Get Creative!

Business Week誌最新号の特集「Get Creative!」
が充実している。「Get Creative! How to build innovative companies」

The Knowledge Economy as we know it is being eclipsed by something new -- call it the Creativity Economy. (略)
What is unfolding is the commoditization of knowledge. We have seen global forces undermine autos, electronics, and other manufacturing, but the Knowledge Economy was expected to last forever and play to America's strengths: great universities, terrific labs, smart immigrants, an entrepreneurial business culture.
Oops. It turns out there are a growing number of really smart engineers and scientists "out there," too.

「the commoditization of knowledge」の時代を迎えて、「Knowledge Economy」ではダメで「Creativity Economy」に移行しなくちゃいけない。製造業はアメリカから出ていったけれど「Knowledge Economy」の時代がやってきて、アメリカの強さ(世界一の高等教育や研究機関、優秀な移民、起業家精神に溢れたビジネスカルチャー)がこれまでは生きた。そして「Knowledge Economy」時代が相当長く続くので良いと思っていたが、どっこいそうでもなさそうだ。この程度のことは皆コモディティ化していってしまいそうだ。じゃあ次は何。そういう問題意識である。この特集ではこうした問題意識に立って、米国の現在をレポートしている。全部無償で読めるはずなので、興味のある方は原文をどうぞ。
まず「Evolution of the creative company」という図を見てみよう。

この五段階で重要なキーワードは「Design Strategy」と「Fast moving culture」であろう。

Creativity is important. It's an ingredient in innovation, but it's not the only thing. We're trying to stimulate new thinking by bringing people in from the outside, such as [design consultants] IDEO, to make sure we're not too internally focused.

ところでそのIDEOだが、同社共同創業者のDavid Kellyがスタンフォード大学に作る「D-School」の話が、彼のインタビューの中に出てくる(ちなみにこのインタビューは全部面白い)。

David Kelley is building a new "D-school" at Stanford University, where he teaches engineering. �The "D" stands for design, and the co-founder of the world-famous design consultancy IDEO plans to make it a center for a new kind of design thinking. Kelley's brand of design is far removed from cool colors and shapes. It's all about using design methods, such as going out in the world and observing real people before, not after, you make something for them. It's about new ways of innovating.

米国の「Knowledge Economy」を支えてきたビジネススクールに代わって、「Creative Economy」時代には「D-School」が必要だというのがDavid Kellyの考え方なのである。良くも悪くもこうした大風呂敷を掲げ、自らのコンセプトを現実のものにしていく力は素晴らしい。

The solutions are more integrated, taking into account technology, business strategy, the user interface. I would say the solutions are more human.

So the D-school approach is to put multiple professors in front of the class, rather than the normal academic setting of the sage standing up there lecturing. Instead, the students get three points of view on every subject. We're really trying to break down the disciplines and to teach design thinking. Do a little research, become an expert, go out, observe people, build some prototypes, see what the users think, and iterate. Design thinking is the glue that will hold the team together.


Design is shifting toward design thinking and design methodology, which is really tied to innovation. There's lots of ways to do innovation. Design thinking is just one of the possible methodologies. There's plenty of other ways to do it.

Jim Collins always said creativity plus implementation equals innovation. So if we can move people from saying, "You creative guys," to saying, "You innovative guys" -- meaning the guys who have big ideas but also have a methodology and are clever about how you make them viable in the world -- then I think you've got something.
