Danielle Sieh
Upcoming Changes to Self-Organised Workshops: Ensuring Sustainability and Continued Community Impact
Updates to Self-Organised Workshops
Carpentries Core Team Promotions: Congratulations Angelique and Danielle!
Introducing our newest Junior Team Lead and Senior Program Manager
A recap of the CZI sponsored Accelerate Precision Health (APH) Carpentries Workshops
Core Team Lessons Learned from Hosting workshops
With Gratitude to our Legacy Core Team Members
Join us in celebrating the legacy and impact of the Core Team members who transitioned out of The Carpentries
Thank You to our Regional Coordinators
Phasing out the Regional Coordinator role
Piloting Meal Reimbursement: A Way of Saying Thank You
Piloting Meal Reimbursements for Instructors teaching online Centrally-Organised Workshops.
Join the Monthly Instructor Meetings
Calling ALL Instructors, Experienced Instructors and New Instructors
Online Workshops and the Supporting Instructor Role
Updates to the Supporting Instructor role
Introducing our new Workshop Administrator Danielle Sieh
Danielle Sieh joins The Carpentries as Workshop Administrator