- cardinalityと呼ばれる、要素の異なり数を決定する問題
- かなり省メモリで精度のよい異なり数を推定できる方法
- 並列化もできて、最近のbigdataとかで注目されている
- また、googleが並列計算用に改善したHyperLogLogを提案してるみたい
- HyperLogLog: the analysis of a near-optimal cardinality estimation algorithmのFigure 3を参考にした
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #include <set> //乱数 // 注意: longではなくint(32bit)にすべき unsigned long xor128(){ static unsigned long x=123456789,y=362436069,z=521288629,w=88675123; unsigned long t; t=(x^(x<<11));x=y;y=z;z=w; return( w=(w^(w>>19))^(t^(t>>8)) ); } //maximal cardinalities in the range [0..10^9] and for common "practical" values m=2^4,...,2^16 #define UINT unsigned int class HyperLogLog { int b, m; //register-index-width and register-size std::set<std::string> s; //for real-value //registers std::vector<int> M; //alpha double alpha(int mm){ if(mm == 16) return 0.673; if(mm == 32) return 0.697; if(mm == 64) return 0.709; if(mm == 128 || mm == 256 || mm == 512 || mm == 1024 || mm == 2048 || mm == 4096 || mm == 8192 || mm == 16384 || mm == 32768 || mm == 65536){ return 0.7213 / (1.0 + 1.079/mm); } return 0.0; } //h : D -> {0,1}^32 hash( not good? :( ) UINT hash(const std::string& str){ UINT ret = 0; for(int i=0; i<str.length(); i++){ ret = ret * 123456789 + str[i]; } return ret; } //bit operations UINT lower_bit(UINT x){ int mask = (1 << b) - 1; return x & mask; } UINT upper_bit(UINT x){ return x >> b; } int rho(UINT x){ for(int i=1; i<=32; i++){ if(x & 1) return i; x >>= 1; } return 33; } //harmonic means of all M[j] double harmonic_mean(){ double ret = 0.0; for(int j=1; j<=m; j++){ ret += 1.0/pow(2.0, M[j]); } return 1.0/ret; } public: // assume m = 2^b, b in [4,16] HyperLogLog(int _m):m(_m), M(_m+1,0){ //find b from m b = -1; for(int p=16, i=4; i<=16; i++){ if(p == m){ b = i; break; } p *= 2; } } //count up void add(const std::string& str){ s.insert(str); UINT x = hash(str); int j = 1 + lower_bit(x); int w = upper_bit(x); M[j] = std::max(M[j], rho(w)); } //estimate the number of distinct elements(the cardinality) int estimate(){ double E = alpha(m) * m * m * harmonic_mean(); if(E <= 2.5 * m){ int V = 0; for(int i=1; i<M.size(); i++) if(M[i] == 0) V++; if(V != 0) E = (double)m * log((double)m/V); } if(E <= 1.0/30.0 * 4294967296.0){ ; }else{ E = -4294967296.0 * log2(1.0 - E/4294967296.0); } //real-value estimate-value error(%) std::cout << s.size() << "\t" << E << "\t" << (E - s.size())/s.size()*100.0 << std::endl; return (int)E; //cardinality estimate E* with typical relative error +- 1.04/sqrt(m) } //dump register values void dump_register_value(){ for(int j=1; j<=m; j++){ std::cout << M[j]; if(j!=m) std::cout << " "; else std::cout << std::endl; } } }; //ランダムな文字列(n文字のアルファベット文字列) std::string random_string(int n){ std::string ret = ""; for(int i=0; i<n; i++){ ret += 'a' + xor128()%26; } return ret; } int main(){ HyperLogLog hll(64); //レジスタは64個 for(int i=0; i<100000; i++){ hll.add(random_string(4)); //hll.dump_register_value(); hll.estimate(); } return 0; }
- 正しい異なり数と推定異なり数
- 縦軸が数、横軸がステップ数
- 上記の推定値のエラー率
- 縦軸がエラー率(%)、横軸がステップ数
Extended Abstractとか、、
- LogLog Counting of Large Cardinalities
- HyperLogLog: the analysis of a near-optimal cardinality estimation algorithm
- HyperLogLog in Practice: Algorithmic Engineering of a State of The Art Cardinality Estimation Algorithm
- jsで試せるやつ
- HLLについて調べたりまとめたり作りまくってるブログ