
What is CHDK?

  • Canon Hack Development Kit
  • Temporary – No permanent changes are made to the camera.
  • Experimental - No warranty. Read about the risks in the FAQ
  • Free – free to use and modify, released under the GPL.


  • Professional control - RAW files, bracketing, full manual control over exposure, zebra mode, live histogram, grids, etc.
  • Motion detection - Trigger exposure in response to motion, fast enough to catch lightning.
  • USB remote - Simple DIY remote allows you to control your camera remotely.
  • Scripting - Control CHDK and camera features using uBASIC and Lua scripts. Enables time lapse, motion detection, advanced bracketing, and more.
  • more : CHDK Features and CHDK in Brief

CHDK User Manual
New to CHDK? Start here!

CHDK Downloads
Grab the latest build, updated nightly

Frequently Asked Questions

CHDK Links
Links to key CHDK information.

Share results and ask questions

Chat with other users.

News / History

Basic Articles

The basics: how to install and use the CHDK firmware

Advanced Articles


Got a problem or a question? Please check the FAQ first. If you're still stumped, try one of these online forums.
CHDK Forum is the most active of the English forums and the very best place to ask questions and get an answer. It is monitored by most of the current CHDK developers. Postings translated to English via web sites like Google translate happen all the time and postings when English is not your native tongue are normal. So please go there first if you have a question.
CHDK-DE Forum is the forum for the German version of CHDK. CHDK-DE contains a few different functions from CHDK but the devs on both forums are working towards building both versions from a common base. The CHDK-DE forum is quite active and open to English submissions. Generally, only the German speaking CHDK developers tend to monitor the activity there but they know their stuff.
Dpreview forum used to be used most in the past (prior to 2008). There you can find the (English) history of CHDK's development.
English:,, TX-1 users CHDK thread
Finnish: Astronetti
German/Deutsch: CHDK-Forum, zonebattler's homezone,
Greek: Wikia forum
Italian: HWUpgrade Forum
Romanian:, by ursamajor
Russian: - 1, 2
French/Français: CHDK sur Hardware.Fr CHDK sur
Polish/Polski:, CHDK Motion Detection
English: dPreview History: 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 122, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Persian: Can i use RAW format in S3 IS?
Persian 2: CHDK & All about it
Chinese: Discussions on



If you are interested in the History of CHDK or want to see some interesting links, head on over to the LINKS page. That page should be updated with all the latest and links and stories.

Other Info

CHDK WIki Rules
Bug reports and feature requests Information on how to report bugs.
CHDK change log / timeline: SVN commits
Raw comparison, original "Raw enabler":
USB Specifications: [3]

Other Wikis

Japanese: Wikia Japanese version


Russian (CHDK+ with timestamp)

Articles by categories, Recent wiki changes, Recent changes in discussions, Map of visitors

Social Media

Supported Cameras

Read the FAQ and Manual articles before downloading appropriate version.

Camera: Firmware Versions

Firmware versions in green are available in stable and/or dev for download
Firmware versions in gray do not have official CHDK releases. Check porting status here
For the development status of not-yet-supported cameras, see For Developers.

Under Development

Check out the "For Developers" page to see what progress is being made to port CHDK to additional cameras and firmware versions. You'll also find articles describing the porting process there. (Maybe you'd like to help?)

Sample pictures

We couldn't have done it without CHDK...

