
- Indian Tribe
- Indian Tribe [Mineral Lands]
- Indian Tribe jurisdiction
- Indian Wars
- Indian-Owned Business
- Indiana Trial Rule 60
- Indicator Nutrient [Food and Drugs]
- Indicavit
- Indicia
- Indicia of Debt
- Indicium
- Indictable Nuisance
- Indictable Offense
- Indictment
- Indifference to Risk
- Indigency
- Indigenous [Wildlife Law]
- Indigenous Inhabitant
- Indigenous Intellectual Property
- Indigent
- Indigent for Costs
- Indigent Pro Se
- Indignity
- Indirect Bucketing
- Indirect Corporate Purpose
- Indirect Cost Rate
- Indirect Costs
- Indirect Criminal Contempt
- Indirect Democracy
- Indirect Emissions
- Indirect Material
- Indirect Partner
- Indirect Skip (Tax)
- Indirect-Purchaser Doctrine
- Indirectly Owned Direct Investment Enterprises
- Indiscriminate Attack
- Indispensable Element Test
- Indispensable Evidence
- Indispensable Party
- Indisputable Law
- Individual Account Plan
- Individual Asset
- Individual Assignment System (IAS)
- Individual Banker
- Individual Bankruptcy
- Individual Branding
- Individual Directly Involved In a Serious Marine Incident
- Individual Fishing Quota
- Individual Health Insurance Coverage
- Individual Holding Federal Office [Federal Elections]
- Individual Indian Money (IIM) Account
- Individual Judgment
- Individual Location Installation [Education]
- Individual Market (Health Care)
- Individual Monitoring Devices
- Individual Monitoring for Protection Against Radiation
- Individual Of Limited English Proficiency
- Individual Professional Guardian
- Individual Retirement Account IRA
- Individual Shipment [Energy]
- Individual Shipper
- Individual Support Order
- Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
- Individual Transition Option
- Individual who is Deaf-Blind
- Individual who is Deaf-Blind [Education]
- Individual with a Disability
- Individual with a Severe Disability [Education]
- Individual with a Significant Disability
- Individual With Handicaps
- Individual with Regular Income (Bankruptcy)
- Individual's Representative [Education]
- Individualized Education Program
- Individualized Program Plan (IPP)
- Individuals from a Minority Background [Education]
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- Indoor Housing Facility
- Indorsed Complaint
- Indorsement With Enlarged Liability
- Indorsements
- Inducing Infringement
- Inducing Panic
- Induction Program
- Induction Services [Education]
- Industrial Agriculture
- Industrial and Commercial Profits [Internal Revenue]
- Industrial Applicability [Patent Law]
- Industrial Design Rights
- Industrial Disease
- Industrial Espionage Act
- Industrial Homework or Piecework
- Industrial Life Insurance
- Industrial Policy
- Industrial Radiography
- Industrial Relations
- Industrial Resources
- Industrial Revenue Bond
- Industrial Safety
- Industrial Standards
- Industrial Union
- Industrial Vessel
- Industrial Waste
- Industrial-Development Bond
- Industry
- Industry Affecting Commerce
- Industry Analysis
- Industry Certification
- Industry Information of Sheep
- Industry Information of Soybean
- Industry Information Relating to Cattle
- Industry Life Cycle
- Industry Members
- Industry or Activity Affecting Commerce
- Industry Products
- Industry Trade Association
- Industry Wage Survey
- Ineffective Assistance of Appellate Counsel
- Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
- Inelastic Demand
- Ineligibility Clause
- Ineligible
- Ineligible for Citizenship
- Ineligible or Ineligibility [Education]
- Ineligible to Citizenship
- Inevitability Doctrine
- Inevitable Discovery Exception
- Inevitable Discovery Rule
- Inevitable-Accident Doctrine
- Inevitable-Misappropriation Doctrine
- Inexcusable Neglect
- INF Cargo
- INF Treaty
- Infamia Juris
- Infamous Crime
- Infamous Punishment
- Infamy
- Infant Formula
- Infant Industry
- Infant Industry Argument
- Infant or Toddler with a Disability
- Infanticide
- Infarction
- Infection Control Program
- Infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
- Inference
- Inference-on-Inference Rule
- Infertility
- Infidelity
- Inflation
- Inflation Index
- Inflation-Indexed Bond
- Inflict
- Influence District
- Influencing Or Attempting To Influence
- InfoPass
- Informal Adjudication
- Informal Agency Action
- Informal Application [Patent]
- Informal Caregiver
- Informal Contract
- Informal Disposition
- Informal Dividend
- Informal Economy
- Informal Entry
- Informal Hearing
- Informal Probation
- Informal Subgroup
- Informant's Privilege
- Informants
- Information
- Information and Assistance Service
- Information and Referral
- Information Brokers
- Information Collection Request
- Information Content Provider
- Information Disclosure Statement [IDS]
- Information Furnisher
- Information in Chancery
- Information or Objects of Independent Origin
- Information Other Than Cost Pricing Data
- Information Owner
- Information Quality Act
- Information Release
- Information Resource Management
- Information Resources
- Information Return
- Information Returns Factor Method
- Information Security
- Information Security Automation Program
- Information Security Requirements
- Information Service
- Information Sharing and Analysis Organization
- Information Sharing Environment [ISE]
- Information Superhighway
- Information System
- Information Technology
- Information Technology Management
- Information-Disclosure Statement
- Information-Service Employee
- Informational Picketing
- Informative Advertising
- Informed Choice [Education]
- Informed Compliance [Shipping]
- Informed Consent
- Informed Intermediary
- Infra
- Infra Corpus Comitatus
- Infra Praesidia
- Infraction
- Infrastructure
- Infringe
- Infringement Under the Doctrine of Equivalents
- Infringing Semiconductor Chip Product
- Ingredient Statement
- Ingress
- Inherent Distinctiveness
- Inherent Federal Functions
- Inherent Powers (Constitution)
- Inherent Vice
- Inherent-Powers Doctrine
- Inherently Federal Functions
- Inherently Governmental Function
- Inherit
- Inheritance
- Inheritance Tax
- Iniquum Est Alios Permittere, Alios Inhibere Mercaturam
- Initial
- Initial Amortization Schedule
- Initial Amount Of Insurance
- Initial Appearance
- Initial Charges for a Leverage Contract
- Initial Currency Rate
- Initial Currency Rate Percentage
- Initial Decision
- Initial Determination [Aeronautics and Space]
- Initial Disclosure
- Initial Enrolment Questionnaire (IEQ)
- Initial Escrow Account Statement
- Initial Hazardous Materials Training [Aeronautics and Space]
- Initial Interest Confusion (Trademark)
- Initial Leverage Margin
- Initial Offering Date
- Initial Preliminary Permit Application
- Initial Protocol [Energy]
- Initial Public Offering
- Initial Rating Decision [Veterans' Relief]
- Initial Residency Period
- Initial Service Period [Administrative Personnel]
- Initiate
- Initiation Fee
- Initiatives and Referendums
- Injunction
- Injunctive Relief
- Injuria Non Excusat Injuriam
- Injuria Non Praesumitur
- Injurious Wildlife
- Injuriously Affected
- Injury
- Injury Attributable to the Claimant's Contributory Default
- Injury by Accident
- Injury in Fact
- Injury to Reputation (Trademark)
- Inlagation
- Inland Division
- Inland Freight
- Inland Harbor
- Inland Portion
- Inland Rules of Navigation
- Inland Waters
- Inmates
- Inn
- Inner Gorge
- Inner Inventory
- Innkeeper Liability
- Innkeeper's Lien
- Innocent
- Innocent Dissemination
- Innocent Holder for Value
- Innocent Infringement
- Innocent Junior User
- Innocent Owner
- Innocent Owner Defense
- Innocent Passage
- Innocent Purchaser of a Semiconductor Chip Product
- Innocent Spouse
- Innocent Trespasser
- Innocent Trespasser Rule
- Innocent-Construction Rule
- Innofficious
- Innominate Contract
- Innominate Obligations
- Innotescimus
- Innovation
- Innovation Grants
- Innovator Multiple Source Drug
- Innoxiare
- Innuendo
- Inofficiosum
- Inoperative Brake
- Inoperativeness
- Inops Consilii
- Inpatient
- Inpatient Care
- Inpatient Critical Access Hospital Services
- Inpatient Hospital Services
- Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital Services
- Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF)
- Input Device
- Input Tax
- Inquest
- Inquest of Office
- Inquirendo
- Inquiry [Patents]
- Inquisitorial System
- Insane
- Insane Asylum
- Insane Delusion
- Insanity
- Insanity Defense
- Insanity Defense Reform Act of 1984
- Insanity Defense Reform Act of 1984 Test
- Inscribere
- Inscriptio
- Inscription
- Inscrutable Fault
- Insect and Disease Control
- Insert of Subjects
- Inside Director
- Inside Information
- Insider
- Insider (Bankruptcy)
- Insider Information
- Insider Lending
- Insider Threat
- Insider Trading
- Insidiatio Viarum
- Insignia
- Insimul Computassent
- Insimul Tenuit
- Insinuatio
- Insolence
- Insolent
- Insolvency
- Insolvency Proceeding
- Insolvent ( Bankruptcy)
- Insolvent Estate
- Inspection
- Inspection by Attributes
- Inspection Certificate [Agricultural Marketing Service]
- Inspection Laws
- Inspection of Documents
- Inspection or Grading Service [Agriculture]
- Inspection Rights
- Inspection Searches
- Inspector [Agricultural Marketing Service]
- Inspector General
- Inspeximus
- Installment Accounting Method [Tax]
- Installment Contract
- Installment Credit
- Installment Note
- Installment Sale
- Installment Sales Method
- Installment Shipments
- Instalment Legacy
- Instance Court
- Instantaneous Crime
- Instantaneous Death
- Instanter
- Institor
- Institorial Power
- Institute
- Institute for a Drug-Free Workplace
- Institute for Intergovernmental Research
- Institute of Educational Sciences [IES]
- Institute of Police Technology and Management
- Institute of Real Estate Management
- Institutes of Tropical Forestry
- Institution (Health Care)
- Institution for Delinquent Children and Youth [Education]
- Institution for Higher Education
- Institution for Neglected or Delinquent Children and Youth [Education]
- Institution of Graduate Higher Education
- Institution of Higher Education
- Institution of Higher Education for Purposes of Student Assistance Programs
- Institution of Postsecondary Education [Education]
- Institution of Professional Education
- Institution of Undergraduate Higher Education
- Institution Of Vocational Education
- Institution-Affiliated Organization
- Institutional Broker
- Institutional Fund
- Institutional Grant [Education]
- Institutional Investor
- Institutional Meat Purchase Specifications [IMPS]
- Institutional Payment [Education]
- Institutional Practitioner
- Institutional Research
- Institutional Review Board [Food and Drugs]
- Institutional Student Information Record .ISIR. [Education]
- Institutional Third Party
- Institutional Waste
- Institutionalization
- Institutionalized Individual [Education]
- Instruct
- Instructional Programming [Education]
- Instructional Staff [Education]
- Instructional Systems Development [Aeronautics and Space]
- Instructions
- Instrument
- Instrument Flight Rules
- Instrument Issued for Value
- Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL)
- Instrumental Aggression
- Instrumentality Rule
- Insubordination
- Insufficient Process
- Insular Area
- Insular Court
- Insulation
- Insupportability
- Insurable Interest
- Insurable Risk
- Insurable Value
- Insurance
- Insurance Adjuster
- Insurance Adjusters
- Insurance Adjustment Organization
- Insurance Agent
- Insurance Automobile
- Insurance Backing or Insurance Backer Deficiency [HUD]
- Insurance Bad Faith
- Insurance Beneficiary (Health Care)
- Insurance Binder
- Insurance Broker
- Insurance Brokers
- Insurance Carrier
- Insurance Commissioner
- Insurance Company
- Insurance Consultant
- Insurance Cost [Transportation]
- Insurance Defense
- Insurance Experience [Federal Crop Insurance Corporation]
- Insurance Failure to Pay
- Insurance Fraud
- Insurance Licensee
- Insurance Marketplace Aggregate Retention Amount
- Insurance Mediation
- Insurance Medical Examination [IME]
- Insurance of Trust Funds
- Insurance Policy Grace Period
- Insurance Pooling
- Insurance Producer
- Insurance Product
- Insurance Risk
- Insurance Underwriter
- Insurance Underwriting
- Insure
- Insured
- Insured Bank
- Insured Deposit
- Insured deposits
- Insured Loan [HUD]
- Insured Loan Maturity [HUD]
- Insured Loss
- Insured Mortgage
- Insured Nonmember Bank
- Insured Ten-Year Protection Plan [HUD]
- Insurer
- Insurgent
- Insurrection
- Insurrection Act
- Intangible Asset
- Intangible Assets [Banks & Banking]
- Intangible Drilling Costs
- Intangible Income
- Intangible Personal Property
- Intangible Property and Debt Instruments
- Intangible Tax
- Integrated Airport System Planning
- Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System
- Integrated Coastal and Ocean Observation Act
- Integrated Contract
- Integrated Crop Management
- Integrated Long-Term Care
- Integrated Pest Management
- Integrated Plant Assessment - IPA [Energy]
- Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System [IPEDS]
- Integrated Public Alert and Warning System [IPAWS]
- Integrated Resource Management
- Integrated Resource Management Plan
- Integrated Resource Planning
- Integrated Safety Analysis – ISA [Energy]
- Integrated Service Delivery
- Integrated Setting [Education]
- Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)
- Integrated-service-delivery
- Integration Clause
- Integration Rule
- Integrative Bargaining
- Integrity Test
- Intellectual Giftedness
- Intellectual Property
- Intellectual Property ( Bankruptcy)
- Intellectual Property Agreement
- Intellectual Property Enforcement
- Intellectual Property Rights Hygiene
- Intelligence Community
- Intelligence Component of the Department of Defense
- Intelligence Cycle
- Intelligence Gathering Agency
- Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act [IRTPA]
- Intellligible Principle
- Intended Beneficiary
- Intended Loss
- Intended-Use Doctrine
- Intensive Care Newborn Nursery Services
- Intensive Farming
- Intensive Language Instruction [Education]
- Intensive livestock Operation
- Intent
- Intent To Defraud
- Intent To Use
- Intent to Use-Based Application
- Intentio Inservire Debet Legibus, Non Leges Intentioni
- Intentional Act
- Intentional Concealment
- Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
- Intentional Injury
- Intentional Interference with Contract
- Intentional Killing
- Intentional Misconduct
- Intentional Omission
- Intentional Parent
- Intentional Tort
- Intentional Wrong
- Intentionally
- Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust (IDGT)
- Inter Alia
- Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
- Inter Partes
- Inter Rusticos
- Inter Se Doctrine
- Inter Vivos
- Inter Vivos Trust
- Inter-American Commissions on Human Rights
- Inter-American Court of Human Rights
- Inter-American Foundation [IAF]
- Inter-Casino Linked System
- Inter-Discipline [Education]
- Inter-jurisdictional Fishery Resource
- Inter-Tribal Consortium
- Interactive Computer Service
- Interactive Gaming
- Interactive On-demand Services
- Interactive Service in Copyright
- Interactive Stream [Patents]
- Interagency Acquisition
- Interagency Board for Nutrition Monitoring and Related Research
- Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel [ISCAP]
- Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs
- Intercept
- Intercept Warrant
- Interception
- Interchange
- Interchange Agreement
- Interchangeability
- Intercollegiate Sport
- Interconnection
- Interconnection Costs
- Intercountry Adoption
- Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000
- Intercountry Adoption Disruption
- Intercreditor Agreement
- Intercultural Communication
- Interdealer Market [Internal Revenue]
- Interdict
- Interdiction
- Interdictum Quod Vi Aut Clam
- Interesse Termini
- Interest
- Interest Adverse to the Estate
- Interest Arbitration
- Interest Assistance Agreement [Agriculture]
- Interest Based Negotiation
- Interest Calculation Costs
- Interest Compensation [Banks & Banking]
- Interest Expense
- Interest Factor [Insurance Law]
- Interest in a Closely Held Business [Internal Revenue]
- Interest in Land
- Interest in Possession Trust
- Interest in Proven Oil or Gas Property [Internal Revenue]
- Interest of Justice
- Interest of the Debtor in Property
- Interest on Lawyer Account (IOLA Account)
- Interest Rate Floor
- Interest Rate Risk
- Interest Rate Swap
- Interest Rates
- Interest Republicae Ne Maleficia Remaneant Impunita
- Interest Short
- Interest Suit
- Interest-Equalization Tax
- Interest-Only Mortgage
- Interest-Only Strip
- Interested Copyright Party
- Interested Governmental Participant
- Interested Person (Guardianship)
- Interested Person (Probate)
- Interests in Real Property [Internal Revenue]
- Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
- Interference
- Interference Proceedings (Trademark)
- Interference with an Officer
- Interference With Burial
- Interference with Contract
- Interference With Custody
- Intergovernmental Advisory Committee [Federal Communications Commission]
- Intergovernmental-Immunity Doctrine
- Interim
- Interim Bond
- Interim Certificate [Securities]
- Interim Constitution
- Interim Construction Loan
- Interim Controls
- Interim Federal Specification
- Interim Financing
- Interim Occupancy Agreement
- Interim Order [Patents]
- Interim Remedial Measure (IRM)
- Interim Retention of Authorities
- Interim trustee
- Interim Zoning
- Interinsurance
- Interior Design Contract
- Interior Designer
- Interior Furnishing
- Interjurisdictional Fisheries Act
- Interjurisdictional Fisheries Act of 1986
- InterLATA Service
- Interlineation
- Interlocking Confessions
- Interlocking Director
- Interlocution
- Interlocutory
- Interlocutory Appeals
- Interlocutory Appeals Act
- Interloper
- Intermale Aggression
- Intermarket Trading System (ITS)
- Intermeddling
- Intermediary
- Intermediary Bank
- Intermediary Clause
- Intermediary Company (Gaming Law)
- Intermediary Country
- Intermediate Account
- Intermediate Animal Handler
- Intermediate Care Facility for the Mentally Disabled
- Intermediate Consignee
- Intermediate Educational Agency [Education]
- Intermediate Educational Unit [Education]
- Intermediate Handler
- Intermediate Ingredient or Feedstock
- Intermediate Interest
- Intermediate Partial Quiet Zone [Transportation]
- Intermediate Quiet Zone
- Intermediate Scrutiny
- Intermediate Speed.
- Interment
- Intermittent Holding Facility [Juvenile Law]
- Intermittent Ignition Device
- Intermodal Adaptability
- Intermodal Equipment [Transportation]
- Intermodal Equipment Interchange Agreement
- Intermodal Facility
- Intermodal Management System
- Intermodal Passenger Terminal
- Intermodal Safe Container Transportation Act
- Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act
- Intermodal System [Transportation Law]
- Intermodal Transportation
- Intern
- Internal Affairs of a Foreign Corporation
- Internal Combustion Engine
- Internal Dose
- Internal Equity
- Internal Fraud
- Internal Law
- Internal Possession
- Internal Rate of Return
- Internal Revenue Act
- Internal Revenue Code [IRC]
- Internal Revenue Service
- Internal Review
- Internal Transaction Number
- Internal Upsell
- Internal Waters
- Internal-Affairs Doctrine
- Internally Displaced Person
- International Accounting Standards Board [IASB]
- International Adoption
- International Agreement
- International Agreement [Copyrights]
- International Air Pollution
- International Air Services Transit Agreement
- International Air Transport Agreement
- International Airport
- International Amateur Athletic Competition
- International Application (Trademark)
- International Application [Patent]
- International Application Designating the United States [Patents]
- International Application Originating in the U.S.
- International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers
- International Au Pair Association [IAPA]
- International Baccalaureate (IB)
- International Banking Facility
- International Bureau
- International Business
- International Carriage
- International Centre of Missing and Exploited Children
- International Child Abduction Remedies Act [ICARA]
- International Civil Aviation Organization
- International Class
- International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas
- International Committee of the Red Cross [ICRC]
- International Communication and Information Policy [EEB/CIP] [Department of State]
- International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas
- International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships
- International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
- International Convention on Arrest of Ships
- International Convention on Salvage
- International Cooperation Administration
- International Cooperative Administrative Support Services [ICASS]
- International Copyright
- International Copyright Act
- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
- International Crime
- International Criminal Court
- International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program
- International Criminal Police Organization
- International Development Association
- International Dolphin Conservation Program
- International Economic Development Council
- International Economic Law
- International Emergency Economic Powers Act
- International Energy Program - IEP
- International Energy Supply Emergency
- International Equity Fund
- International Exchange Rate
- International Financial Reporting Standards [IFRS]
- International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation
- International Fishery Agreement
- International Fuel Tax Agreement
- International Human Rights Law
- International Humanitarian Law
- International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA)
- International Investment
- International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act
- International Investment Position Statement
- International Jurisdiction
- International Law
- International Law Commission [lLC]
- International Legal Community
- International Legal Personality
- International Load Line Certificate
- International Loan
- International Mail
- International Maritime Consultative Organization
- International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
- International Maritime Organization
- International Military Agency and Training Program
- International Minimum Standard
- International Monetary Fund
- International Narcotics Control Board
- International Narcotics Trafficking
- International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund
- International Organization
- International Organization Affairs [Department of State]
- International Organization for Migration
- International Parental Kidnapping
- International Person
- International Preliminary Examination Report
- International Preliminary Examining Authority
- International Preschool Curriculum
- International Private Law
- International Register
- International Registration [Trademarks]
- International Registration Date [Trademarks]
- International Registration Plan
- International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
- International River
- International Rules of the Road [Maritime Law]
- International Sea Bed Authority [ISA]
- International Seabed
- International Searching Authority
- International Service [Shipping]
- International Sight Draft
- International Standard or Recommendation [Weights and Measures and Standard Time]
- International Standards Organization
- International Standards Organization Country Codes
- International Standards-Related Activity
- International Student [Education]
- International Student Advisor (ISA)
- International Supply Chain
- International Taxation
- International Terrorism
- International Tonnage Certificate
- International Trade
- International Trade Administration [ITA]
- International Trade Commission (ITC)
- International Trade Law
- International Trade Loans
- International Trademark Association (INTA)
- International Traffic in Arms Regulations [ITAR]
- International Transactions Reporting System
- International Transport
- International Transportation
- International Treaties (Trademark)
- International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
- International Understanding
- International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants [UPOV, 1961]
- International Voyage
- International Waters
- International Whaling Commission [IWC]
- Internationalization of Curricula
- Internationally Recognized Worker Rights
- Interned Alien
- Internet
- Internet Access Service
- Internet Applicant
- Internet Crime Complaint Center
- Internet Domain Names
- Internet Fraud
- Internet Gambling Business
- Internet Hoaxes
- Internet Hunting
- Internet Identifier
- Internet Information Location Tool
- Internet Law
- Internet Media Venues
- Internet Payment Systems
- Internet Policy
- Internet Security
- Internet Service Providers
- Internic Network Solutions (Trademark)
- Internment
- Internship
- Internship (Education)
- Internship Program
- Internuncio
- Internuncius
- Interoperability of Devices
- Interpellation
- Interpersonal Communication
- Interpleader
- Interpol
- Interpol Notices
- Interpol Red Notice
- Interpolated Terminal Reserve
- Interposition Doctrine
- Interpositioning
- Interpretatio Chartarum Benigne Facienda Est, Ut Res Magis Valeat Quam Pereat
- Interpretatio Fienda Est Ut Res Magis Valeat Quam Pereat
- Interpretatio Talis In Ambiguis Semper Fienda Est Ut Evitetur Inconveniens Et Absurdum
- Interpretative Rule
- Interpreted Testimony
- Interpreter
- Interpreter for Individuals who are Deaf [Education]
- Interpreter for Individuals who are Deaf-Blind [Education]
- Interpretive Rule
- Interpretivism
- Interpretors
- Interracial Adoption
- Interregnum
- Interrogation
- Interrogatories
- Interruptible Power
- Intersex
- Interspousal Immunity
- Interspousal Transfer Grant Deed
- Interstate
- Interstate Agreement on Detainers Act
- Interstate Air Commerce
- Interstate Air Pollution Control Agency
- Interstate Air Transport Live Animals (IATA)
- Interstate Air Transportation
- Interstate and Foreign Commerce
- Interstate Commerce
- Interstate Commerce Act
- Interstate Commerce Commission
- Interstate Commission
- Interstate Communication
- Interstate Compact
- Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance (ICAMA)
- Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC)
- Interstate Corrections Compact
- Interstate Fishery Management Plan
- Interstate Highway System
- Interstate Identification Index
- Interstate Merger Transaction
- Interstate Off-Track Wager
- Interstate or Foreign Commerce
- Interstate Pipeline
- Interstate Pollution Abatement
- Interstate Rendition
- Interstate Rendition Clause
- Interstate Transport of Stolen Property
- Interstate Violation of a Protection Order
- Intertemporal Law
- Intertwining Doctrine
- Interval Ownership
- Intervening Cause
- Intervenor
- Intervention Petition
- Intervivos Gift
- Intestacy
- Intestate; Intestate Estate; Intestate Succession
- Intimate Partner
- Intimate partner Violence
- Intimate Parts
- Intimidate
- Intimidation
- Intimidation
- Intimidation, Take By Means Of
- Intoxication
- Intra-Company Transferee Visa (L-1)
- Intra-Enterprise Conspiracy
- Intractable Prisoner
- Intranet
- Intrapreneurship
- Intrastate Air Transportation
- Intrastate Pipeline
- Intrastate Telephone Communication Services
- Intratribal Transaction
- Intrinsic Fraud
- Introduced Evidence
- Introduced Species
- Introducing Broker
- Introduction of Brown Tree Snake
- Introductory Clause
- Intromission
- Intruder
- Intruder Barrier [Energy]
- Intrusion Alarm [Energy]
- Inure
- Inutilis Labor Et Sine Fructu Non Est Effectus Legis
- Invalid Assignment (Trademark)
- Invasion of Corpus
- Invasion of Privacy
- Invasive Species
- Invecta Et Illata
- Inveigle
- Invention
- Invention Assignment
- Invention Promoter
- Invention Promotion Services [Patents]
- Invention Secrecy Act
- Inventions and Patents
- Inventions Patentable
- Inventory
- Inventory Control Systems
- Inventory Difference – ID [Energy]
- Inventory Property [Agriculture]
- Inventory Search
- Inventory Supervisor
- Inventory Tax
- Inventory Turnover
- Inventory Worksheet
- Inverse Condemnation
- Inverse Zoning
- Inverse-Order-of-Alienation Doctrine
- Investee Pool
- Investigating Officer [Marine Casualties and Investigations]
- Investigating Official [Education]
- Investigational New Drug [Food and Drugs]
- Investigations and Hearings [Federal Communications Commission]
- Investigative Consumer Report
- Investigative Hearing (Gaming Law)
- Investigative or Law Enforcement Officer
- Investigative or Litigating Function
- Investigatory Power
- Investing Country
- Investing Mortgagee [HUD]
- Investiture
- Investment
- Investment Adviser
- Investment Adviser of an Investment Company
- Investment Advisers Act of 1940
- Investment Advisor Act of 1940
- Investment Banker
- Investment Banking Group
- Investment Club
- Investment Company
- Investment Company Act
- Investment Company Security
- Investment Contracts
- Investment Discretion
- Investment Grade
- Investment Grade Rating [Surface Transportation Projects]
- Investment Indebtedness
- Investment Manager
- Investment Opportunity
- Investment Partnership
- Investment Proceeds
- Investment Promissory Note
- Investment Pyramid
- Investment Representative
- Investment Securities
- Investment Security
- Investment Tax Credit
- Investment-Direction Agreement
- Investment-Grade Bond
- Investments in the People
- Investor [Banks & Banking]
- Investor Depositary
- Investor Presentations
- Investor Relations and Reporting
- Investor Responsibility Research Center
- Investor Typical of Holder of Claims
- Investor Visa
- Invidious Discrimination
- Invitation to Bid
- Invitation to Treat
- Invited Error
- Invitee
- Invito Beneficium Non Datur
- Invoice
- Invoice Company
- Involuntary Alienation
- Involuntary Bailment
- Involuntary Bankruptcy
- Involuntary Confession
- Involuntary Dismissal
- Involuntary Euthanasia
- Involuntary Intoxication
- Involuntary Lien
- Involuntary manslaughter
- Involuntary Restraint of Trade
- Involuntary Servitude
- Involuntary Suretyship
- Inward Foreign Manifest
- IP Spoofing
- Ipsative Assessment
- Ipse Dixit
- Ipsissima Verba
- Ipso Facto
- Ipso Facto Clause
- Ipso Jure
- IQ Test
- Iqta'a
- IR-3 Visa
- IR-4 Visa
- Ira Furor Brevis Est
- IRB Approval [Education]
- Iron Safe Clause
- Irradiator
- Irradiator Operator
- Irreconcilable Differences
- Irregular Deposit
- Irregular Discharge [Veterans' Relief]
- Irregular Heirs
- Irregular Indorsement
- Irregular Succession
- Irregular Use of Process
- Irregularities
- Irreparable Harm
- Irreparable Injury
- Irreperable-Injury Rule
- Irresistable-Impulse Test
- Irresistible Impulse
- Irretrievable Breakdown of the Marriage
- Irretrievable Well Logging Source
- Irreverence
- Irrevocable Beneficiary
- Irrevocable Consent
- Irrevocable Letter of Credit
- Irrevocable Living Trusts
- Irrevocable Power Of Attorney
- Irrevocable Trust
- Irrevocable Waiver
- Irrigation Block
- Irrigation Company
- Irritable Aggression
- Irritant
- Irritant Clause
- IRS (Internal Revenue Service) Summons
- IRS Audits
- IRS Congressional Matter [Internal Revenue]
- IRS Demand [Internal Revenue]
- IRS E-File
- IRS Liens
- IRS Penalties
- IRS Records or Information [Internal Revenue]
- IRS Tax Forms
- Island
- ISO 9000
- Isolation [Energy]
- Isolation Zone Alarm [Energy]
- Isolationism
- Isomer
- Issue
- Issue (Banking)
- Issue Date
- Issue Estoppel
- Issue in Controversy
- Issue Preclusion
- Issue Price [Internal Revenue Code]
- Issued Stock
- Issues in Controversy
- IT06
- Item (Banking)
- Itemized Statement of Service
- Itinerant Justices
- Itinerant Vendor
- Ius Cogens
- Ius In Re
- Ius Non Scriptum
- Ius Privatum
- Ius Publicum
- Ius Strictum
- Ivy League