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Monday, October 3, 2005

Movie Clichees

Here are 40 things that only happen in movies. Like the first three:

  1. It is always possible to find a parking spot directly outside or opposite the building you are visiting.
  2. When paying for a taxi, don’t look at your wallet as you take out a note. Just grab one out at random and hand it over. It will always be the exact fare.
  3. Television news bulletins usually contain a story that affects you personally at the precise moment it’s aired.

Many more at (and offline, there’s Roger Ebert’s The Little Book of Hollywoord Clichés).

[Via MeFi.]

Also see the 10 types of movie villains.

Take Google On An Island

If you could take 3 Google services on an island, what would they be?

Top Ten Web Design Mistakes of 2005

Nielsen has compiled another Top Ten Web Design Mistakes list. Leading the list are too-small font sizes (strongly agreed), non-standard link layouts, bad Flash, content that’s not written for the ’net, and bad search capabilities. As for search, because it’s incredibly hard to do it as good as Google does, I suggest using the Google API or Google’s SiteSearch service, and not to try to reinvent the wheel.

Yahoo Pushing Fake Blog

Steve Rubel of Micro Persuasion reports Yahoo played an important role in promoting “McDonald’s phony Lincoln Fry blog.”

Yahoo Print?

Google Print got competition from Yahoo and the newly formed Open Content Alliance, it seems. They have “an ambitious plan to digitize hundreds of thousands of books over the next several years and put them on the Internet, with the full text accessible to anyone.”

Free 30 Gigs Email Service?

I haven’t tried this, but in terms of pure storage size, it beats Gmail;, promising a 100% free “30 GigaByte malibox” (sic). In true Google-style, the service is invite-only for now. [Via Slashdot.]

Google Encryption

Milly has posted a Google encryption riddle in the forum.

Nielsen Speaks (Audio)

“Designing websites is different from traditional media such as print and television. In spite of the usability guidelines being fairly well known, some of the common mistakes recur even on popular sites. Designers need to be careful and follow these guidelines to improve a website’s interface. Web-usability guru Jakob Nielsen speaks with Larry Magid about designing websites that capture and sustain the user’s attention.”

Listen to Jakob it at ITConversations.

Zawodny On Open Source (Audio)

Yahoo’s Jeremy Zawodny talks about open source over at ITConversations.

Robot Suits (Video)

You know it had to happen: a robot suit [MPG]. See We Make Money Not Art for pictures and a description.


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