

計算は数と他の記号に対する操作であり,新たな数学的記述へと導くものである.これら他の記号は数を表すための文字であってもよい.例えば,ある特定の問題を解こうと思ったとき,Xを問題の条件に見合うような任意の数を表すとしても良い.また数を表す記号上でどのような演算を行うかを表す記号もある.もっとも一般的なものとして,+, -, x, と / (訳注:÷)がある(これ以外にもある).演算 + と - は互いに逆であり,x と / も同様である.すなわち,一方の演算は他方の演算結果を元に戻すこととなる.式 a/b は「量bと比較したときの量a」または「aをbで割ったときに得られる数」または「サイズ1/bをa個分」を意味する.a(b + c)における括弧はbとcの和にaをかけよ,と言っている.数学者は数の系について,その性質と関係を発見しようと,また正しい結果を得るための数式記号を操作するための規則を工夫しようと研究を行っている.


Numbers have many different uses, some of which are not quantitative or strictly logical. In counting, for example, zero has a special meaning of nothing. Yet, on the common temperature scale, zero is only an arbitrary position and does not mean an absence of temperature (or of anything else). Numbers can be used to put things in an order and to indicate only which is higher or lower than others―not to specify by how much (for example, the order of winners in a race, street addresses, or scores on psychological tests for which numerical differences have no uniform meaning). And numbers are commonly used simply to identify things without any meaningful order, as in telephone numbers and as used on athletic shirts and license plates.




Aside from their application to the world of everyday experience, numbers themselves are interesting. Since earliest history, people have asked such questions as, Is there a largest number? A smallest number? Can every possible number be obtained by dividing some whole number by another? And some numbers, such as the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter (pi), catch the fancy of many people, not just mathematicians.

