
Table of contents project hosting

What you get

Hosted projects get web space, mailing lists, and disk space for a version control system. We offer git through GitLab and Subversion, augmented with Trac.

Projects using GitLab for their version control, can take advantage of GitLab Pages to host their project site. An example of such a project is the Boston Lisp site repository; see the .gitlab-ci.yml in that project for an example.

Requesting access to an existing project

If you want to join an existing project, please contact the project owners through the project mailing list (usually <project>[email protected]). Project owners can add new members to GitLab projects themselves. For Subversion projects, one of the project members will contact the site admins to ask the user to be added to their project.

If the project is orphaned, or has no mailing list, please contact [email protected] directly.

Please note that anonymous access is available for public Git repositories through https -- repositories can be downloaded without requesting access!

Your access

To create a new Git project, a GitLab account can be created; please notify [email protected] about your intent to create projects, including a fork of an existing project. Due to SPAM, you need to be granted this permission manually.

To join existing Git projects, a GitLab account can be created; with that account, access to the existing project can be requested through the GitLab interface. Project owners will be notified of your request for access.

For Subversion access, a different account is required. An account for Subversion access can be requested through [email protected] by sending an SSH public key. See the instructions by Cyberciti how to set up SSH keys.

There are no hard limits on resource-use. Please exercise care; you will be sharing this system with others and stick to these basic rules:

Creating a project

After notifying the admins of their desire to create projects, users can create Git projects (up to 10) themselves through the GitLab interface in their own namespace. However, creating a GitLab group (a separate namespace) for your new project is strongly encouraged. GitLab groups allow nicer hosting of project web sites and better access control for related projects worked on by multiple people. A group can be requested through an e-mail to [email protected].

To request a Subversion project, please contact [email protected]. If you don't have an account yet, please see the procedure under Your access above.

As a first step, please take some time to set up a simple web-page for your project. For GitLab based projects, this can be set up as described in the section What you get above. Subversion-based projects can upload it to our server (via scp). See also our section titled "Website".

To send e-mails on push to your project mailing list, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the project's landing page (not the group's), e.g. SLIME's:
  2. Click on "Settings" at the bottom of the left menu bar
  3. Click on "Services" in the next page
  4. From the list of services in the resulting page, select "E-mail on push"
  5. Enter the recipients for push mails, including the mailing list name of your project (i.e. <project-name>[email protected])

Subversion repository access

Your Subversion repository is in /project/<project-name>/svn. By default, any commits to it will be sent to <project-name>[email protected].

Anonymous read-only Subversion access is enabled by default. Repositories can be accessed through<project>


When the project doesn't use GitLab Pages as described above, /project/<project-name>/public_html is published from our webservers as https://<project-name>;

Apache Server-Side Includes are enabled.

Automatic and manual mailinglists

When your project is set up, one mailinglist (<project-name>[email protected]) is created. The project requestor is subscribed on initialization. Any future project members will have to subscribe on their own, via the Mailman interface at<project-name>-devel.

Additional mailing lists available on request.

Administrative requests

For adding/removing project members, additional mailing lists, etc, send an email to admin (at) common-lisp (dot) net with all the relevant details (project name, etc).

Restoring from backup

All the data is backed up regularly both on- and off-site, to cover for scenarios of user-accident as well as disaster recovery. There is, however, no provision for user-driven recovery. Please be careful before deleting anything in your project.


We offer a Trac instances for projects to use with their Subversion repository. Please specify if want one when you set up your project or email admin (at) common-lisp (dot) net to request it for an existing project.

To learn more about how Trac works at, please read our Trac @ clnet introduction .