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Beeminder Blog

Zoomed in section of Slate Star Codex's rationality map

Remember our press roundups?

Well we got super lazy about them and it’s been a year since the last one. So now we have an overwhelming number of write-ups and mentions and general Beeminder buzz to dump on you.

The first thing to highlight though is that this is the year Slate Star Codex put us on the map. Specifically the rationality map, a portion of which you can see in the title image here. Since then we’ve become an official sponsor of Slate Star Codex, which is to say that we have a permanent ad in its sidebar.

The most important Beeminder buzz this past year — besides fancy press hits like the Washington Post — is our integrations, most notably IFTTT which sends us a seemingly neverending stream of new users. CollegeInfoGeek also deserves special mention for talking us up repeatedly and continuing to create new beemindees.

(And, true confession time, waiting a year to do this was outrageously painful and we’re kicking ourselves black and blue for not beeminding gradual progress on it throughout the year. In fact, we wouldn’t have finished in time without clutch assistance from our friend and Beeminder contributor and poweruser, Geoff Hubbard. You might see his posts as “Insti” on the Beeminder forum. Huge thank you to Geoff!)

Without further ado, here are all our press and blog mentions for the past year. Hover over links for commentary.

  1. Beeminder on Slate Star Codex’s rationality map!
  2. How Buffer Forces Me To Wake Up At 5:55 AM Every Day by CollegeInfoGeek
  3. Reto-práctica 100×100 ideas (in Spanish)
  4. David Ernst discussing Beeminder on Quora as an example of a really unique business model
  5. Folks on MetaFilter love us a lot: productivity in dribs and drabs, StickK, measuring progress, productivity coaching, life changes, motivation (and one more below)
  6. Beeminder comes up on Hacker News now and then
  7. Another one in Spanish: Beeminder’s #15 in a nice list of productivity tools
  8. Adventures in Meditation
  9. Amber Case gives Beeminder a plug in a calm technology talk
  10. The role of certainty in behaviour change features Beeminder and TagTime
  11. Leah Libresco beeminding the writing of her book
  12. Habitica (formerly HabitiRPG) integration on Habitica’s blog
  13. Lots of things on Tumblr
  14. HabitRPG (now Habitica) vs. Beeminder
  15. More about Beeminder on Habitica’s wiki
  16. Beeminder support in a rosary prayer app
  17. The rosary app was also blogged about by Leah Libresco
  18. Python command line tool to make a to-do list based on Beeminder goals
  19. Coca-Cola Spain says we’re one of the most popular smartphone apps for gamifying health
  20. Jess Whittlestone on how to do that thing you keep putting off
  21. Show of Force: Wrestling with Beeminder
  22. Nice review of Beeminder by Dr Prem
  23. Maker Productivity 101
  24. Zapier!
  25. Leah Libresco: Paying Penalties to Keep a Prayer Rule
  26. FluentU on language learning strategies
  27. Lifelogging / Quantified Self
  28. Detailed write-up: All or nothing is not an option (or why I love Beeminder)
  29. Rationalists in Tech Podcast
  30. TacoApp’s Productivity Weekly
  31. Epson integration!
  32. Thomas Frank’s youtube video about waking up with Buffer and Beeminder, and his corresponding blog post
  33. Aaron Parecki’s (Bee)mindfulness hardware hack
  34. More from the Hacked Man
  35. Beeminding My Way Through 2015 by Grayson Bray Morris
  36. How Consistency Transformed My Body by Kenny Yang
  37. Beautiful case study from dollarflipper about beeminding a side business
  38. Lillian Karabaic with two delightful posts: Sticking to Resolutions and 15 for 2015
  39. Mindset: From “To Do” to “Could Do”
  40. Widgets That Will Upgrade Your Life and in German
  41. Another mention from CollegeInfoGeek
  42. Tools to Help You Build Strong Habits
  43. The same article on time.com!
  44. Zenobase integration!
  45. The $84,257 Strategy to Achieve Impossible Career Goals in 2015
  46. Emacs interface to Beeminder (see the latest on the Beeminder forum)
  47. Markos Giannopoulos on automated discipline
  48. Beeminding ZenIRCBot 3.0, nice public proof you’re committed to following through on something (except, sadly, it appears to not be a success story in this case) [UPDATE 2018: Eek, it’s finally gotten through my head how that came out all wrong. I intended to shame ourselves, i.e., Beeminder was not a success story in this case.]
  49. CollegeInfoGeek resources
  50. Hardcore, glowing testimonial: Quantified self, Level 2
  51. Baby Got Bonus (beautiful argument for Beeminder goals being cumulative)
  52. Third-party MOHELA integration
  53. Third-party Strict Workflow integration
  54. Behavior Change Through Contracts — With Yourself
  55. Glowing testimonial in a ColledgeInfoGeek video
  56. List of productivity tools (in Spanish, with nice Beeminder blurb)
  57. How Do I Build a Habit?
  58. We were cited in a fancy in-print article: “The last mile problem: How data science and behavioral science can work together
  59. Curbing Promiscuity (Fail) is probably mocking us
  60. Lots of new users thanks to RescueTime’s new Beeminder integration page
  61. Beeminder, Strava, and the app I’m writing
  62. A Spanish review of lots of tools
  63. How to Write a Lot of Words
  64. Structures of Accountability by Malcolm Ocean
  65. My 4 Major Goals for this Year, Quantified and Tracked via Beeminder
  66. Meditation with Beeminder
  67. Using Beeminder to keep myself on track
  68. In Fast Company, Free Apps to Help You Change Your Habits
  69. Sending Local Git Commits to Beeminder, a beautiful post by the awesome Mark Wilson
  70. Random love from a PhD student
  71. Back at the starting line
  72. Bash script to update a Beeminder Pomodoro goal
  73. HabitRPG and the flexibility of Beeminder
  74. QS Resource Guide
  75. Skritter script
  76. Washington Post article: Positive thinking isn’t all-powerful. Penalty for failure may help more in reaching goals.
  77. Planning 2015 Goals with Beeminder
  78. Language Learning — Pardon My French
  79. Habits and Thomas’s Ridiculous Morning Routine
  80. NodeJS wrapper for the Beeminder API and on GitHub
  81. Less Talk, More Do: How Personal Growth and Technology Can Play Together
  82. Finding Time And Motivation To Exercise In College
  83. The ripple effect of compliments
  84. Productivity Apps for College Students and Young Professionals
  85. Monitor your workday productivity with RescueTime app
  86. Epson promoting their Beeminder integration
  87. A bit of love on Google+
  88. Self-mastery Tools
  89. Book Review: Willpower
  90. How to Read a Textbook has a nice testimonial and description of Beeminder
  91. How do I make myself do what I want to get done? Consequences, baby!
  92. Know Thyself… And Then What?: Using Games to Provide Meaning to the Quantified Self
  93. Things I Do To Keep Me In Line
  94. Garmin integration!
  95. CollegeInfoGeek Podcast all about Beeminder!
  96. Apps For Self Betterment, And Why They Just May Work
  97. Dance dance evaluation from Katja Grace
  98. Beeminder — My Experience and Setup
  99. Another Beeminder update from flippingadollar
  100. Beeminding checklists is unreasonably effective

(Deep breath. Actually our blog software can’t handle numbered lists this long so we’re starting over! And thanks again to Geoff Hubbard for writing up most of the links below.)

  1. How to live without a stomach (see also addendum of Beeminder blog post)
  2. Yay to the user who added us on Product hunt
  3. Beeminder was in the “what went right” section of Peter’s 2015 Q2 Personal Review and we preregistered the experiment
  4. A wonderful article about how other fitness tracker dashboards are all wrong but Beeminder gets it right
  5. More in Spanish, El método de Bradbury para lidiar con el rechazo editorial
  6. A recipe for Beeminding pomodoros if you use Eggscellent
  7. How to Lose Weight Fast. Section 9 even has detailed instructions for signing up for Beeminder.
  8. Detailed instructions for using Beeminder, in Vietnamese (lots of traffic and signups from this)
  9. Tiny testimonial here (in Spanish) about learning Chinese
  10. A very well written and glowing paragraph about Beeminder, which is the first of four apps reviewed in this WebPsycology apps review
  11. In Portuguese, maybe translation of one we’ve seen before? Descubra 5 aplicativos que o ajudam a planejar sua rotina
  12. We’re one of the things that made Leah Libresco’s book exist
  13. We’re #4 in this list of 11 apps to help you create better habits
  14. This Vietnamese blog mentions Beeminder
  15. Old but awesome thread on the how-to-learn-any-language.com forum
  16. We’re in this podcast: Life Hacking and Behavior Change with James Norris
  17. InDinero thinks we’re an awesome client
  18. Quantified self: Schrittzähler waren nur der Anfang (in German)
  19. Skritter integration!
  20. Alex got in 100 hours of Arabic language learning thanks to Beeminder
  21. and he read some books in 2014
  22. Two new tools Wiktor K. started using
  23. The ultimate guide to kicking ass next semester
  24. Tips about how to strengthen your willpower featuring a bunch of Beeminder/Zapier recipes
  25. Stop procrastinating and start growing your business
  26. Flippingadollar gets kicked in the butt
  27. We’re in nice company here, Six apps you need to gamify your life
  28. Nice review of the Beeminder app among the best self-help iPad apps
  29. We’re 1 of 4 tools for achieving financial goals
  30. Getting to and keeping your inbox at zero
  31. We’re one of 7 Amazing Apps to Stay on Track
  32. Think of it as an Investment in investment
  33. We’re one of these 140+ language-learning tools
  34. A nice article summarizing the science behind commitment devices
  35. More love from Mark Wilson related to email inboxes and backlogminding
  36. Corey saying nice things about us
  37. Apps to change financial behavior
  38. 11 Ways to Stay Motivated in the Age of Overload
  39. A little mention, along with Pact and Habitica: There’s an app for that
  40. A nice article with quotes from dreeves in this Money’s Edge special report
  41. A nice explanation of Beeminder in Swedish
  42. We’re apparently mentioned or discussed in this executive thinking podcast
  43. More kind and genuine words about weight tracking on MetaFilter
  44. Bee’s pomodoro/tocks graph in the QS Visualization gallery
  45. New Beeminder Emacs client!
  46. Beeminder and High-level Procrastination
  47. Beeminder (among other things) helps with managing ADHD
  48. A German podcast that talks about us
  49. Beeminder can be your accountability buddy
  50. We were the website of the fucking day on fuckinghomepage.com!
  51. “No better tool to force yourself to stay productive”
  52. Beeminder is a thing you can connect your Internet of Things to
  53. An excited new user
  54. What’s your irrational fear?
  55. Pretty brilliant testimonial here, sort of similar in spirit to Bee’s “Bee Nice to Yourself” post
  56. Powerful testimonial after this author’s first 100 days on Beeminder
  57. Not sure if it’s significant that we now have a tag on MetaFilter but there’s a new bit of Beeminder love there
  58. Somebody learned something about something (in Estonian)
  59. Bob Stanke was the first to blog about Bee’s QS2015 Talk
  60. We’re one of the apps supported by We Wired Web
  61. A Russian blog about weight loss (in Russian)
  62. Another person tracking their writing: Do things, write about it
  63. Carphone Warehouse thought we made for good #MondayMotivation
  64. Nice little writeup of us as #4 in this list of study hacks
  65. Track your goals with this Beeminder themed counting bracelet
  66. Lots of Beeminder love in the comments of this GoodReads review of Nick Winter’s “The Motivation Hacker”
  67. “My daily goal” (in German)
  68. We only have a small mention in this tour de force on how to change a system
  69. Similarly in this list of Habits to transform your business & life
  70. More blogging about regular blogging
  71. Print article about Beeminder in Brazil

Phew! As mentioned in a few of the hovertexts, there’s no cherrypicking there. If someone talked about Beeminder, good or bad, we did our best to include it in this list. Of course it’s essentially universally good because everyone loves us (because we’re uh-mazing). But seriously, we’re so grateful for all the glowing testimonials and creative beeminding and general excitement about Beeminder! Let us know if we missed you. [1]



[1] Writing about us on the internet earns you stickers at the very least. Just point us to what you wrote (along with your postal address) at [email protected] (bonus points: point everyone to it on the forum).
