Cassandra Community

Welcome to Cassandra

The Cassandra community includes people from around the globe who are developing and using the open source NoSQL database the world relies on. We welcome and encourage participation by everyone.

We Strive To:

Be open. Be empathetic, welcoming, friendly, and patient. Be collaborative. Be inquisitive. Be careful in the words we choose. Be concise. Step down considerately.

Read the Apache Code of Conduct and Reporting Guidelines.


If you are a Cassandra user or if you want to learn more, we invite you to join these channels created specifically for end user questions and discussions.

Please read the guide on how to Ask Good Questions.

Q&A Forums

For questions about developing apps or need help operating Cassandra, post on the Stack network.

Before asking a good question, please search the forums to see if it has already been answered. Please always use the cassandra tag when asking questions. Please do not cross-post the same question to other channels such as Slack or the mailing lists.


For developer questions including data modeling, coding, drivers, or API issues, please ask on Stack Overflow.


For admin or ops questions including installation, upgrades, backups, or repairs, please ask on DBA Stack Exchange.


Show your support for the community and follow the cassandra tag by clicking on the blue Watch tag button on Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange!

User Mailing List

For broad, opinion-based questions, general discussions, ask how to get help, or receive announcements, please subscribe to the user mailing list. Security issues need to be reported to the Apache Security Team.

Before submitting a new question, please search the forums above or the mailing list archive to see if it has already been answered.

New to the Mailing List? Read the Archives.

User Slack

To meet other users and developers, participate in general discussions and get involved with the project.

Those who wish to contribute to the project or want to stay up-to-date on Cassandra development should join these channels.

Developer Mailing List

Contributor discussions related to the development of the Cassandra project.

New to the Developer Mailing List? Read the Archives.

Commits Mailing List

Notification on commits done to the source repository and on JIRA updates. This is a fairly noisy mailing list mostly useful for Cassandra developers and those who would like to keep close tabs on Cassandra’s development.

New to the Commits Mailing List? Read the Archives.

Developer Slack

To participate and join the following channels.


Strictly for questions or discussions related to Cassandra development.


Results of automated test builds.


Results of patch test builds.

Contributor Meetings

An informal meeting to create real-time collaboration for questions, issues and discussion.

Kubernetes SIG

A special interest group (SIG) to discuss the creation of a community-based operator to make it easy to run C* on K8s.

Social Media

Engage in discussions on social media.

Project Governance

Like all Apache projects, Cassandra is independently managed by its Project Management Committee (PMC). The Cassandra PMC is tasked with project management—especially technical direction, votes on new committers and PMC members for the project, and sets policies as well as formally voting on software product releases. Our guiding philosophies are to default to the dev list and “decide as a community,” and to favor PMC minimalism.

How to Contribute

Becoming a contributor

Contributors are individuals who contribute patches—source code, documentation, help on mailing lists, website—to Apache projects. While contributors do not have a specific governance role, they are crucial to the project’s success. Read the docs to learn how to contribute to Cassandra, and review our governance page to understand how we vote on code contributions.

Becoming a Committer

Committers are members of a project development community who have been granted write access to an Apache project. New committers and PMC members are elected by the Cassandra PMC based on merit. More on committers.

Reporting Bugs

If you encounter a problem with Cassandra, the first places to ask for help are the user mailing list and the #cassandra Slack channel.

If, after having asked for help, you suspect that you have found a bug in Cassandra, you should report it by opening a ticket through the Apache Cassandra JIRA tracking system. Please provide as much detail as you can on your problem. Don’t forget to indicate which version of Cassandra you are running and on which environment.

To create a JIRA account, please request it on the #cassandra or #cassandra-dev channels on ASF Slack, or on the user or dev mailing list.

Reporting a Vulnerability

To report a vulnerability for Cassandra, contact the Apache Security Team.

Proposing New Features

The Cassandra Enhancement Proposal (CEP) provides a process for the proposal, discussion and endorsement of new feature development in Cassandra. Anyone can initiate a CEP, but it should only be done if you have the intention and capability to complete the proposed change. Learn how to propose and shepherd a CEP.

Meet the Community

pmc team

PMC Members

Aleksey Yeschenko, Alex Petrov, Aaron Morton, Anthony Elder, Ariel Weisberg, Blake Eggleston, Benedict Elliott Smith, Benjamin Lerer, Brandon Williams, Chris Goffinet, Chris Lohfink, David Brosius,Dinesh Joshi, Eric Evans, Gary Dusbabek, T Jake Luciani, Jason Brown, Jon Haddad, Jonathan Ellis, Jake Farrell, Jeff Jirsa, Josh McKenzie, Jun Rao, Sankalp Kohli, Marcus Eriksson, Michael Semb Wever, Matthieu Riou, Michael Shuler, Nate McCall, Paulo Motto, Pavel Yaskevich, Sam Tunnicliffe, Sylvain Lebresne, Stefan Podkowinski, Stefania Alborghetti, Tyler Lee Hobbs