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Saturday, December 9, 2006

Gmail Mail Fetcher

TechCrunch reports that Google added a feature to Gmail called Mail Fetcher. I can’t see it yet – Google is rolling out this one at the moment – but it’s supposed to turn Gmail into a regular POP3 email client, similar to Outlook, with which you can access non-Gmail email accounts. Google writes:

You can retrieve your mail (new and old) from up to five other email accounts and have them all in Gmail. Then you can even create a customized ’From:’ address, which lets you send messages from Gmail, but have them look like they were sent from another one of your email accounts.

Michael Arrington concludes, “Every other webmail service is now inferior to Gmail.” To check if you have this feature already, login to Gmail and look for Settings -> Accounts -> Add another mail account.

[Thanks Brinke!]


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