Emoji categories

Sticker, emoji, custom emoji and GIF selection UIs should offer a list of categories to quickly filter results by a (list of) emojis, or by some other criteria.

messages.emojiGroupsNotModified#6fb4ad87 = messages.EmojiGroups;
messages.emojiGroups#881fb94b hash:int groups:Vector<EmojiGroup> = messages.EmojiGroups;

emojiGroup#7a9abda9 title:string icon_emoji_id:long emoticons:Vector<string> = EmojiGroup;
emojiGroupGreeting#80d26cc7 title:string icon_emoji_id:long emoticons:Vector<string> = EmojiGroup;
emojiGroupPremium#93bcf34 title:string icon_emoji_id:long = EmojiGroup;


messages.getEmojiGroups#7488ce5b hash:int = messages.EmojiGroups;
messages.getEmojiStickerGroups#1dd840f5 hash:int = messages.EmojiGroups;
messages.getEmojiStatusGroups#2ecd56cd hash:int = messages.EmojiGroups;
messages.getEmojiProfilePhotoGroups#21a548f3 hash:int = messages.EmojiGroups;


The methods listed above must be used to fetch a categorized list of UTF-8 emojis, periodically refreshed by the client, passing the hash returned by the previous call.

Each category is described by a title (i.e. "Animals", "Faces", "Flags"), is represented in the UI by a single custom emoji » (icon_emoji_id).

All categories should be displayed in the sticker/emoji/custom emoji/GIF search bar, located in the top section of the sticker/custom emoji/GIF selection UI, using the icon_emoji_id.

When the user clicks on a specific emoji category, the client should display:
