
2006/11/6追記:こちらも参照していただくといいかも⇒「Pigou Club」の前に、まずは「Sternレポート」を紹介すべきだったか



さて、海の向こうの話だ。マンキュー先生のブログで「Pigou Club」なるものが出来ている。このクラブの参加資格とは「ガソリンにもっと高い税金をかけることに賛成する専門家および政策担当者」という条件を満たすことである。で、メンバーを見てみると錚々たる面子だ。

⇒Greg Mankiw's Blog: The Pigou Club Manifesto





The environment
The burning of gasoline emits several pollutants. These include carbon dioxide, a cause of global warming. Higher gasoline taxes, perhaps as part of a broader carbon tax, would be the most direct and least invasive policy to address environmental concerns.



Road congestion
Every time I am stuck in traffic, I wish my fellow motorists would drive less, perhaps by living closer to where they work or by taking public transport. A higher gas tax would give all of us the incentive to do just that, reducing congestion on streets and highways.


議会は「燃費要件(Corporate Average Fuel Economy:CAFE)*1」基準によってエネルギー依存を引き下げようとしている。このCAFEルールは思いもよらない副作用を伴う硬直的な政府規制である。小型トラックはこの規制値が低いため、SUVが増加したことがこの副作用の一因である。さらに、燃費のいい車を作ることにで、結果的にこの規制は人々の運転を増やしてしまっており、そのため便益は相殺され渋滞を悪化させている。燃料税を高くすることによって、CAFE規制と全く同様の効果が期待できるし、副作用の心配もない。

Regulatory relief
Congress has tried to reduce energy dependence with corporate average fuel economy standards. These CAFE rules are heavy-handed government regulations replete with unintended consequences: They are partly responsible for the growth of SUVs, because light trucks have laxer standards than cars. In addition, by making the car fleet more fuel-efficient, the regulations encourage people to drive more, offsetting some of the conservation benefits and exacerbating road congestion. A higher gas tax would accomplish everything CAFE standards do, but without the adverse side effects.



The budget
Everyone who has studied the numbers knows that the federal budget is on an unsustainable path. When baby-boomers retire and become eligible for Social Security and Medicare, either benefits for the elderly will have to be cut or taxes raised. The most likely political compromise will include some of each. A $1 per gallon hike in gas tax would bring in $100 billion a year in government revenue and make a dent in the looming fiscal gap.



Tax incidence
A basic principle of tax analysis -- taught in most freshman economics courses -- is that the burden of a tax is shared by consumer and producer. In this case, as a higher gas tax discouraged oil consumption, the price of oil would fall in world markets. As a result, the price of gas to consumers would rise by less than the increase in the tax. Some of the tax would in effect be paid by Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.



Economic growth
Public finance experts have long preached that consumption taxes are better than income taxes for long-run economic growth, because income taxes discourage saving and investment. Gas is a component of consumption. An increased reliance on gas taxes over income taxes would make the tax code more favorable to growth. It would also encourage firms to devote more R&D spending to the search for gasoline substitutes.



National security
Alan Greenspan called for higher gas taxes recently. "It's a national security issue," he said. It is hard to judge how much high oil consumption drives U.S. involvement in Middle Eastern politics. But Mr. Greenspan may well be right that the gas tax is an economic policy with positive spillovers to foreign affairs.

いやなんとも筋のいい話だ。「Pigou Club」入りたい!*2


⇒The Becker-Posner Blog: The Gasoline Price Spike: Another Nonissue--Posner




