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Subtemplate to {{Tincture}} Schweizer Fahnenreglement (2008)




The drawSF tincture palette, commonly referred to as the ‘SF palette’, is a set of heraldic colours (known as tinctures in technical nomenclature) previously used for Swiss coats of arms and flags. The palette provides a set of codes that will display the tinctures of any given coat of arms in the item's file description, rendering them as a sequence of coloured boxes as defined in the tincture field of the COAInformation template.


The SF palette is an implementation of the tincture values extracted from the set of cantonal coats of arms contained in the flag code [PDF] published by Switzerland's armed forces. Starting in 2020, these tincture values were originally posted to Commons under the name of the ‘CH palette’ but failed to attract widespread use. In the summer of 2023, the CH palette was re-launched with a set of different tincture values, while the original flag code values were re-posted under the ‘SF’ name.

The SF palette is considered obsolete. It is recommended that it be no longer used for new work.

New Swiss coats of arms and flags should in most cases be tinctured using the revised CH palette. New work for the cantons of Aargau and Graubünden should be tinctured using the AG palette and the GR palette, respectively.

The SF Palette in Use

Instances of the SF palette in use are listed in their own Commons category.