Friday, September 23, 2011
PRI #185 has been modified
Monday, September 19, 2011
Unicode 6.1 Beta Review
Unicode 6.1 Beta Review
Mountain View, CA, USA – September 19, 2011 – The Unicode® Consortium today announced the start of beta review for the forthcoming Unicode 6.1.0. All beta feedback must be submitted by October 24, 2011.
Unicode is the foundation for all modern software and communications around the world, including all modern operating systems, browsers, and smart phones; modern web protocols (HTML, XML,...); and internationalized domain names. Thus it is important to ensure a smooth transition to each new version of the Unicode Standard. Software developers and other experts are strongly encouraged to review the beta data files and documentation for Unicode 6.1.0 carefully, and to provide any feedback regarding errors or other issues to the Unicode Consortium. Software developers can also get an early start in testing their programs with the beta data files so they they will be ready for the release of Unicode 6.1.0 in February, 2012.
- See, for information about testing the 6.1.0 beta.
- See for the current draft summary of Unicode 6.1.0.
About the Unicode Consortium
The Unicode Consortium is a non-profit organization founded to develop, extend and promote use of the Unicode Standard and related globalization standards.
The membership of the consortium represents a broad spectrum of corporations and organizations in the computer and information processing industry. Members are: Adobe Systems, Apple, Google, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Goverment of Bangladesh, Government of India, IBM, Microsoft, Monotype Imaging, Oracle, Rearden Commerce, SAP, Tamil Virtual University, The Society for Natural Language Technology Research, The University of California (Berkeley), Yahoo!, plus well over a hundred Associate, Liaison, and Individual members.
For more information, please contact the Unicode Consortium
Friday, September 2, 2011
Proposed Update UAX #14 now availalbe for Unicode 6.1
- Add rule 21a, don't break after Hebrew + hyphen.
- Introduce character class HL (Hebrew Letter).
- Include the proposal to move small kana from class NS to class ID, to align UAX 14 more closely with CSS "normal" behavior.
PRI #205: Proposed addition of AL MARK and LEVEL DIRECTION MARK
Review period for the new item closes October 24, 2011. Please see the page for links to discussion and relevant documents. Briefly, the new issue is:
PRI #205 Proposed addition of AL MARK and LEVEL DIRECTION MARK
The UTC is considering proposals for two characters to help address various difficult issues in bidirectional text layout. These two characters are similar to the already-encoded LRM and RLM.
1. The proposed AL MARK (ALM) provides a direction mark with Bidi_Class AL in order to complete the set of direction marks with strong direction classes (L, R, AL). It requires no additional Bidi_Class value or change to the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm (UBA).
2. The proposed LEVEL DIRECTION MARK (LDM) behaves like a direction mark which dynamically takes on the resolved direction associated with the current embedding level. While the optimum implementation would use a new Bidi_Class value, this is prohibited by the Unicode Character Encoding Stability Policy. Several alternatives are described. Note: In earlier discussions the LDM was referred to as EMBEDDING LEVEL MARK (ELM).
Please see the background document for details, including alternative implementation options.
PRI #204: Proposed Update for UTS #46: Unicode IDNA Compatibility Processing
Review period for the new item closes on October 24, 2011.
Please see the page for links to discussion and relevant documents. Briefly, the new issue is:
PRI #204 Proposed Update for UTS #46: Unicode IDNA Compatibility
This proposed update aligns with Unicode 6.1, and includes the following changes:
- Changed text to be more version-independent.
- Updated figures in Table 4.
- Added NV8 values to Table 2b, Data File Fields and to Section 8, Conformance Testing. .
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Proposed Update UAX #42 for Unicode 6.1 now available for public review
Review period for this issue closes October 24, 2011. Details are on the following web page:
Changes include:
- Updated the patterns for kIRG_USource and kMandarin.
- New values for the jg attribute: Rohingya_Yeh.
- New values for the script attribute: Cakm, Merc, Mero, Plrd, Shrd, Sora, Takr.
- The values of the ccc are now restricted to 0..254, instead of 0..255.
- New value for the age attribute: 6.1.