
Creative process


by Cristiane Schmidt

Research, production, script, photography, camera, sound recording, edition, art direction, motion, soundtrack, sound editing, cataloguing.


01. Proposal 06/15/2015

Where does inspiration come from to compose a song, to write a poem, to make a painting, or even to build a chair?

How much of the creation process is intuitive or purposeful? Is it possible to have conscious about that? Is creativity something that can be learned or practised? 

Is it possible to explain a way of seeing and structuring a thought? How do I structure my thought? The Creation Processes project came from those questions.

The propose is: to investigate through series of video interviews with artists, designers, filmmakers, musicians, art curators, dancers, actors, what is the creation process and how it works from different areas and points of view; to document the development of this project; and to collect all these information in a large catalogue, as a guide about contemporary creation processes.

Creative process Book

"The artifact that reaches the bookstore shelves, the exhibitions or the theatre appears as a result of a long journey of doubts, adjustments, certainties, achievement. Not only the result but all that way to get to it is part of the truth that the work loads."
(free translation)

O Gesto Inacabado, Salles

Creative process conceptual

I believe as Cecília Salles that "art is not only the product considered finished by the artist", but the whole process made by him to get to the finished product. The whole complex of logic connections, thoughts, formulas, sketches, records, studies, physical materials or not, that often do not receive attention, and sometimes they are stored in drawers, in mind, deleted or hidden. The great question of this project is to understand how a work is created and to do so, see it finished is not enough, it is necessary to know all those ways of thinking and what conects the process to the whole. The likes, beliefs that lead the action of the creators, their historical, social and cultural moments, their values and their way of seeing and representing the world, are essential to understand the ways they see the things.
Certanly, not every process is possible to be explained or presented, but I believe it is possible to know it a little better. And this is one of the first objectives of this project: to offer the possibility of look through the creation from the perspective of the process. Finally, this is an opened project, opened to rethink its own process and to add new questions on the content.

End of the proposal

Creative process paint

by Cristiane Schmidt



by Cristiane Schmidt


02. 01. Steps

The project is divided into:
- Research about creation processes;
- Video interviews, recorded in different cities, with people from different areas (still in the selection process) revealing their experiences, feelings and thoughts about this subject;
- Documentation of the development of the project itself;
- Cataloguing of terms and ideas collected during the research and interviews;
- Analyse the best way to display all collected material.

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Cities with pre-selected people.

Creative process sound designCreative process photography

02. 02. Key Activities

Research, production, script, photography, camera, sound recording, edition, art direction, motion, soundtrack, sound editing, cataloguing.

Creative process drawing

02. 03. Deadline


the Au

by Cristiane Schmidt


Cristiane Schmidt, 28, Brazilian

photographer and filmmaker, graduated in Visual Arts, with experience on photography, DIRECTION, camera And VIdeo editing.

As an artist always assumed a self-crictism attitude and critical posture about the rules and conventions in all her fields of work, at the artistic, advertising and documentary field, making it reflects on her work. 

Professionally has produced video and photographic works to companies like Mesa&Cadeira, GOOD Magazine, L’Oreal Paris, Natura and Gol Magazines; co-directed the documentary "Alpha - A nova geração"; was co-founder, cinematographer and video editor of the documentary web-series "continuecurioso", and worked as director and editor of the series of tutorial video series  "A Costureirinha Descomplica!". Currently works as a photographer and filmmaker freelance.


Creative process Cristiane Schmidt


by Cristiane Schmidt


FOR more information: [email protected]