Your Debian-based data center in a box
The DebOps project is a set of Free and Open Source tools that let users bootstrap and manage an IT infrastructure based on Debian or Ubuntu operating systems. Ansible is used as the main configuration management platform. DebOps provides a collection of Ansible roles that manage various services, as well as a set of Ansible playbooks that tie them together in a highly integrated environment.
Ansible roles and playbooks provided by DebOps can be used to manage a single host, a set of Debian or Ubuntu hosts, or an entire data center. The hosts in question can be physical or virtual machines, or even LXC/Docker containers.
Some of the applications and services supported in DebOps are:
X.509 certificate management with support for Let's Encrypt certificates
a git hosting platform based on GitLab
cloud file hosting based on Nextcloud or ownCloud
You can try out DebOps without installing it on your computer, using Docker or Vagrant. Alternatively, a set of scripts can be installed on your own computer, that will let you manage multiple, separate IT infrastructure environments.