Monday, August 21, 2023

What does it mean for a monad to be strong?

This is something I put on github years ago but I probably should have put it here.

Here's an elementary example of the use of the list monad:

> test1 = do
>   x <- [1, 2]
>   y <- [x, 10*x]
>   [x*y]

We can desugar this to:

> test2 = [1, 2] >>= \x -> [x, 10*x] >>= \y -> [x*y]

It looks like we start with a list and then apply a sequence (of length 2) of functions to it using bind (>>=). This is probably why some people call monads workflows and why the comparison has been made with Unix pipes.

But looks can be deceptive. The operator (>>=) is right associative and test2 is the same as test3:

> test3 = [1, 2] >>= (\x -> [x, 10*x] >>= \y -> [x*y])

You can try to parenthesise the other way:

> -- test4 = ([1, 2] >>= \x -> [x, 10*x]) >>= \y -> [x*y]

We get a "Variable not in scope: x" error. So test1 doesn't directly fit the workflow model. When people give examples of how workflow style things can be seen as monads they sometimes use examples where later functions don't refer to variables defined earlier. For example at the link I gave above the line m >>= x-> (n >>= y-> o) is transformed to (m >>= x-> n) >>= y-> o which only works if o makes no mention of x. I found similar things to be true in a number of tutorials, especially the ones that emphasise the Kleisli category view of things.

But we can always "reassociate" to the left with a little bit of extra work. The catch is that the function above defined by y-> ... "captures" x from its environment. So it's not just one function, it's a family of functions parameterised by x. We can fix this by making the dependence on x explicit. We can then pull the inner function out as it's no longer implicitly dependent on its immediate context. When compilers do this it's called lambda lifting.

Define (the weirdly named function) strength by

> strength :: Monad m => (x, m y) -> m (x, y)
> strength (x, my) = do
>   y <- my
>   return (x, y)

It allows us to smuggle x "into the monad".

And now we can rewrite test1, parenthesising to the left:

> test5 = ([1, 2] >>= \x -> strength (x, [x, 10*x])) >>= \(x, y) -> [x*y]

This is much more like a workflow. Using strength we can rewrite any (monadic) do expression as a left-to-right workflow, with the cost of having to throw in some applications of strength to carry along all of the captured variables. It's also using a composition of arrows in the Kleisli category.

A monad with a strength function is called a strong monad. Clearly all Haskell monads are strong as I wrote strength to work with any Haskell monad. But not all monads in category theory are strong. It's a sort of hidden feature of Haskell (and the category Set) that we tend not to refer to explicitly. It could be said that we're implicitly using strength whenever we refer to earlier variables in our do expressions.

See also nlab.

> main = do
>   print test1
>   print test2
>   print test3
>   -- print test4
>   print test5