Sold out. Sorry!
The Invisible Dog, Brooklyn NYBrooklyn Beta is a small, friendly web conference aimed at the “work hard and be nice to people” crowd. Last year, our first year, we had a simple message. “Make something you love.” We think the more people who work on their own ideas, the better place the Web and the world will be.
This year, 2011, that message is our foundation. We hope to not only inspire you to work on your own ideas, but we also want to highlight problems that matter. Problems like education, charity, and finance. Our speakers will inspire you and help you understand how your skills can help.
At Brooklyn Beta, our friendly attendees and their positive attitudes make the conference special. Before October, get to know each other…
Front-End Engineer for Cheezburger Network, pug lover, and on again off again vegetarian. Loves living in Franklin, TN.
Coursekit Creative Director, Friends of Type co-creator, Co-founder of Objective Subject, AIGA/NY Board Member, nerd.
CTO of Paperless Post, Open Source Developer (JS,Ruby,etc), SF-NYC, Amateur Charcutier
Senior Designer @MailChimp __I like pizza and going places.
MailChimp UX lead, author of Designing for Emotion, the purple stripe in your rainbow of knowledge from @abookapart.
Web strategist at Bottlerocket. Drummer at Nate Currin. Drinker of D̶o̶g̶f̶i̶s̶h̶ ̶H̶e̶a̶d̶ Southern Tier 2X IPA anywhere.
Originally from Dnipropetrovsk. Also, see General Assembly (@GA).
Co-owner of fffunction, a design led digital studio. It will all be okay in the end, if its not okay, its not the end.
Designer at Shopify
Founder of Pointpath Studios, self-proclaimed tinkerer, hack photog, gastronomist, traveler and plenty of other strange bits.
bu·reau·crat. passionate abt solutions, data, tech & innovation for domestic+global health. @HHSgov sr advisor to the CTO. Opinions/Tweets R mine
Product Manager at Sony Music. I oftentimes bake for my co-workers because they are amazing.
Civilized disaster.
In charge of QA & Community Management at @gimmebar. Master student at Aarhus University.
Coder, photographer, beer lover and brewer, Russian, and San Franciscan. Software architect at @AppDynamics.
Looking for @cohenspire the lead designer @nextbigsound? He's now @andrewcohen. Say hi!
I design for Kickstarter and sometimes make moving pictures.
Hacker Advocate at @Spotify. Exploding the NYC tech scene.
An illustrator, designer and maker of things. I like beautiful pencils, thin lines, and smart remarks. Co-Maker of @wrenapp and @madebyparachute
User Experience Designer, partner at @clearleft and curator of @dconstruct and @uxlondon
Creative Director @studio24 and playful thinker @fieldoffice. Does IA, UX and most of the bits in-between.
Principal at @fictionco. Half of @wearelikemind. Publisher of @themanual, organiser of @buildconf. Cool your eyes, don't change.
I love NYC, tech & funk. You can see all the things I'm up to at or reach me at [email protected] or 646 833-8659.
Tech enthused entrepreneur who loves dogs / Founder of @getwaggit / World traveler / Crazy about noodles
On a treasure hunt in Brooklyn, designing with Hyperakt, making letters and staying posi.
Lead designer @gimmebar and Charm City survivor.
Web designer living in Bristol. Founder of Climber of mountains, drinker of Guinness.
Angeleno, obsessed with mobile and UX, in love with photography, work @citysearch
Filling up on bread. Making apps for @longform and @artsy. Writing for @TheNextWeb.
Orson Welles directed The War of the Worlds when he was 24 and voiced Unicron in Transformers The Movie when he was 71. How can anyone follow that up?
Software Architect at @Moontoast and co-organizer of @phpcomcon. I enjoy web development, good beer, and spending time with my family.
eats hummus…with a spoon
APIs and IPAs. Developer Evangelist @SendGrid.
Hypertext wrangler. New Father.
Behoff™ Blowing up websites since 2008. Oh, and I also design, write, and speak.
Entrepreneur, open source programmer, travel & history enthusiast. Addicted to learning, and an avid bicyclist. Done quite a bit of traveling!
I run @fictivekin. I co-founded @gimmebar, @teuxdeux, and @brooklynbeta
Founder of @authenticjobs. Designer, Speaker, Author, Mormon, Husband, Dad.
Community Catalyst for the TED Prize by profession, curious nomad by inclination.
Digital product designer · Currently writing 'Designing the Wider Web' · Interactions, time signatures, bright lights.
CEO, Etsy
Jesus. Lauren. Web Design and Development. שכר.
Co-Founder of and constant nomad; lived in NYC, SK, SF, ORD and again NYC. I design, run, cycle, and love to hang with my family.
Obsessed with boring people.
freelance web developer, web standards geek, author 'The CSS Pocket Guide', photographer, hiker in NJ / NYC. see also: @hikenj, flickr:
Lead Product Architect and Partner at Arc90. CTO of Readability. Creator of Kindling. I'm obsessed with ideas, technology and the reading experience.
Tall, bearded photographin' design dude in Ohio. Let's get two different things on the menu and split 'em.
Hi, I’m Chris, web craftsman and co-founder of @analogcoop, @mapalong, and @brooklynbeta. I live and work in Brooklyn, NY.
A designer, writer, speaker and educator based in Belfast, I write about design and web standards as one half of tweed-clad duo, The Standardistas.
Co-founder/UX/UI Designer for Modkit, BFA Graphic Design: Massart, Photographer, Cyclist, and Hedgehogist.
Just a dude, designing stuff, hanging out, enjoying life. Proud WORKSHOP co-founder and Studiomate.
Freelance designer and developer, focusing on web and iOS apps. Gamer, runner, pilot, and all around nerd.
Designer, author & speaker at SimpleBits. Co-Founder of Dribbble. Likes ampersands & banjos.
Husband to @ohemilypanda, web person and maker of things that work—founder of @permalightnyc
Founder/Design Director of @superfriendlyco. Husband to @emilyjanemall. Singer/keyboards at @four24.
designer, singer, photographer, barbershop harmony aficionado, philosopher, polymath; improving the world through design. also, half-English by birth. ⁂
a.k.a. @siteInspire, @52network, @CreativeJrnl, @HelloKulor, @DesignArray
I build things for the web using PHP, JavaScript and NoSQL. I especially like Lithium (#li3)
Chief Design Officer & Head of Culture @Shopify, photographer, coder, composer & soccer playing godfather
Whistle while you work.
Web developer, rainbows, Keanu
Cornwall based web developer, originally from Basingstoke, now in Truro.
Lead developer for @paravelinc, host of the @atxwebshow and co-host of @shoptalkshow, ❤ @jessrupe, also: breakfast tacos. (日本語OK)
Product designer at @quora. I also make via: @yo_picaro, @sleepoversf, and @playontap.
Pushing pixels, crafting code, and abusing alliterations since 1983. See @9bits for daily posts on tech and design.
Director of UX & Design at Wireless Generation, and founder of @robotfoundry
Co-Founder & Creative Director of @Hyperakt, a NYC design firm and @LetsSwapIt, where artists and designers can swap art for free. Die-hard Barça fan.
I make stuff.
Dork, Dad, JS and PHP feller, FictiveKin brosef, open source nerd, webapp security dude, Spaz developer, general miscreant. See also: @funkalinks
PBRnB. Lover. Fighter. Designer. Born & raised in New York City. Co-founder of @Girlfriend_NYC and @N_Y_P_D.
Writer, coder, knitter. Got a 22-toed cat and a robot husband.
Completely inappropriate most of the time. I dig #php #writing #scifi #poetry #goodbeer #fantasyfootball #oldbooks #opensource Also it's all about community, yo
graphic designer. creative coordinator for @oobeapparel. co-founder of Indie @craftparade. loving life in Greenville, SC with my @andrewramos.
Designer, speaker, author. Publisher of @8faces. Co-founder of @viewportind. Engaged to @samkabam. Father of @black_labbath.
IA + User Experience (sans visual design), web strategy, hot tea, veggies, psychology. Don't caffeinate me.
Venture capital, design, Stanford Persuasive Tech & dschool. Love soccer, public art & meditation. Founding team member @500Startups & @TheDesignerFund
Visual geek with a physical bent. Web designer, creative lead. Founder of, blogger at
Editor, @Contents. Author, Elements of Content Strategy. Blue canary. Likes reading, complexity, coffee, and the truth. (Not a work account. More lifelike.)
You can't be in two places at once, but...
Designer, developer. Started that whole “responsive web design” thing.
Web Developer inspired by open source technology. Co-founder of Grow.Coop
@teuxdeux @gimmebar
Developer at FictiveKin focusing on mobile Apps.
■ and ▲ and ● and ♪
I am a VC
I design for charity: water. I just finished up my Master's in Communication Design at Pratt. And I'm on a Quest to eat NY Magazine's 101 Best Sandwiches.
designer of web things
Developer at Svpply, a New York company of designers and engineers working on building a new kind of retail platform.
laziness == automation
Software Engineer out of New York, NY, currently coding Ruby and JavaScript at Sony Music. I also write songs and play some instruments.
Hoefler & Frere-Jones designs fonts. J. Hoefler tweeting. And yes, we are working on webfonts.
I loved Spotify even before I started working for the company. Hit me up if you're a developer interested in opportunities to change the world of music!
Director of Digital Design at The New York Times. Prev: Dir. of Design/UX @nymag. Founding AD of @slate. RISD alum, DJ/vinyl hoarder, cycler & novice surfer.
I'm now at @ianhunter. Go there:
Co-founder at — designer, developer, ex-RISD student.
Web Design Lead at @Canonical. Love naps.
Writer, designer and maker of things. Co-founder of @disrupto, creators of @memberly. Recurring themes: time, memory, recursion.
I write CSS like it's my job (it is). I lead an army of CSS badasses @Behance. Sass rules. @brianmcallister is my other person. My cat has asthma. I'm awesome.
web application developer NYC y'all
Gardener, Skier, Technologist. Working for Joyent and living in a bunker somewhere north of Montreal.
Zaarly // Chaos // Process // Words // Order // Results //
co-founder @thumblabs. mobile/web/startup geek.
I make iOS apps. I also like talking about space stuff.
Designer by day, designer by night.
Principal Software Engineer at the Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard ~ Curing cancer one line of code at a time. Music enthusiast and sailor. PHP & iOS Developer
Web designer, strategist, developer, and teacher. Host of The Web Ahead at
Former NYC Teaching Fellow, founding team at KIPP AMP and TFA School Director. Ready to get back to work after a year of learning at HGSE.
Graphic/Web Designer, Social Media Consultant, Tech Nerd, Music Lover, Hula Hoop, Zumba and Pon de FLO Enthusiast, Michigan Wolverine, New Yorker
Systems and comforts.
Designer at @Treehouse. Work at @CoWork.
An Irish web developer living and working in Brighton, England.
Blog Specialist at the New York Times. Husband to @oubliette, Father of @keplr. [email protected]
WORKSHOP co-founder, graphic designer, passionate about conserving our planet and about color. I'm a pretty lucky so and so.
Letterer, type designer, cat lady, maker of silly & non-silly projects:
Friend of Tom. Director of UX @boltpeters, headquartered @studiomates. Pie wrangler.
@airbnb Co-founder & Chief Product Officer
Drinking tea & making the internet a better place one site at a time: recovering neuroscientist & UX Director at @cxpartners. In China I am 红豆 乔 Red bean Joe
Product Designer at @hugeinc
Made on equipment shared with milk.
UX, agile, lean startup, collaboration, music, graphic novels, hiking and listening to stories. Co-founder Product Manager @sidekickstudios.
CEO @betaworks
Web virtuoso, WordPress Hacker, VaultPress Safekeeper, Automattician, pixel-perfect CSS-er. I eat IE bugs for breakfast.
I'm a physicist turned Big Data geek, and a @FictiveKin. Life is weird like that.
Web Developer @Spotify
Web developer. Accessibility geek tweeting as @a11y. Co-founder of @analogcoop and @mapalong. Closet musician.
Living in West Wales, works for The Do Lectures and Hiut Denim. Married to @alexheslop, oh yeah. Rides a bike. Makes things. Chops wood.
Designer. Working on @mapalong with friends at @analogcoop from @mildbunch HQ. @fontdeck co-founder.
Mobile consultant and web evangelist who believes that wireless computing is transforming every aspect of society.
art and code and stuff. co-founder of @okfocus.
Designer. Tinkerer. Happily ever after-er.
ceo @coursekit. always seeking beauty.
Husband, father, and friend. Principal Designer at Twitter, Co-creator of
Designer, developer, mobile maven, 11th strongest man in Maine, author of Tapworthy, creator of Couch to 5K, rascal.
Director of Platform @ Squarespace
Disappointed idealist. Allergic to cats but pet them anyway.
Graphic Designer
Graphic Designer, co-founder of WORKSHOP and Studiomate.
Trying to figure it out, like everyone else...
If you havin' URL problems I feel bad for you, son. I got 99 problems but a niché ain't one.
UX Designer at Disqus, founder of Fusion Web Designs, responsive design zealot, and occasional speaker.
Co-Founder & Creative Director of Hyperakt, an independent Brooklyn design firm with a passion for creating work that effects change in the world around us.
Bohemian Industrialist - Reinventing Email
Acoustic objectivist. Not an intergalactic time traveler. Graphic designer at Switch Creative Group in Dallas.
Web Developer (WordPress, PHP, JS). Co-Founder @viewportind, @insitestour & @insitesbook. Smashing Mag Editor, Fan of F1, Coffee, Cocktails and slow media.
technological solutions for social problems. CTO, Etsy. (if you follow me, consider introducing yourself with @kellan message) #47
I amass machines that make things. Some might call it a studio-bunker mentality… URLS: / /
Always Enthused.
Co-Founder of @incrediblelabs. My past: #newTwitter, Raptr, Yahoo Pipes. My book: My webcomic: My everything: @c
Designer, developer, Brooklynite (by way of Portland), coffee connoisseur and @studiomate.
Workin' on the street cred.
#drupal dev, #ultimate frisbee player, @hackerdojo co-founder, master gardener, huge #kickstarter fan, but, you knew that, right?
drinker of raw milk, founder of @saucymag, @ITP_NYU adjunct prof // alum: @galvanizeus (founder) @poptech @knightfdn @pbs @studiomates
The 2nd edition of Content Strategy for the Web is here! (also, CEO, Brain Traffic, etc. etc.)
I work at Microsoft and like to do other things good too.
iOS developer and founder of House of Legend. Obsessed with great design, UX, music, and the web.
Diversity jackpot.
I work as a web developer. I also like making pottery, bicycling, trail running, and eating fried pie in Portland, Oregon.
Lucky and Happy Founder - Director of The Invisible Dog Art Center New ideas must use old buildings. -Jane Jacobs
Digital product design & strategy guy in Silicon Valley, CA. Known for Mobile First, Bagcheck, Web Form Design, & more...
German, living in NYC. Software Engineer. Columbia MBA. Entrepreneur. Co-founder @BestVendor.
Writer, editor, designer & publisher. Co-founder of A Book Apart & Communications Director at Typekit.
Lead designer for Zaarly. Artist. Musician. Coffee Connoisseur.
One lucky dude.
Interestingness curator and semi-secret geek obsessed with combinatorial creativity. Editor of @brainpickings & @explorer. Bylines for @WiredUK & @TheAtlantic
Technophile, blogger, 한국어 학생, lover of life and perpetual smiler. Co-curator of The world is my oyster.
I help people make things at MailChimp.
Web designer, developer, and teacher. Partner at DUO Interactive. Cofounder of @PathwrightApp.
Designer / Illustrator / Artist
Art Director, Designer and Storm Chaser.
Jessi and Amy say, Martha is the coolest mom on the planet. She's as handy with a sewing machine as she is with a circular saw. Respect the Super Mom.
An English guy working as a front end developer for the awesome Threespot in DC.
Previously: BBC, Dopplr, Nokia. Currently: (null)
Communication Designer at Facebook. Founder of design agency Things That Are Brown.
Lead front-end developer & product designer at @Grovo, aspiring linguist, identical twin.
UX Lead at @blenderbox by day, letterpress special helper at @campbellraw by night. Designer of @codecards, nerdy letterpress greeting cards. Avid homebrewer.
Mac nerd, designer, nitpicker, perfectionist and connoisseur of fine sarcasm. Bio by @gruber.
Former head of product @flickr, current head of product @bitly. Building something new.
Front-end Developer and UI Designer
Creative maker, internet geek, clean eater. CCO & Co-founder of @nestio.
Chatting about reading and writing on screens. Also = @maxisreading & @maxbrains
Web designer. Lover of owls. Eater of food. Owner of the most humongous cat animal ever. My twitter stream is just me being defeated by things.
Currently 'wristwatch'. Formerly 'stay off my numbers', 'you better switch to 1%', and 'like a boss'.
Makewell is a graphic design studio that specializes in identity, branding, print, web and packaging design located in Brooklyn, NY.
I run my one-woman graphic design studio in NY. Love pumpkin ale. And life.
Present: Proprietor of @kimili, a small web dev shop. Javascript, HTML, CSS, web development & design nerd. Husband. Dad. Past: Guitar geek. Future: Who knows?
I like to wear many hats one of them is so awesome its called Want to get in touch: TXT MSG TO 50500 and you will get my info
Now tweeting from @meyer.
Designer by trade, wielder of the guitar, husband and dad.
Filmmaker + multimedia journalist. 'The world owes you nothing, it was here first.' - Mark Twain
English designer and illustrator who loves the web, and never says no to tea.
Lead developer & chief fanboy of Lithium, the light, fast web framework for PHP 5.3. Inefficient things upset me. I don't like Mondays. Or socialism.
Currently running @boltpeters, @ethnio, and @1197is. Wrote Remote Research. Photo nerd.
Founder & principal of Weightshift, a digital design studio, and co-founder of The Weightshift Workshop, a product design concern.
VP of UX @betaworks, husband and dad in brooklyn
World-renowned t-shirt owner. PHP user, and Python fantasizer. Proud resident of Pittsburgh. World class high-fiver.
i'm a designer and publisher. i made @slang; now i help others make @distance. i like good beer, delicious burritos, and you.
celebrating the angular shape in whatever way we may seem fit.
Partner @bold / A Design & Development Studio
designer at cuban council, procrastinator, friend
One of the top 50% most attractive users on OkCupid.
I'm a small software developer. Blog: Business:
Cofounder of @pathwrightapp. Partner & Product Design at DUO Interactive.
Web and Mobile designer at The New York Times.
Senior PHP Developer working in Biomedical Information Science. Also: Photographer, Baker, Cyclist, Author.
Interaction Designer / Business Strategist / Obsessive Foodie / Builder @gothamsmith
Husband, father, creative director @element, & founder of @methodandcraft.
Advocating Semantic Markup since 1987. Now working at Razorfish, despite being too old to be born digital. Married to @JerseyGrrrl.
Creative Director at Etsy among other tales of triumph, victory, and love.
I hate cheese and cats.
User experience designer & web typography evangelist. Co-founder of Fontdeck & Clearleft.
Principal @projectprojects, teacher @risd, writer-in-residence at, co-creator of and @themavenist. Occasional pizzatweeter.
Product designer and art director. With @GCsports. Highly recommend @momentdesign. Not actually Scottish.
Just your average self-produced superhero.
Small man. Big mouth.
Organizer of the EECI and events. ExpressionEngine specialist.
Designer, Illustrator, Social Windbag, Beer Snob and Jesus Lover. @finegoods market artisan & curator.
Teaching computers how to use people
Senior Frontend Developer at SolutionSet.
Designer & Builder of a nicer internet. A lover of well-crafted #beer, #food, #style and #websites.
Entrepreneur (one startup sold). Designer (BisinessWeek Best of the Web, etc.) is my latest.
user interface designer @foursquare
Web Designer & Problem Solver. Maker of Design Director @phase2tech. My middle name is Toy. Really.
Web Designer. Speaker. Virgo. Perfectionist. Owner of You Know Who, established 2002. Personal Blog:
Leading @Behance in the noble pursuit to organize the creative world; Publisher of @The99Percent; Author of Making Ideas Happen; Investor
founder, ceo of charity: water ( Photographer, husband, follower of Christ.
Scottish PHP Ninja working for Facebook
Michigan ex-pat in Brooklyn, web nerd, banjo novice, loves food, mildly abrasive :: CTO @ Apartment Therapy
Web, Beer. I work on @gimmebar and other awesome technical things at @FictiveKin.
I'm often unsure of what to do with my hair.
@visualrevenue engineer, @barcampnyc organizer, @hackerunion root member
I am a web developer. I work at Sony Music with some truly amazing people. On weekends you'll most likely find me in the LES.
Designer by day, insomniac by night. Proud member of Fictive Kin. Speaker at design events, and I write stuff. Organise New Adventures. Love Iceland, love NYC.
Founder web agency Studio 24, member WaSP Small Business Team, organiser Refresh Cambridge. In to PHP, UX, web standards, accessibility and excellent cheese!
Founder of @oakstudios, editor of @idsgn, working on @dropmarked, @siteleaf, and @quarterly, headquartered at @studiomates.
I write at I wrote I work at
I co-founded @typefrag '03 and @carbonmade '07. I play squash and soccer. Love biking, music, and art. Developer in training.
Enjoyer of enjoyment, adventurist, mobile UX-erciser, uninteresting tweeter, &!.. Partner @39Argyle
Art Director, Designer, Artist, Musician, Punk
New breed of entrepreneur, business creator, listener, thinker, facilitator, friend, social media & internet marketing geek, networking guy, sports lover, dad
PHP Terrorist
Web developer, resident of NYC, creator of things, chatterbox, and an ENFJ. The world is my soapbox, but I promise to try not to abuse it.
Type Manager for Typekit. See also: @nicewebtype
community'ing @SendGrid (^tf) & @BoulderBeta
I design websites, assist old people across busy intersections, and scribble down the occasional word or two.
shave and a haircut, two bits
Drupal developer, Philadelphia resident, WKDU DJ
Electric Music Consumer. Graphic Maker. Web Producer. Bklyn Resident. I'm designing tings with the fine folks at
CEO @kindlingapp; Partner @arc90; man about town.
I am a Swiss designer gone NYC. Besides my blog, I created @teuxdeux, @creativemorning, @studiomates and @tattly.
U.S. Chief Technology Officer and Assistant to the President. Tech entrepreneur-in-residence at the White House
Product Designer at Facebook and curator of Simple Desktops. Not short.
Australian designer, developer and communicator in nyc. working on design + development for @ustralian.
Designer, front-end developer, future superhero. ♥ Designer Fund, 500 Startups, and founder of
Senior User Experience Designer at 80/20 and a totally solid dude.
Founder & 1/3 of
Illustrator, co-curator at @studiosstudio, and NYC Project Manager at @thisisycn.
Product/Web/UI designer, entrepreneur, beef & car aficionado. Creative Director @GetFTW Co-founded @LostTypeCoop. Running my studio at Galpin Industries.
Member of @FictiveKin working on @GimmeBar and other hijinks. Ex-Apple guy in iPod/iPhone Product Development
Web designer & audio engineer. Always in pursuit of spectacular coffee.
Designer, consultant, and speaker. Co-conspirator behind @WebDesignDay and Viewsource Workshops. Writes for @CreativJS. Not the boss of my cats.
bold defender of the brand, creative director at charity: water (
Interviews on how to build a great advertising portfolio: @breakinginbook :: Bribe celebrities for good: @charitybribes
Design Lead at Twitter NYC. Founder of @madeforhumans. Co-founder of @floatschedule. Digital thought ninja.
Designer at Kickstarter. Maker of things at @itsallopticks. Occasional leatherworker @madebylodge + @sledmade.
Our sponsors are true makers as well as active participants in the conference. Their products make the world a more beautiful and interesting place. They also provide the money that keeps us from going broke. We can’t possibly thank them enough, but we’re gonna try.