Concluded groups
Note that the information on historical groups may be inaccurate.
Applications and Real-Time Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
appsawg | ART Area General Applications Working Group | 2010-10 | 2017-07 |
arcmedia | 'Archive' Top-Level Media Type | 2015-02 | 2015-07 |
avtext | Audio/Video Transport Extensions | 2011-01 | 2017-08 |
bfcpbis | Binary Floor Control Protocol Bis | 2011-11 | 2021-01 |
capport | Captive Portal Interaction | 2016-01 | 2020-12 |
clue | ControLling mUltiple streams for tElepresence | 2011-01 | 2020-03 |
codec | Internet Wideband Audio Codec | 2010-01 | 2018-09 |
dbound | Domain Boundaries | 2015-04 | 2017-04 |
dcrup | DKIM Crypto Update | 2017-04 | 2018-09 |
dkim | Domain Keys Identified Mail | 2006-01 | 2024-01 |
doh | DNS Over HTTPS | 2017-09 | 2020-03 |
drinks | Data for Reachability of Inter/tra-NetworK SIP | 2008-06 | 2016-04 |
eppext | Extensible Provisioning Protocol Extensions | 2013-12 | 2016-03 |
geojson | Geographic JSON | 2015-10 | 2017-06 |
hybi | BiDirectional or Server-Initiated HTTP | 2010-01 | 2016-01 |
ice | Interactive Connectivity Establishment | 2015-10 | 2020-07 |
imapapnd | IMAP APPEND Extensions | 2015-06 | 2016-05 |
insipid | INtermediary-safe SIP session ID | 2012-03 | 2018-10 |
jsonbis | Javascript Object Notation Update | 2015-06 | 2017-12 |
jsonpath | JSON Path | 2020-10 | 2024-03 |
justfont | Font Top Level Media Type | 2015-12 | 2017-03 |
lager | Label Generation Rules | 2015-07 | 2016-10 |
mmusic | Multiparty Multimedia Session Control | 1993-06 | 2024-08 |
modern | Managing, Ordering, Distributing, Exposing, & Registering telephone Numbers | 2015-07 | 2020-02 |
netvc | Internet Video Codec | 2015-05 | 2020-03 |
p2psip | Peer-to-Peer Session Initiation Protocol | 2007-02 | 2016-12 |
payload | Audio/Video Transport Payloads | 2011-01 | 2019-09 |
perc | Privacy Enhanced RTP Conferencing | 2015-06 | 2022-04 |
precis | Preparation and Comparison of Internationalized Strings | 2010-06 | 2017-11 |
rum | Relay User Machine | 2019-04 | 2023-10 |
sedate | Serialising Extended Data About Times and Events | 2021-07 | 2024-05 |
sframe | Secure Media Frames | 2020-11 | 2024-08 |
sipbrandy | SIP Best-practice Recommendations Against Network Dangers to privacY | 2016-07 | 2021-02 |
siprec | SIP Recording | 2010-03 | 2016-12 |
slim | Selection of Language for Internet Media | 2015-10 | 2018-10 |
stox | SIP-TO-XMPP | 2013-06 | 2017-01 |
straw | Sip Traversal Required for Applications to Work | 2012-06 | 2017-03 |
tzdist | Time Zone Data Distribution Service | 2014-08 | 2016-04 |
urnbis | Uniform Resource Names, Revised | 2010-11 | 2017-10 |
uuidrev | Revise Universally Unique Identifier Definitions | 2022-08 | 2024-05 |
webpush | Web-Based Push Notifications | 2014-10 | 2017-12 |
wpack | Web Packaging | 2020-03 | 2023-02 |
xmpp | Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol | 2009-05 | 2015-09 |
xrblock | Metric Blocks for use with RTCP's Extended Report Framework | 2011-01 | 2019-09 |
Applications Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
6lowapp | Application Protocols for Low-power V6 Networks | ||
822ext | Internet Message Extensions | 1991-04 | 1993-10 |
aaarg | Application Authentication/Authorization Review Gr | 2000-06 | |
acap | Application Configuration Access Protocol | 1996-11 | 2004-04 |
apex | Application Exchange | 2001-03 | 2003-12 |
applcore | Application CORE Protocol | ||
applmib | Application MIB | 1995-11 | 1999-07 |
asid | Access, Searching and Indexing of Directories | 1994-06 | 1999-02 |
atompub | Atom Publishing Format and Protocol | 2004-06 | 2007-10 |
b2bxml | Business to Business XML Data Commun. Strategies | 2003-12 | |
beep | Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol | 2000-06 | 2002-03 |
blocks | An Application Protocol Framework & A Model Applic | 2003-12 | |
c15n | Contextualization of Resolution | 2003-12 | |
calsch | Calendaring and Scheduling | 1996-10 | 2004-09 |
calsify | Calendaring and Scheduling Standards Simplification | 2005-07 | 2010-12 |
cdi | Content Distribution Internetworking | 2002-02 | 2003-06 |
charset | Character Set Policy | 2000-06 | |
chronos | Distributed Scheduling Protocol | 1991-01 | 1992-08 |
cnrp | Common Name Resolution Protocol | 1999-09 | 2002-09 |
confctrl | Conferencing Control | 1992-12 | |
conneg | Content Negotiation | 1998-02 | 2000-10 |
crisp | Cross Registry Information Service Protocol | 2002-06 | 2009-03 |
dasl | DAV Searching and Locating | 1998-11 | 2000-04 |
dce | OSF Distributed Computing Environment | 1992-07 | |
deltav | Web Versioning and Configuration Management | 1999-09 | 2002-03 |
dirdep | Directory Deployment | 2000-06 | |
dix | Digital Identity Exchange Protocol | 2006-05 | |
dns | Domain Name System | 1987-02 | 1994-03 |
domreg | Domain Registration Services | 2003-12 | |
drp | Domain Registry Protocol | ||
drums | Detailed Revision/Update of Message Standards | 1995-05 | 2001-04 |
eai | Email Address Internationalization | 2006-03 | 2013-03 |
ecml | Electronic Commerce Modeling Lanugage | 2000-06 | |
edi | Electronic Data Interchange | 1994-05 | 1995-07 |
ediint | Electronic Data Interchange-Internet Integration | 1996-06 | 2006-03 |
fax | Internet Fax | 1997-01 | 2005-02 |
find | Common Indexing Protocol | 1995-10 | 1999-08 |
findstuf | Finding Stuff | 2000-06 | |
ftpext | Extensions to FTP | 1996-09 | 2004-01 |
ftpext2 | FTP Extensions, 2nd edition | 2010-11 | 2012-04 |
furi | Future of Uniform Resource Identifiers | 2003-12 | |
html | HyperText Markup Language | 1994-11 | 1996-09 |
http | HyperText Transfer Protocol | 1995-01 | 2000-10 |
httpext | HTTP Extensions | 2000-06 | |
httpstate | HTTP State Management Mechanism | 2009-12 | 2011-05 |
idn | Internationalized Domain Name | 2008-04 | |
idnabis | Internationalized Domain Names in Applications, Revised | 2008-04 | 2010-03 |
idnprov | IDN over EPP | 2005-05 | |
ids | Integrated Directory Services | 1993-02 | 1998-10 |
iea | Internationalizing Email Address | 2005-05 | |
iee | Internationalized Email and Extensions | 2006-01 | |
iiri | Internet Information Retrieval Infrastructure | 2005-05 | |
ikstel | Internet Kermit Services/Outstanding Telnet Option | ||
imap | Internet Message Access Protocol | 1993-06 | 1995-05 |
imapext | Internet Message Access Protocol Extension | 2000-05 | 2008-06 |
imapmove | IMAP MOVE extension | 2012-06 | 2013-01 |
imp | Internet Mercantile Protocols | 1993-08 | |
impp | Instant Messaging and Presence Protocol | 1999-02 | 2004-09 |
imxpbof | IMXP | 2003-12 | |
index | Web Indexing and Related Issues | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
intloc | Internationalization and Localization of Internet Protocols | 2003-12 | |
ipdvb | IP over DVB | 2004-01 | 2011-08 |
ipp | Internet Printing Protocol | 1997-03 | 2004-08 |
ippext | IPP Extensions | 2000-06 | |
ircup | IRC Update | 2000-06 | |
iri | Internationalized Resource Identifiers | 2010-01 | 2013-01 |
irnss | Internet Resource Name Search Service | 2003-12 | |
isms | Integrated Security Model for SNMP | 2004-09 | 2011-08 |
iww | IAB Wireless Workshop | 2003-12 | |
jcardcal | JSON data formats for vCard and iCalendar | 2013-03 | 2014-06 |
json | JavaScript Object Notation | 2013-05 | 2015-03 |
jxta | JXTA | 2003-12 | |
laser | LDAP Schema for E-mail Routing | ||
ldapbis | LDAP (v3) Revision | 2000-11 | 2006-06 |
ldapext | LDAP Extension | 1997-10 | 2003-04 |
ldup | LDAP Duplication/Replication/Update Protocols | 1998-11 | 2004-04 |
lemonade | Enhancements to Internet email to Support Diverse Service Environments | 2003-02 | 2010-02 |
lessor | Language Select/Search/Order Registry | 2000-06 | |
list | Automated Internet Mailing List Services | 1991-07 | 1992-10 |
lsma | Large Scale Multicast Applications | 1996-12 | 2000-02 |
ltans | Long-Term Archive and Notary Services | 2003-10 | 2011-07 |
ltru | Language Tag Registry Update | 2005-03 | 2009-11 |
madman | Mail and Directory Management | 1993-04 | 2000-04 |
mailcap | Mail Recipient Capabilities | ||
mailext | Mail Extensions | 1994-07 | 1996-06 |
mailrev | Review of Short Mail-related Extension Proposals | ||
marf | Messaging Abuse Reporting Format | 2010-01 | 2012-06 |
marid | MTA Authorization Records in DNS | 2004-04 | 2004-09 |
mcwww | Multicast WWW | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
metad | MIME Enabled Textually Accessed Directories | ||
mhsds | MHS-DS | 1992-01 | 1995-03 |
mhtml | MIME Encapsulation of Aggregate HTML Documents | 1996-03 | 1999-06 |
mimemhs | MIME-MHS Interworking | 1992-04 | 1993-09 |
mimesgml | MIME Content-Type for SGML Documents | 1995-01 | 1996-05 |
mixer | MIME - X.400 Gateway | 1995-06 | 1998-03 |
mmms | Mobile Multimedia Messaging Service | ||
mmox | Massively Multi-Player Games and Applications | ||
morg | Message Organization | 2009-01 | 2011-03 |
msgtrk | Message Tracking Protocol | 1998-11 | 2004-10 |
multiapp | Networking Multimedia Applications | 1993-08 | |
ndmp | Network Data Management Protocol | 2003-12 | |
netdata | Network Database | 1991-03 | 1994-03 |
netfax | Network Fax | 1990-08 | 1992-10 |
nntp | Network News Transport Protocol | 1991-04 | 1993-10 |
nntpext | NNTP Extensions | 1996-12 | 2005-10 |
notary | Notifications and Acknowledgements Requirements | 1994-02 | 1995-11 |
notify | Event Notification Service | ||
npp | Network Printing Protocol | 1990-02 | 1994-02 |
oda | Office Document Architecture | 1991-03 | 1993-04 |
ogpx | Open Grid Protocol | ||
opes | Open Pluggable Edge Services | 2002-02 | 2007-03 |
osids | OSI Directory Services | 1990-10 | 1994-11 |
paws | Protocol to Access WS database | 2011-06 | 2015-05 |
pipr | Presence Information Protocol Requirements | 2000-06 | |
pop | Post Office Protocol | 1991-06 | 1993-04 |
prim | Presence and Instant Messaging Protocol | 2001-07 | 2003-03 |
printmib | Printer MIB | 1996-11 | 2000-04 |
provreg | Provisioning Registry Protocol | 2001-02 | 2004-04 |
qresync | IMAP QRESYNC Extension | 2013-04 | 2014-05 |
qualdocs | High Quality Document Transfer | 2003-12 | |
quis | Quality Information Services | 1994-11 | 1995-05 |
receipt | Receipt Notifications for Internet Mail | 1995-08 | 1998-04 |
remconf | Remote Conferencing | 1997-01 | |
repute | Reputation Services | 2011-11 | 2013-11 |
rescap | Resource Capabilities Discovery | 1999-12 | 2003-10 |
rui | Remote UI | 2006-01 | |
schema | Schema Registration | 1997-11 | 2000-02 |
sieve | Sieve Mail Filtering Language | 2004-11 | 2012-11 |
sip-o | Simple Internet Protocol | 1993-01 | 1994-02 |
smtpext | Internet Mail Extensions | 1990-12 | 1993-03 |
spam | Bulk Unsolicited Mail | 2000-06 | |
spatial | Spatial Location | 2003-12 | |
spfbis | SPF Update | 2012-02 | 2014-04 |
swap | Simple Workflow Access Protocol | 2000-06 | |
telnet | TELNET | 1989-06 | 1994-11 |
tftpexts | TFTP Extensions | 1994-10 | 1995-03 |
tip | Transaction Internet Protocol | 1997-07 | 1998-10 |
tn3270e | Telnet TN3270 Enhancements | 1997-03 | 2004-02 |
trade | Internet Open Trading Protocol | 1998-06 | 2005-02 |
ucs | UCS Character Set | 1993-08 | |
ulp | Universal Logging Protocol | 2000-06 | |
urc | Uniform Resource Characteristics | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
urlreg | Uniform Resource Locator Registration Procedures | 1997-07 | 1999-11 |
urn | Uniform Resource Names | 1996-09 | 2002-10 |
usefor | Usenet Article Standard Update | 1997-10 | 2009-03 |
vcarddav | vCard and CardDAV | 2008-01 | 2012-11 |
vpim | Voice Profile for Internet Mail | 2000-05 | 2005-04 |
vwrap | Virtual World Region Agent Protocol | 2009-09 | 2011-05 |
webdav | WWW Distributed Authoring and Versioning | 1997-03 | 2007-03 |
webi | Web Intermediaries | 2001-01 | 2002-06 |
websec | Web Security | 2010-10 | 2015-04 |
weirds | Web Extensible Internet Registration Data Service | 2012-05 | 2015-03 |
wg-msg | Mail and Messaging | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
whip | Internet White Pages Requirements | 1994-06 | 1995-06 |
widex | Widget Description Exchange Service | 2005-10 | 2007-07 |
wrec | Web Replication and Caching | 1999-02 | 2001-03 |
x400ops | X.400 Operations | 1991-02 | 1994-06 |
xmlpatch | XML-Patch-Ops | 2006-01 | |
xmpp-old | Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol | 2002-10 | 2004-10 |
yam | Yet Another Mail | 2009-05 | 2011-11 |
General Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
coach | Comprehensive apprOACH to quality | 2003-12 | |
elegy | NomCom Eligibility Update | 2022-08 | 2023-07 |
git | GitHub Integration and Tooling | 2019-02 | 2020-09 |
ianaplan | Planning for the IANA/NTIA Transition | 2014-09 | 2016-11 |
iasa2 | IETF Administrative Support Activity 2 | 2018-04 | 2020-03 |
icar | Improved Cross-Area Review | 2004-02 | 2005-03 |
ietf-tv | The Future of IETF Multicast/Unicast Service | 2005-05 | |
inaparch | International Networking and the NAP Architecture | 1997-01 | |
intprop | Intellectual Property of the IETF | 1997-01 | |
ipr | Intellectual Property Rights | 2002-07 | 2008-11 |
midtax | Middle box Taxonomy | 2003-12 | |
mtgvenue | Meeting Venue | 2016-07 | 2020-04 |
newtrk | New IETF Standards Track Discussion | 2004-02 | 2006-08 |
nomcom | Operation of the IESG/IAB Nominating and Recall Committees | 2002-04 | 2004-06 |
pesci | Process Evolution Consideration for the IETF | 2006-01 | |
poised | Process for Organization of Internet Standards | 1992-09 | 1994-04 |
poised95 | Poised 95 | 1995-07 | 1996-03 |
poisson | Process for Organization of Internet Standards ONgoing | 1995-07 | 2001-10 |
problem | Problem Statement | 2003-03 | 2004-11 |
pufi | Procedures Update for IETF | 2008-04 | |
shmoo | Stay Home Meet Occasionally Online | 2020-07 | 2023-12 |
techspec | Requirements for IETF Technical Specificaiton Publication | 2006-05 | |
uswg | User Services | 1989-01 | 2002-10 |
Internet Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
16ng | IP over IEEE 802.16 Networks | 2006-06 | 2010-06 |
6ai | IPv6 Address Independence | ||
6lowpan | IPv6 over Low power WPAN | 2005-03 | 2014-01 |
6tisch | IPv6 over the TSCH mode of IEEE 802.15.4e | 2013-10 | 2023-07 |
aatn | Avoidance of Address Translation in Networks | ||
adsl | Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line | ||
ancp | Access Node Control Protocol | 2006-06 | 2015-03 |
anycast | Anycast | ||
aplusp | Address Plus Port | ||
appleip | IP Over AppleTalk | 1990-02 | 1996-02 |
autoconf | Ad-Hoc Network Autoconfiguration | 2005-10 | 2012-03 |
cip | Connection IP | 1988-10 | 1992-09 |
csi | Cga & Send maIntenance | 2008-02 | 2013-02 |
ddbof | Device Discovery | 2003-12 | |
dna | Detecting Network Attachment | 2004-02 | 2009-10 |
dnsext | DNS Extensions | 1999-12 | 2013-07 |
dnsind | DNS IXFR, Notification, and Dynamic Update | 1994-06 | 2000-01 |
dnsnext | DNS: Where Do We Go From Here? | 1999-11 | |
eap | Extensible Authentication Protocol | 2002-07 | 2008-05 |
explisp | Experimentation in LISP | 2008-08 | |
fddi | IP Over FDDI | 1989-10 | 1993-01 |
fickle | Fast Ip Connectivity and KeepaLivE | 2003-12 | |
frnetmib | Frame Relay Service MIB | 1993-04 | 2002-01 |
hip | Host Identity Protocol | 2004-02 | 2021-08 |
homenet | Home Networking | 2011-07 | 2023-02 |
icos | IP Configuration Security | 2005-05 | |
ifmib | Interfaces MIB | 1995-05 | 2003-09 |
ion | Internetworking Over NBMA | 1996-05 | 2000-06 |
ip1394 | IP Over IEEE 1394 | 1997-07 | 2000-06 |
ipac | Internet Personal Appliance Control | 2003-12 | |
ipae | IP Address Encapsulation | 1992-10 | 1993-05 |
ipatm | IP Over Asynchronous Transfer Mode | 1992-01 | 1996-05 |
ipfc | IP over Fibre Channel | 1998-05 | 2002-01 |
ipngwg | IPNG | 1994-11 | 2001-12 |
ipobt | IP over Bluetooth | 2003-12 | |
ipoib | IP over InfiniBand | 2001-07 | 2006-07 |
iporpr | IP over Resilient Packet Rings | 2001-01 | 2008-09 |
ippcp | IP Payload Compression Protocol | 1997-07 | 1999-09 |
ipsat | IP over Satellite Links | ||
ipv6 | IP Version 6 Working Group | 2000-12 | 2007-09 |
ipv6mib | IPv6 MIB | 1995-03 | 1997-10 |
ipvbi | IP over VBI | 1998-03 | 1999-12 |
ipvlx | IP Virtual Link Extension | 2005-05 | |
ipwave | IP Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments | 2016-10 | 2022-11 |
isdnmib | ISDN MIB | 1995-05 | 1998-02 |
itrace | ICMP Traceback | 2000-07 | 2003-09 |
l2cp | Layer 2 Control Protocol | 2006-05 | |
lpwan | IPv6 over Low Power Wide-Area Networks | 2016-10 | 2023-07 |
lrw | Lightweight Reachability softWires | 2011-02 | |
lwig | Light-Weight Implementation Guidance | 2011-03 | 2024-01 |
magma | Multicast & Anycast Group Membership | 2001-07 | 2009-03 |
mext | Mobility EXTensions for IPv6 | 2007-07 | 2012-03 |
mif | Multiple Interfaces | 2009-04 | 2016-05 |
mip4 | Mobility for IPv4 | 2003-08 | 2015-08 |
mip6 | Mobility for IPv6 | 2003-09 | 2007-11 |
mipshop | Mobility for IP: Performance, Signaling and Handoff Optimization | 2003-10 | 2010-09 |
mmb | Multi-Media Bridging | 1990-10 | 1993-01 |
mobileip | IP Routing for Wireless/Mobile Hosts | 1992-06 | 2003-11 |
monami6 | Mobile Nodes and Multiple Interfaces in IPv6 | 2005-10 | 2007-11 |
monet | Mobile Networks | 2003-12 | |
mptrans | Multiprotocol Transport | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
mtudisc | IP MTU Discovery | 1989-10 | 1990-09 |
multimob | Multicast Mobility | 2009-09 | 2014-12 |
nat66 | IPv6-to-IPv6 Network Address Translation | 2009-09 | |
nemo | Network Mobility | 2002-10 | 2007-11 |
netext | Network-Based Mobility Extensions | 2009-05 | 2016-05 |
netlmm | Network-based Localized Mobility Management | 2006-01 | 2010-10 |
netwklr | Network Layer | ||
nits | Networks in the Small - aka Home Networks | 1999-09 | |
nsiim | Next Steps in IP Mobility | 2003-12 | |
pana | Protocol for carrying Authentication for Network Access | 2001-11 | 2009-12 |
pcc | Performance and Congestion Control | 1987-11 | 1911-01 |
pcp | Port Control Protocol | 2010-08 | 2017-11 |
pip | P. Internet Protocol | 1992-08 | 1994-02 |
pktway | PacketWay | 1995-07 | 1999-08 |
ppp | Point-to-Point Protocol | 1988-03 | 1989-11 |
pppext | Point-to-Point Protocol Extensions | 1989-10 | 2013-10 |
pppoe | PPP Over Ethernet | ||
rdisc | Router Discovery | 1988-10 | 1991-08 |
remboot | Remote Boot Protocol | ||
savi | Source Address Validation Improvements | 2008-07 | 2018-10 |
send | Securing Neighbor Discovery | 2002-10 | 2004-08 |
shim6 | Site Multihoming by IPv6 Intermediation | 2005-06 | 2011-08 |
smds | IP Over Switched Megabit Data Service | 1990-02 | 1990-12 |
softwire | Softwires | 2005-12 | 2019-11 |
st2 | Internet Stream Protocol V2 | 1993-10 | 1996-03 |
sunset4 | Sunsetting IPv4 | 2012-05 | 2018-05 |
svrloc | Service Location Protocol | 1990-12 | 2001-05 |
tc | Tunneling Configuration | 2005-05 | |
tpix | TP/IX | 1993-05 | 1994-02 |
trunkmib | DS1/DS3 MIB | 1995-05 | 1999-02 |
tuba | TCP/UDP Over CLNP-Addressed Networks | 1992-10 | 1995-05 |
vgmib | 100VG-AnyLAN MIB | 1995-05 | 1998-01 |
vpn | Virtual Private Networking | ||
wasrv | Wide Area Service Location | ||
zeroconf | Zero Configuration Networking | 1999-09 | 2004-08 |
zerouter | Zeroconf Router | 2003-12 |
IP: Next Generation Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
addrconf | Address Autoconfiguration | 1994-11 | 1996-04 |
ale | Address Lifetime Expectations | 1994-01 | 1995-03 |
catnip | Common Architecture for Next Generation IP | 1994-02 | 1995-05 |
sipp | Simple Internet Protocol Plus | 1994-02 | 1994-11 |
Network Management Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
acct | Internet Accounting | 1990-02 | 1993-04 |
alertman | Alert Management | 1989-04 | 1990-12 |
charmib | Character MIB | 1993-04 | 1994-07 |
chassis | Chassis MIB | 1992-03 | 1993-07 |
cmot | CMIP Over TCP | 1987-07 | 1989-01 |
decnetiv | DECnet Phase IV MIB | 1993-04 | 1993-12 |
ethermib | Ethernet MIB | 1991-11 | 1993-02 |
fddimib | FDDI MIB | 1989-05 | 1993-09 |
hostmib | Host Resources MIB | 1992-06 | 1993-09 |
lanman | LAN Manager | 1989-03 | 1991-03 |
modemmgt | Modem Management | 1993-04 | 1994-08 |
mpsnmp | SNMP Over a Multi-Protocol Internet | 1992-04 | 1993-03 |
msi | Management Services Interface | 1989-10 | 1991-08 |
oim | OSI Internet Management | 1989-10 | 1992-04 |
rdbmsmib | Relational Database Management Systems MIB | 1994-01 | 1994-08 |
snmp | Simple Network Management Protocol | 1987-02 | 1991-11 |
snmpv2 | SNMP Version 2 | 1994-10 | 1995-12 |
transmib | Transmission Mib | 1990-05 | 1990-12 |
trmon | Token Ring Remote Monitoring | 1992-03 | 1993-09 |
x25mib | X.25 Management Information Base | 1991-03 | 1993-05 |
Operational Requirements Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
acct2 | Internet Accounting 2 | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
bgpdepl | BGP Deployment and Application | 1992-04 | 1994-03 |
cidrd | CIDR Deployment | 1994-03 | 1996-12 |
eii | Emergency Information Infrastructure | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
gisd | Generic Internet Service Description | 1993-09 | 1995-10 |
ire | Internet Registry Evolution | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
netstat | Network Status Reports | 1994-06 | 1996-06 |
newdom | New Top Level Domains | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
njm | Network Joint Management | 1990-02 | 1994-04 |
noop | Network OSI Operations | 1991-03 | 1994-04 |
opstat | Operational Statistics | 1990-12 | 1995-08 |
snmp-ng | SNMP - Next Generation | 1997-02 | 1997-02 |
ucp | User Connectivity | 1990-02 | 1994-03 |
wpkops | Web PKI OPS | 2013-02 | 2015-05 |
Operations and Management Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
2000 | The Internet and the Millennium Problem | 1997-02 | 2000-01 |
6renum | IPv6 Site Renumbering | 2011-06 | 2013-10 |
aaa | Authentication, Authorization and Accounting | 1999-02 | 2007-01 |
adslmib | ADSL MIB | 1998-05 | 2014-01 |
agentx | SNMP Agent Extensibility | 1995-11 | 2002-05 |
alto | Application-Layer Traffic Optimization | 2008-11 | 2024-01 |
armd | Address Resolution for Massive numbers of hosts in the Data center | 2011-03 | 2012-10 |
artmib | Application Response Time MIB | ||
atommib | AToM MIB | 1995-02 | 2004-11 |
bridge | Bridge MIB | 1990-08 | 2006-02 |
capwap | Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points | 2004-01 | 2010-05 |
cfgmgmt | Configuration Management | ||
coredb | Council of Registrars Database | 2000-10 | |
ddniwg | DDN Interconnectivity | 1990-08 | 1991-08 |
dime | Diameter Maintenance and Extensions | 2006-01 | 2024-03 |
disman | Distributed Management | 1996-05 | 2006-07 |
dnsmeas | DNS Research Measurements | 2003-12 | |
eman | Energy Management | 2010-09 | 2015-06 |
entmib | Entity MIB | 1995-09 | 2006-02 |
eos | Evolution of SNMP | 2001-02 | 2003-04 |
gr303 | GR-303 MIB | ||
grip | G & R for Security Incident Processing | 1995-02 | 2001-12 |
hmibs | H.Multimedia MIBs | ||
hubmib | Ethernet Interfaces and Hub MIB | 1995-06 | 2007-09 |
imad | IPv4 Multicast Address Architecture | 2006-01 | |
imss | Internet and Management Support for Storage | 2003-10 | 2009-01 |
ipcdn | IP over Cable Data Network | 1996-09 | 2009-04 |
ipfix | IP Flow Information Export | 2001-09 | 2015-03 |
ippt | IP Path Tracing | 2003-12 | |
ispmon | Monitoring Infrastructure Deployment | 2003-12 | |
jomann | Joint Monitoring Access for Adjacent Networks NSF | 1988-10 | 1989-10 |
l2sm | L2VPN Service Model | 2016-11 | 2018-12 |
l3sm | L3VPN Service Model | 2015-03 | 2016-11 |
lime | Layer Independent OAM Management in the Multi-Layer Environment | 2014-10 | 2018-02 |
lmap | Large-Scale Measurement of Broadband Performance | 2013-06 | 2018-02 |
lsd2 | LDAP Service Deployment - Take 2 | ||
lsd-old | LDAP Service Deployment | 1998-01 | 1998-11 |
multi6 | Site Multihoming in IPv6 | 2001-03 | 2007-03 |
nasreq | Network Access Server Requirements | 1999-01 | 2003-07 |
nasreqng | Next Generation Network Access Server Requirements | ||
newsnmp | New Work in the Network Management Area | ||
ngtrans | Next Generation Transition | 1994-12 | 2003-02 |
nim | Network Information Model | 2003-12 | |
opsec | Operational Security Capabilities for IP Network Infrastructure | 2004-09 | 2024-08 |
ops-nm | OPS-NM Configuration Management Requirements | 2003-12 | |
pier | Procedures for Internet/Enterprise Renumbering | 1995-12 | 1998-06 |
pmol | Performance Metrics for Other Layers | 2007-11 | 2011-08 |
policy | Policy Framework | 1998-10 | 2004-11 |
posse | Packet Over SONET/SDH Examination | ||
psamp | Packet Sampling | 2002-06 | 2009-07 |
ptomaine | Prefix Taxonomy Ongoing Measurement & Inter Network Experiment | 2001-09 | 2004-07 |
ptopomib | Physical Topology MIB | 1996-10 | 2000-10 |
radius | Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service | 1995-12 | 2000-07 |
rap | Resource Allocation Protocol | 1997-11 | 2005-06 |
ride | Registry Information Database Exchange Formats & P | ||
rmonmib | Remote Network Monitoring | 1993-09 | 2006-10 |
roamops | Roaming Operations | 1996-11 | 2001-01 |
rperfman | Remote Performance Management | 2003-12 | |
rps | Routing Policy System | 1995-06 | 2000-02 |
rwhois | RWhois Operational Development | 1995-03 | 1998-09 |
sgm | Small Group Multicast | 2003-12 | |
siked | Secure Internet Key Distribution | 2003-12 | |
sls | Service Level Specification and Usage | 2003-12 | |
sming | Next Generation Structure of Management Information | 2000-11 | 2003-04 |
smiv2 | Structure of Management Information Version 2 | ||
snmpconf | Configuration Management with SNMP | 2000-01 | 2005-03 |
snmpv3 | SNMP Version 3 | 1997-03 | 2003-09 |
supa | Simplified Use of Policy Abstractions | 2015-10 | 2017-08 |
tmnsnmp | TMN-SNMP | 2003-12 | |
upsmib | Uninterruptible Power Supply | 1992-10 | 1999-04 |
OSI Integration Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
osigen | OSI General | 1989-01 | 1992-06 |
osinsap | Assignment of OSI NSAP Addresses | 1990-02 | 1991-03 |
osix400 | OSI X.400 | 1990-02 | 1991-08 |
skinstak | OSI Upper-Layer Communications for Applications | 1992-10 | 1993-02 |
thinosi | Minimal OSI Upper-Layers | 1993-02 | 1994-10 |
Real-time Applications and Infrastructure Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
atoca | Authority-to-Citizen Alert | 2010-08 | 2012-11 |
avt | Audio/Video Transport | 1992-03 | 2011-03 |
bliss | Basic Level of Interoperability for SIP Services | 2007-06 | 2013-02 |
cuss | Call Control UUI Service for SIP | 2010-08 | 2015-01 |
dart | DiffServ Applied to Real-time Transports | 2014-04 | 2014-11 |
enum | Telephone Number Mapping | 1999-10 | 2011-05 |
geopriv | Geographic Location/Privacy | 2001-06 | 2014-11 |
ieprep | Internet Emergency Preparedness | 2002-02 | 2007-09 |
iptel | IP Telephony | 1998-03 | 2009-03 |
martini | Multiple AoR reachabiliTy InformatioN Indication | 2009-12 | 2011-03 |
mediactrl | Media Server Control | 2007-02 | 2013-10 |
megaco | Media Gateway Control | 1999-01 | 2006-03 |
p2p-sip | Peer to Peer Support for Session Initiation Protocol | 2007-02 | |
salud | Sip ALerting for User Devices | 2010-07 | 2015-02 |
sigtran | Signaling Transport | 1998-11 | 2009-03 |
simple | SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions | 2001-03 | 2013-02 |
sip | Session Initiation Protocol | 1999-09 | 2009-05 |
sipclf | SIP Common Log Format | 2009-09 | 2013-02 |
sipping | Session Initiation Proposal Investigation | 2001-11 | 2009-05 |
soc | SIP Overload Control | 2010-05 | 2015-02 |
speechsc | Speech Services Control | 2002-06 | 2012-11 |
speermint | Session PEERing for Multimedia INTerconnect | 2006-02 | 2011-11 |
splices | looSely-couPLed sIp deviCES | 2010-07 | 2012-01 |
vipr | Verification Involving PSTN Reachability | 2011-03 | 2014-01 |
xcon | Centralized Conferencing | 2003-10 | 2011-09 |
Routing Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
bgmp | Border Gateway Multicast Protocol | 1999-08 | 2004-06 |
bgp | Border Gateway Protocol | 1989-01 | 1994-08 |
bigaddr | IPv7 Addressing | 1993-04 | |
dlswmib | Data Link Switching MIB | 1995-02 | 2001-04 |
forces | Forwarding and Control Element Separation | 2001-07 | 2015-03 |
gels | GMPLS Controlled Ethernet Label Switching | 2006-01 | |
i2rs | Interface to the Routing System | 2013-01 | 2021-03 |
idmr | Inter-Domain Multicast Routing | 1993-06 | 2005-02 |
idpr | Inter-Domain Policy Routing | 1988-10 | 1995-02 |
ipidrp | OSI IDRP for IP Over IP | 1992-06 | 1994-08 |
iplpdn | IP Over Large Public Data Networks | 1990-12 | 1993-08 |
isis | IS-IS for IP Internets | 1998-11 | 2018-03 |
karp | Keying and Authentication for Routing Protocols | 2010-02 | 2014-05 |
l1vpn | Layer 1 Virtual Private Networks | 2005-06 | 2009-03 |
l2tpext | Layer Two Tunneling Protocol Extensions | 1999-10 | 2018-05 |
l2vpn | Layer 2 Virtual Private Networks | 2003-07 | 2014-11 |
l3vpn | Layer 3 Virtual Private Networks | 2003-07 | 2014-10 |
maestro | Multicast Addr. Exten. & Simple Transmitter Opti. | ||
mlm | Multicast Last Mile | 2003-12 | |
mospf | Multicast Extensions to OSPF | 1990-10 | 2001-05 |
msdp | Multicast Source Discovery Protocol | 1998-11 | 2004-01 |
nimrod | New Internet Routing and Addressing Architecture | 1994-01 | 1998-03 |
odv | Open Distance Vector IGP | 1989-10 | 1990-05 |
ospf | Open Shortest Path First IGP | 1988-03 | 2018-03 |
pdnrout | Private Data Network Routing | 1988-06 | 1990-08 |
pwe3 | Pseudowire Emulation Edge to Edge | 2001-05 | 2014-11 |
qosr | QoS Routing | 1997-02 | 1999-04 |
raw | Reliable and Available Wireless | 2020-02 | 2023-10 |
rip | Routing Information Protocol | 1995-02 | 2003-06 |
ripv2 | RIP Version II | 1993-05 | 1995-02 |
rolc | Routing over Large Clouds | 1993-10 | 1996-05 |
rpsec | Routing Protocol Security Requirements | 2002-06 | 2009-03 |
rreq | Router Requirements | 1989-10 | 1995-05 |
sdr | Source Demand Routing | 1993-03 | 1998-03 |
sfc | Service Function Chaining | 2013-12 | 2023-07 |
sidr | Secure Inter-Domain Routing | 2006-04 | 2018-09 |
snadlc | SNA DLC Services MIB | 1993-05 | 2001-04 |
snanau | SNA NAU Services MIB | 1993-05 | 1999-06 |
ssm | Source-Specific Multicast | 2000-07 | 2007-02 |
tagsw | Tag Switching BOF | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
trill | Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links | 2005-06 | 2018-03 |
udlr | UniDirectional Link Routing | 1997-01 | 2003-12 |
vrrp | Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol | 1997-06 | 2011-06 |
Security Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
aac | Authorization and Access Control | 1993-06 | 1995-03 |
abfab | Application Bridging for Federated Access Beyond web | 2010-10 | 2016-09 |
aft | Authenticated Firewall Traversal | 1994-10 | 2002-10 |
alien | Anonymous Identifiers | 2006-01 | |
btns | Better-Than-Nothing Security | 2005-03 | 2010-03 |
cat | Common Authentication Technology | 1991-03 | 2002-07 |
cidf | Common Intrusion Detection Framework | ||
cipso | Commercial Internet Protocol Security Option | 1991-03 | 1995-03 |
curdle | CURves, Deprecating and a Little more Encryption | 2015-12 | 2022-02 |
dane | DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities | 2010-12 | 2017-03 |
dice | DTLS In Constrained Environments | 2013-09 | 2016-01 |
dnssec | Domain Name System Security | 1994-03 | 1999-12 |
dots | DDoS Open Threat Signaling | 2015-06 | 2023-04 |
easycert | Easy-to-Use Certificates | 2005-05 | |
enroll | Credential and Provisioning | 2003-11 | 2005-10 |
gnap | Grant Negotiation and Authorization Protocol | 2020-07 | 2024-10 |
hash | One-way Hash Function | 2006-01 | |
hokey | Handover Keying | 2006-10 | 2012-08 |
httpauth | Hypertext Transfer Protocol Authentication | 2013-03 | 2017-02 |
i2nsf | Interface to Network Security Functions | 2015-09 | 2023-06 |
ident | TCP Client Identity Protocol | 1992-04 | 1993-03 |
idwg | Intrusion Detection Exchange Format | 1998-11 | 2006-03 |
inch | Extended Incident Handling | 2002-08 | 2006-10 |
ipauth | IP Authentication | 1988-10 | 1991-01 |
ipsec | IP Security Protocol | 1993-06 | 2005-04 |
ipseckey | IPSEC KEYing information resource record | 2003-02 | 2005-03 |
ipsp | IP Security Policy | 2000-01 | 2005-03 |
ipsra | IP Security Remote Access | 2000-03 | 2003-05 |
ispp | Internet Secure Payments Protocol | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
keyprov | Provisioning of Symmetric Keys | 2007-01 | 2010-12 |
kink | Kerberized Internet Negotiation of Keys | 2000-09 | 2006-04 |
krb-wg | Kerberos | 2000-07 | 2013-03 |
mass | Message Authentication Signature Standards | 2006-01 | |
micropay | Micro Payments | ||
mile | Managed Incident Lightweight Exchange | 2011-10 | 2020-12 |
mobike | IKEv2 Mobility and Multihoming | 2004-02 | 2006-04 |
msec | Multicast Security | 2001-02 | 2011-10 |
nea | Network Endpoint Assessment | 2006-10 | 2014-05 |
otp | One Time Password Authentication | 1995-06 | 2002-10 |
pem | Privacy-Enhanced Electronic Mail | 1991-07 | 1996-02 |
perm | Protected Entertainment Rights Management | 2005-05 | |
pki4ipsec | Profiling Use of PKI in IPSEC | 2004-01 | 2007-03 |
pkix | Public-Key Infrastructure (X.509) | 1995-10 | 2013-10 |
sacm | Security Automation and Continuous Monitoring | 2013-07 | 2022-07 |
sacred | Securely Available Credentials | 2000-10 | 2006-02 |
sasl | Simple Authentication and Security Layer | 2002-12 | 2010-08 |
secevent | Security Events | 2016-10 | 2023-06 |
secmech | Security Mechanisms | 2006-01 | |
secsh | Secure Shell | 1997-02 | 2006-10 |
smime | S/MIME Mail Security | 1997-11 | 2010-10 |
snmpauth | SNMP Authentication | 1989-10 | 1990-12 |
snmpsec | SNMP Security | 1991-03 | 1993-05 |
spki | Simple Public Key Infrastructure | 1997-01 | 2001-02 |
spwg | Internet Security Policy | 1990-02 | 1991-08 |
stime | Secure Network Time Protocol | 1999-08 | 2005-02 |
stp | Secure Transport Proxy | ||
syslog | Security Issues in Network Event Logging | 2000-05 | 2010-10 |
telsec | Telnet Security | 2003-04 | |
tfesp | Transport Friendly ESP | ||
tigress | Transfer dIGital cREdentialS Securely | 2022-07 | 2024-03 |
tokbind | Token Binding | 2015-03 | 2021-03 |
trans | Public Notary Transparency | 2014-02 | 2021-08 |
trustmgt | Trust Management | ||
wts | Web Transaction Security | 1995-05 | 2001-07 |
xmldsig | XML Digital Signatures | 1999-05 | 2004-01 |
Sub-IP Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
gsmp | General Switch Management Protocol | 1999-01 | 2004-01 |
ipo | IP over Optical | 2001-01 | 2004-01 |
mplsoam | MPLS Maintenance Mechanisms | 2003-12 | |
ppvpn | Provider Provisioned Virtual Private Networks | 2001-01 | 2003-07 |
tewg | Internet Traffic Engineering | 1999-10 | 2005-01 |
Transport Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
adapts | Adaptive Applications Support | ||
alias | Access Link Intermediaries Assisting Services | 2003-12 | |
aqm | Active Queue Management and Packet Scheduling | 2013-09 | 2017-10 |
behave | Behavior Engineering for Hindrance Avoidance | 2004-09 | 2013-10 |
cm | Congestion Management | 2000-06 | |
conex | Congestion Exposure | 2010-06 | 2016-01 |
dccp | Datagram Congestion Control Protocol | 2002-06 | 2012-11 |
dcp | Datagram Control Protocol | 2003-12 | |
decade | Decoupled Application Data Enroute | 2010-04 | 2012-09 |
decides | Deployment Considerations of Implementing Differen | ||
diffserv | Differentiated Services | 1998-02 | 2003-03 |
ecm | Endpoint Congestion Management | 1999-10 | 2001-06 |
ecn | Explicit Congestion Notification | 2000-06 | |
fecframe | FEC Framework | 2006-04 | 2013-03 |
foglamps | Limitations of Multiple Addressing Realms | 2003-12 | |
hip-old | Host Identity Payload | 2003-12 | |
homegate | Broadband Home Gateway | ||
httpng | HTTP Next Generation | 2000-06 | |
imm | Interactive Multimedia | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
intersec | Transport Service at Intermediary | 2003-12 | |
intserv | Integrated Services | 1994-05 | 2000-12 |
ips | IP Storage | 2000-09 | 2007-11 |
issll | Integrated Services over Specific Link Layers | 1996-05 | 2002-05 |
ledbat | Low Extra Delay Background Transport | 2008-11 | 2012-12 |
malloc | Multicast-Address Allocation | 1998-05 | 2003-06 |
midcom | Middlebox Communication | 2001-01 | 2008-03 |
mnnp | Multicast NetNews Protocol | 2000-06 | |
mptcp | Multipath TCP | 2009-10 | 2020-03 |
nat | Network Address Translators | 1998-03 | 2002-02 |
navdec | Network Access Serve & Voice on IP Device Control | ||
nsis | Next Steps in Signaling | 2001-11 | 2011-03 |
oncrpc | ONC Remote Procedure Call | 1994-03 | 2001-01 |
pads | Path-Decoupled Signaling | 2003-12 | |
pcn | Congestion and Pre-Congestion Notification | 2007-02 | 2012-07 |
pilc | Performance Implications of Link Characteristics | 1999-04 | 2004-01 |
pin | PSTN Internet Notification | 2000-06 | |
pint | PSTN and Internet Internetworking | 1997-07 | 2001-02 |
plpmtud | Packetization Layer Path MTU Discovery | 2003-12 | |
pmtud | Path MTU Discovery | 2003-07 | 2007-04 |
pmutd | Path Maximum Transmission Unit Discovery | 2011-02 | |
ppsp | Peer to Peer Streaming Protocol | 2010-03 | 2016-01 |
qosmc | Protocols for Negotiated-QOS Multicast Communicat. | ||
rddp | Remote Direct Data Placement | 2002-06 | 2007-11 |
rmcat | RTP Media Congestion Avoidance Techniques | 2012-09 | 2023-07 |
rmt | Reliable Multicast Transport | 1999-04 | 2013-09 |
rohc | Robust Header Compression | 2000-03 | 2010-03 |
roi | RDMA over the Internet Protocol Suite | 2003-12 | |
rserpool | Reliable Server Pooling | 2000-12 | 2009-04 |
rsvp | Resource Reservation Setup Protocol | 1993-12 | 2001-05 |
rtfm | Realtime Traffic Flow Measurement | 1996-02 | 2000-10 |
rtfm2 | Development of the Realtime Traffic Flow Measurement Architecture | 2003-12 | |
ruts | Requirements for Unicast Transport/Sessions | 2000-06 | |
seamoby | Context Transfer, Handoff Candidate Discovery, and Dormant Mode Host Alerting | 2000-11 | 2004-10 |
shara | Sharing of an IPv4 Address | ||
sigprodi | Signaling Protocols Discussion | 2003-12 | |
sin | SIP/IN Interworking | 2003-12 | |
sip323 | SIP and H.323 Interworking | 2003-12 | |
slums | Support for Lots of Unicast Multiplexed Sessions | ||
spirits | Service in the PSTN/IN Requesting InTernet Service | 1999-10 | 2005-05 |
ss7 | SS7/Internet | ||
storm | STORage Maintenance | 2009-08 | 2016-02 |
tcpimpl | TCP Implementation | 1997-02 | 2000-10 |
tcpinc | TCP Increased Security | 2014-06 | 2019-06 |
tcplw | TCP Large Windows | 1989-10 | 1998-04 |
tcpsat | TCP Over Satellite | 1997-07 | 2000-02 |
tist | Topology-Insensitive Service Traversal | 2003-12 | |
tnfs | Trusted Network File Systems | 1991-07 | 1996-01 |
tram | TURN Revised and Modernized | 2014-02 | 2021-11 |
trigtran | Triggers for Transport | 2003-12 | |
voipeer | VoIP Peering and Interconnect | 2006-01 | |
vompls | Voice over IP over MPLS | 2003-12 |
User Services Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
arts | The Arts: Sharing Center Stage on the Internet | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
dfs | Distributed File Systems | 1990-02 | 1993-06 |
disi | Directory Information Services Infrastructure | 1991-02 | 1993-02 |
fyiup | FYI Updates | 1999-05 | 2001-02 |
harts | Humanities and Arts | 1995-05 | 1997-08 |
iafa | Internet Anonymous FTP Archives | 1991-11 | 1994-05 |
iiir | Integration of Internet Information Resources | 1992-09 | 1995-04 |
isn | Internet School Networking | 1991-10 | 1998-09 |
iup | Internet User Population | 1989-10 | 1990-11 |
nir | Networked Information Retrieval | 1992-09 | 1994-08 |
nisi | Network Information Services Infrastructure | 1990-02 | 1995-08 |
noctool2 | NOC-Tool Catalogue Revisions | 1991-03 | 1993-06 |
noctools | NOC-Tools | 1989-01 | 1990-04 |
run | Responsible Use of the Network | 1994-10 | 2002-03 |
ssh | Site Security Handbook | 1994-11 | 1999-02 |
stdguide | Guide for Internet Standards Writers | 1995-10 | 1998-07 |
telework | Telecommuting | 1997-01 | |
trainmat | Network Training Materials | 1993-02 | 1996-10 |
userdoc | User Documents | 1989-07 | 1990-03 |
userdoc2 | User Documents Revisions | 1992-03 | 1994-08 |
userglos | Internet User Glossary | 1995-06 | 1996-08 |
webpriv | Web User Privacy: Expectations & Threats | ||
weird | Web Elucidation of Internet-Related Developments | 1999-05 | 2001-02 |
wnils | Whois and Network Information Lookup Service | 1992-09 | 1996-02 |
Web and Internet Transport
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
rtcweb | Real-Time Communication in WEB-browsers | 2011-05 | 2024-04 |
The information below is incomplete and misses a few older RGs. Please check the IRTF site for more complete information.
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
asrg | Anti-Spam Research Group | 2013-03 | |
dtnrg | Delay-Tolerant Networking | 2016-04 | |
e2erg | End-to-End Research Group Charter | 2012-04 | |
eme | End Middle End Research Group | 2012-04 | |
end2end | End-to-End Research Group | 2012-04 | |
gsec | Group Security | 2012-04 | |
hiprg | Host Identity Protocol | 2012-07 | |
imrg | Internet Measurement Research Group | 2012-04 | |
mobopts | IP Mobility Optimizations Research Group | 2012-06 | |
ncrg | Network Complexity Research Group | 2014-06 | |
nfvrg | Network Function Virtualization | 2014-10 | 2018-11 |
nwcrg | Coding for efficient NetWork Communications Research Group | 2013-02 | 2023-08 |
p2prg | Peer-to-Peer Research Group | 2013-02 | |
rrg | Routing Research Group | 2014-06 | |
samrg | Scalable Adaptive Multicast Research Group | 2013-12 | |
sdnrg | Software Defined Networking | 2012-06 | 2017-01 |
tmrg | Transport Modeling Research Group | 2012-04 | |
vnrg | Virtual Networks Research Group | 2012-04 |
Applications and Real-Time Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
abcd | Application Behavior Considering DNS | 2019-10 | 2020-02 |
bimi | Brand Indicators for Message Identification | 2019-02 | 2019-06 |
dbound2 | Domain Boundaries | 2023-02 | 2023-06 |
i18nrp | Internationalization Review Procedures | 2018-06 | 2018-09 |
iss | Internet Storage Sync | 2015-09 | 2016-02 |
ledger | Ledger | 2016-06 | 2016-10 |
ript | Realtime Internet Peering for Telephony | 2020-02 | 2020-06 |
secret | Secure Credential Transfer | 2022-01 | 2022-06 |
Applications Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
aggsrv | Aggregated Service Discovery | 2013-01 | |
biff | Notifications from Mail Stores | 2007-07 | |
cnhhttp | Content Negotiation Headers in HTTP | 2003-12 | |
dmsp | Distributed Multimodal Synchronization Protocol | 2006-08 | |
dsii | Data Set Identifier Interoperability | 2012-06 | 2013-01 |
esds | Extensible Supply-chain Discovery Service | 2008-04 | |
fsm | Formal State Machines | 2007-05 | |
ftpftam | FTP-FTAM Gateway | 1992-12 | |
grobj | Generic Referral Object | 2014-09 | |
hasmat | HTTP Application Security Minus Authentication and Transport | ||
iia | Integrated Information Architecture | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
kwns | Keywords Naming Services | 2003-12 | |
lamug | DIS Large-Scale Multicast Usage | 1983-12 | 1996-04 |
lsthdr | Listheader | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
lucid | Locale-free UniCode Identifiers | 2015-02 | 2015-05 |
mailreq | Email Requirements | 1993-08 | |
mib | Internet MIB | 1988-05 | 1997-01 |
mimecont | Mime Content | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
mimereg | Mime Registration | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
napmime | NAPLPS Graphics and Character Sets as a MIME | 1992-12 | |
netgraph | Network Graphics | 1990-02 | 1991-01 |
newprep | Stringprep after IDNA2008 | 2010-06 | |
pages | Framework for White Pages Service in the Internet | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
remmail | Remote Mail Protocol | 1992-12 | |
rydeirde | Registry Data Escrow/Internet Registration Escrow | ||
slrrp | Simple Lightweight RFID Reader Protocol | 2005-05 | |
sofa | Support of Firewalls by Applications | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
stif | Structured Text Interchange Format | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
telarch | Teleconferencing Architecture | 1992-07 | |
teleconf | Teleconferencing | 1991-12 | |
telnetlm | TELNET Linemode Working Group | 1988-06 | 1991-01 |
testing | Testing | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
uribof | Uniform Resource Identifiers | 1995-07 | |
urirev04 | Uniform Resource Identifier Revisions | 2005-05 | |
url | Uniform Resource Locators | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
vac | Voluntary Access Control | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
wae | Web Authentication Enhancement | 2006-08 | |
whois | Whois Protocol | 2003-12 |
General Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
antitrust | Does the IETF Need an Anti-Trust Policy | 2013-01 | |
edunext | Education and Mentoring Next Generation | 2015-06 | 2015-09 |
history | Networking History | 2013-01 | |
iddtspec | Review of Datatracker Specifications to Follow Internet-Draft Activities | ||
ietfgrow | IETF Growth | 1992-07 | |
imtg | International Meeting Arrangements | 2016-06 | 2016-10 |
iprbis | Proposed Update IPR Policy | 2013-01 | |
liaison | Liaison Relationships | 2005-05 | |
netrqmts | IETF Meeting Network Requirements | 2019-06 | 2019-10 |
newgen | Next Generation Internet Initiative | 1997-01 | |
pre8prob | Pre-5378 Problem | ||
rfcplusplus | The label "RFC" | 2018-06 | 2018-09 |
rpsreqs | Remote Participation System Requirements | 2013-01 | |
saad | Scope Addressing Architecture Discussion | 2011-02 | |
wgdtspec | Review of Datatracker Specifications to Support | ||
wugh | WGs Using GitHub | 2017-02 | 2019-02 |
Internet Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
6tsch | Deterministic IPv6 over IEEE802.15.4e Timeslotted Channel Hopping | 2013-06 | |
arcing | Alternative Resolution Contexts for Internet Naming | 2016-02 | 2016-06 |
banana | BANdwidth Aggregation for interNet Access | 2016-10 | 2017-10 |
dmm-proposed | Distributed Mobility Management (formerly MEXT) | 2012-01 | |
dnsbof | Domain Name Server BOF | 1997-01 | |
dnsbundled | Bundled Domains | 2016-10 | 2017-02 |
dnse | Encryption of DNS requests for confidentiality | 2014-01 | |
fmc | Fixed Mobile Convergence | 2012-09 | 2013-01 |
fun | FUture home Networks | 2013-01 | |
geonet | Internet-wide Geo-Networking | 2013-10 | |
hipbof | Host Identity Protocol BOF | 2005-05 | |
hippi | IP Over HIPPI | 1992-07 | |
ila | Identifier Locator Addressing | 2018-02 | 2018-06 |
intareawg | Internet Area Proposed Working Group | 2011-02 | |
its | Intelligent Transportation Systems | 2013-09 | 2016-10 |
lowpan | IPv6 over IEEE 802.15.4 | 2011-02 | |
lwip | Light-Weight IP Protocol Design | ||
mdnsext | Extensions to the Bonjour protocol suite | 2012-09 | 2013-01 |
netext2 | Network-Based Mobilty Extension, 2nd Stage | ||
paw | Predictable and Available Wireless | 2019-02 | 2019-06 |
rbridge | IP Subnets in Topologies which are Flexible, Universal and Nice | 2004-07 | |
sava | Source Address Validation Architecture | 2007-05 | |
srp | Spatial Reuse Protocol | 2010-02 | |
urp | User Registration Protocol | 2003-12 |
Operations and Management Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
6bonebof | Transitions Planning | 1997-01 | |
apm | Application Performance Metrics | 2007-07 | |
callhome | Reversing Traditional Client/Server Connection Model | 2006-01 | |
canmod | Comparing Approaches to NETCONF Modeling | 2008-04 | |
casm | Coordinated Address Space Management | 2017-02 | 2017-06 |
coms | Common Operations and Management on network Slices | 2018-02 | 2018-06 |
driu | DNS Resolver Identification and Use | 2018-06 | 2018-09 |
ksk | KSK Futures | 2019-02 | 2019-06 |
multrans | Multicast Transition | 2013-01 | |
nee | Netconf Extensions and Evolution | 2007-07 | |
netslicing | Network Slicing | 2017-06 | 2017-10 |
omarea | Operations and Management Open Area Meeting | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
polterm | Policy Terminology | ||
renum | Site Renumbering | ||
wgtlgo | Technology Deep Dive - Modern Router Architecture | 2019-02 | 2019-06 |
xsdmi | XSD for accessing SMIv2 data models | 2007-07 |
Real-time Applications and Infrastructure Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
dcon | Distributed Conferencing | 2013-01 | |
e2md | E. 164 to Metadata | 2014-02 | |
hiccup | Harnessing IP for Critical Communications Using Precedence | 2011-02 | |
peppermint | Provisioning Extensions in Peering Registries for Multimedia INTerconnection | 2008-04 | |
rtpsec | RTP Secure Keying | 2007-05 | |
rucus | Ruducing Unwanted Communications using SIP | 2008-04 | |
videocodec | Internet Video Codec | 2012-09 | 2013-01 |
Routing Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
actn | Abstraction and Control of Transport Networks | 2014-06 | |
bcause | BNG Control-plane And User-plane SEparation | 2019-02 | 2019-06 |
cidr | CIDR Supernetting | 1992-07 | |
dcrouting | Data Center Routing | 2017-10 | 2018-02 |
ipnni | Integrated PNNI | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
irs | Interface to the Routing System | 2012-09 | 2013-01 |
iwg | Interconnectivity Working Group | 1983-12 | 1997-05 |
mmnet | Mobile Mesh Networks | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
msr6 | Multicast Source Routing over IPv6 | 2022-06 | 2022-09 |
nsc | Network Service Chaining | 2013-06 | |
rl2n | Routing For Low Power and Lossy Networks | 2007-12 | |
road | Routing and Addressing | 1991-12 | |
rtgtbl | Routing Table Lookup Algorithm | 1992-07 | |
sdn | Software Driven Networks | 2013-01 | |
status | Stacked Tunnels for Source Routing | 2013-06 |
Security Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
cacao | Collaborative Automated Course of Action Operations for Cyber Security | 2019-02 | 2019-10 |
certrans | Certificate Transparency | 2012-09 | 2013-01 |
cicm | Common Interface to Cryptographic Modules | 2012-05 | |
danish | DANE AutheNtication for Iot Service Hardening | 2021-01 | 2021-10 |
fedauth | Federated Authentication Beyond the Web | ||
hoakey | Handover and Application Keying and Pre-authentication | 2006-10 | |
ifare | IPsec FAilover and REdundancy | 2007-06 | |
jwp | JSON Web Proofs | 2022-06 | 2023-02 |
lurk | Limited Use of Remote Keys | 2016-02 | 2016-10 |
mathmesh | MatheMatical Mesh | 2019-10 | 2020-02 |
perpass | Handling Pervasive Monitoring in the IETF | 2013-09 | |
plasma | Policy Augmented S/Mime | ||
posh | PKIX over Secure HTTP | 2013-06 | |
sbsm | Session Based Security Model for SNMPv3 | 2003-12 | |
scap | Synergy of SCAP Program and IETF Activities | ||
spkm | NFSv4 and Low Infrastructure Public Key Based GSS Security Mechanisms | 2007-01 | |
tam | Trust Anchor Management | 2013-04 | |
woes | Web Object Encryption and Signing | 2013-01 |
Transport Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
accord | Alternatives to Content Classification for Operator Resource Deployment | 2016-02 | 2016-06 |
ceot | Circuit Emulation over Transport | 2003-12 | |
guts | Guidelines for UDP and TCP Based Systems | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
i2aex | Infrastructure-to-Application Information Exposure | 2013-01 | |
ieps | International Emergency Preparedness Scheme | 2003-12 | |
ippmxx | IP Performance Metrics, Next Steps | 2008-08 | |
l4s | Low Latency Low Loss Scalable throughput | 2016-06 | 2016-10 |
letic | Link-Enhancing Transport Intermediary Communication | 2011-02 | |
loops | Local Optimizations on Path Segments | 2019-06 | 2020-10 |
nbs | Name-Based Sockets | ||
offpath | Path-decoupled Signaling for Data | 2006-08 | |
otsv | Open Transport Area Meeting | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
plus | Path Layer UDP Substrate | 2016-06 | 2016-10 |
safe | Self-Address Fixing Evolution | 2007-12 | |
spud | Session Protocol for User Datagrams | 2015-02 | 2015-05 |
tana | Techniques for Advanced Networking Applications | ||
tcmtf | Tunneling Compressed Multiplexed Traffic Flows | 2013-06 | |
ternli | Transport-Enhancing Refinements to the Network Layer | 2013-04 | |
ttcp | Transaction TCP | 1997-01 | |
vnfpool | Virtualized Network Function Pool | 2014-01 |
User Services Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
abby | Netiquette | 1997-01 | |
dawg | Distribution and Announcement | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
gopher | GOPHER | 1993-04 | |
isn2 | Internet School Networking 2 | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
livdoc | Living Documents | 1992-07 | |
loip | Low Cost IP Hardware Wish List | 1993-04 | |
rtl | Read the Label | 1983-12 | 1997-11 |
udi | Universal Document Identifiers | 1992-08 | |
wais | WAIS and Directory Integration | 1992-07 | |
www | World-Wide Web | 1993-04 |
Web and Internet Transport
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
sconepro | Secure Communication of Network Properties | 2024-02 | 2024-09 |
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
aeiou | Address Extension by IP Option Usage | 1983-12 | 1996-04 |
afic | ATM Forum/IETF Cooperation BOF | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
atminfo | Whither ATM - an update | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
atmmib | Managing ATM with SNMP | 1997-03 | |
check | Installation Checklist | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
colip | CO and CL IP Transport over ATM | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
compen | Compression Encapsulation over IP | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
dcnl | Dynamic Creation of Network Links (T3 Circuits) | 1983-12 | 1992-07 |
devdisc | SNMP Device Discovery | 1983-12 | 1997-03 |
dis | Distributed Interactive Simulation | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
dlsw | Data Link Switching | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
dns2 | DNS II | 1992-12 | |
dnsevolv | IETF Role in DNS Evolution | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
dnsfutur | DNS Future Work | 1983-12 | 1994-03 |
earthen | Explorations of Alternate Routing & Topology to He | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
eid | Endpoint Identifier | 1983-12 | 1996-04 |
emailmgt | IFIP Electronic Mail Management | 1997-03 | |
fddifs | Future Directions for Differential Services | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
hops | Host Proximity Service | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
hostreq | Host Requirements | 1987-11 | 1991-01 |
httpmib | HyperText Transfer Protocol MIB | 1983-12 | 1997-03 |
httpsec | HTTP Secure | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
iab-wcit | IAB-sponsored Discussion of WCIT | 2013-01 | |
icp | Internet Cache Protocol | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
ima | Internet Middleware | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
ioh | Internet and OSI Harmonisation | 1983-12 | 1996-04 |
ios | Object/Document Security | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
ipacad | IP Applications Over Cable Data Network | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
ipaddr | IP Addressing Plan | 1997-01 | |
ipdecide | IPng Decision Process | 1993-08 | |
isfoo | Integrated Services over Foo | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
mailftp | Mail-based File Distribution | 1983-12 | 1994-03 |
mbone | MBONE Engineering and Operations | 1997-01 | |
mboneng | MBone Engineering | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
mibcomp | SNMPMIB Compiler | 1983-12 | 1997-03 |
mplxmib | Multiplexing SNMP Agents BOF | 1997-03 | |
msp | Message Security Protocol | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
nbmav6 | IPv6 over NBMA | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
ngreqs | IPng Requirements | 1983-12 | 1996-04 |
nosi | Next Generation and OSI | 1983-12 | 1996-04 |
nsfnet | Perspectives on the Next Generation of the NSFnet | 1993-08 | |
nttcp | New Technology TCP | 1983-12 | 1991-12 |
onc | NFS and ONC IETF Standards Effort | 1983-12 | 1994-03 |
opera | Establishing a Forum for Operational Issues | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
opmeas | Developing Operational Measurement Criteria | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
osiextnd | Extensions to OSI for use in the Internet | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
ositrans | OSI Transition | 1911-01 | 1911-01 |
peering | High Speed 34 Megabit Atlantic Peering | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
pgpmime | MIME Security with Pretty Good Privacy | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
piara | Pricing for Internet Addresses and Route Assignmen | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
printjob | Print Job Management | 1983-12 | 1997-03 |
prottest | Protocol Testing | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
raidmib | Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks MIB | 1997-03 | |
ramp | Remote Account Maintenance Protocol | 1983-12 | 1994-03 |
realtime | Realtime Packet Forwarding and Admission Control | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
resdisc | Resource Discovery | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
rfc1006 | RFC1006bis/ISO TP over IPv6 | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
roamreq | Dialup Roaming Requirements BOF | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
rreqlist | Router Requirements Checklist | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
rtqos | Net Support for QOS and Real-Time Traffic | 1993-04 | |
sam | SNMP Application Monitoring | 1997-03 | |
select | Selection Criteria | 1992-12 | |
shr | Special Host Requirements | 1990-08 | 1992-04 |
skey | S/Key One Time Password Standardization | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
skip | Simple Key Management for IP | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
smibof | SMI Documentation | 1983-12 | 1997-03 |
smpframe | Simple Management Protocol (SMP) Framework | 1997-03 | |
snamib | SNA Systems Management | 1997-03 | |
snapper | SNA Peer-to-Peer Networking | 1992-07 | |
snmpagen | SNMP Agent Description | 1997-03 | |
snmpseci | SNMP Security Implementors | 1992-08 | |
snmpxns | SNMP Over XNS | 1983-12 | 1997-04 |
ssl | Session Layer Security | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
tacit | Transition and Coexistence Including Testing | 1983-12 | 1996-04 |
tadmin | Trusted Administration | 1997-01 | |
tcoord | TSIG/IETF Coordination | 1992-08 | |
tcpfix | TCP Short-Term Problems | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
tcpng | Next Generation TCP | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
termacct | Terminal Server Accounting and Authentication | 1983-12 | 1997-03 |
tmux | TCP Multiplexing | 1993-08 | |
tpcint | Remote Printing on Glodal Facsimile Devices | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
tracerte | Traceroute | 1992-12 | |
trafchar | Traffic Collection, Measurement & Characterization | 1997-01 | |
tsess | Trusted Sessions | 1997-01 | |
tspatm | RSVP and INTSERV over ATM | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
txwg | Trusted X | 1997-01 | |
usm | Ubiquitous Secure Mail | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
vtp | Virtual Tunneling Protocol BOF | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
x3s3dot3 | Network Level Standards (x3s3.3) | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
Applications and Real-Time Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
apparea | ART Area Open Meeting for Applications | 2017-06 | |
raiarea | ART Area Open Meeting for Real-time Applications and Infrastructure | 2017-06 |
Applications Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
apptsv | Applications/Transport Joint Session | 2006-03 | |
usvarea | User Services Area Open Meeting | 2002-03 |
Transport Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
tsvarea | Transport Area Open Meeting | 2024-01 |
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
nmarea | Network Management Area Open Meeting | 1983-12 | 1997-04 |
No groups found.
Applications and Real-Time Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
raiart | ART Area Review Directorate for Real-time Applications and Infrastructure | 2014-10 | 2017-06 |
General Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
emodir | Education, Mentoring and Outreach Directorate | ||
smartpower | Smart Power Directorate | 2014-10 | 2021-08 |
Routing Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
rtgyangcoord | Routing Area Yang Co-Ordinators | 2015-02 |
Transport Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
rsvpdir | RSVP Directorate | 2014-10 | 2021-05 |
tsvdir | Transport Area Directorate | 2014-10 | 2016-11 |
Review teams
Applications and Real-Time Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
i18ndir | Internationalization Directorate | 2023-01 |
General Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
edu | Education | 2021-09 | |
iahc | International Ad Hoc Committee | 1997-01 | |
tools-arch | Tools Architecture and Strategy Team | 2021-08 |
Security Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
ghost | GatHering and reOrganizing STandards information | 2015-05 | 2021-03 |
User Services Area
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
usac | User Services Area Council | 2002-03 |
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
isoc-old | Internet Society Advisory Council | 1993-08 | |
ngdir | IPNG Directorate | 1983-12 | 1996-04 |
orad | Operational Requirements Area Directorate | 1983-12 | 1997-01 |
proto | The Process and Tools Team |
Internet Architecture Board
Group | Name | Start | Concluded |
i18n-program | Internationalization | ||
iabemservprogram | IAB Emergency Services Program | ||
iabipevolprogram | IAB IP Evolution Program | ||
iabitutcoord | IAB ITU-T Coordination Program | ||
iabprivacyprogram | IAB Privacy Program | ||
iabsecprogram | IAB Security Program | ||
iabtoolsprocesses | IAB Tools and Processes Program | ||
inip | Names and Identifiers | ||
model-t | Internet Threat Model | 2022-09 | |
privsec | Privacy and Security | 2019-09 | |
rfcefdp | RFC Editor Future Development | ||
stackevo | IP Stack Evolution | 2019-09 |