Jun 13, 2010

Cottage Garden...

Today I am joining Cielo
for Show Off Your Cottage Monday!
I am going to show off my cottage ... garden.
since that's where I spent my day :-)

It's been another Beautiful Day!

(click photos to enlarge)

My rabbit weather vane was so thrilled
to see the perfect blue skies,
he leapt for joy...

My little violinist,
saw the sheer grace of the Fuchsias bloom
and broke into song...

The Valerian stood proud and tall
around the gazebo...
attracting the most beautiful butterflies,
who were masters at eluding my camera!

I decorated my little wall pocket
with a bouquet of Deutzia,
just for fun...

The Peonies laid lazily over the fence,
showing when you are this pretty
you don't have to try too hard...

Because this is my rose cottage
a perfect rose....
It's a Gertrude Jekyll, she is still going strong!

and because it was such a busy day...
even cottage dog Randy is exhausted tonight :-)

I hope everyone enjoyed their cottages as much as I did today!

I am joining...
Cielo at The House in the Roses

Thanks for visiting me today!


Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I wish I could have enjoyed my day at home but was off touring gardens and a peony festival that took your breath away.
I feel like laying down beside Randy, think he'd mind? :-)

Victorian1885 said...

Bella I love your Peonies! Randy is a doll too..take care.


A Garden of Threads said...

Thank you for showing us your beautiful garden. Lovely as always. Take care.

maría cecilia said...

Hola Bella, your garden is absolutely awesome, have loved those so pretty peonies, they are so big and healthy!!!! Your pictures are beautiful, as well!!!... and your little wall pocket is so cute and lovely.
Would you please tell me what camera you use, I`m looking for one and haven`t decided yet.
It`s been so nice coming to visit you,
Maria Cecilia

Ruth said...

You have a lovely garden... thanks for showing us around!!
Have a great week!!

Anonymous said...

Your garden is just beautiful! I see why you spend so much time there!

Angela said...

Hi Bella, thank you so much for you kind words about my painting. :) Your blog is great! I love all the garden pictures. Thank you for sharing them!

Take care,

Blondie's Journal said...

You always have something new to show us in your beautiful garden! It's gorgeous. And I love your pooch!!


Olga Poltava said...

Beautiful cottage garden. The rose and peonies are so pretty.

Olga Poltava said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Designing Lady Jane said...

Such gorgeous photos as always. And you have so many names for all your beauties, I haven't heard of half these flowers. I had to chuckle when I saw your doggie asleep with his head on your lace pillow, it's a dog's life, isn't it?


My dear Bella,
thank you for your comment!
You do not need a garden corner like the one in my last post: you already have it!
A big hug,

Susi said...

Hello Bella...
your Blog and your pictures are soooooooooooooo beautiful.... very very nice...
thank you for your comment....
a nice day Susi

Ro said...

Hi Bella,

Thank-you for stopping by my blog. I love doves too. It's so peaceful in the morning having my coffee and listening to them. Your blog is so beautiful! I love this post - a great combination of wonderful photos and inspiring writing. I'm following you now and look forward to getting to know you better.

Have a great Monday! Ro

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

What a beautiful garden!! Everything is just so pretty!!


stefanie said...

gorgeous garden!!!

Marie said...

Randy is so sweet! Thanks for sharing your lovely garden with us this Monday...always enjoy visiting your inspiring blog. Stopping by from SOYCM.

Madelief said...

Hi Bella,

Your garden is everything I want my garden to be. Such a beautiful atmosphere and lovely plants. Glad you have a blog, so that I can look at it and enjoy it as well!

Lieve groet, Madelief

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

You have such a beautiful place there. I was just looking back through some posts and found your pond and lady.

Lisha said...

What beautiful cottage flowers! Peonies I would have to say, are at the top of my "favorites" list. Love the rabbit wind-vane, I will have to see if I can find one! So glad so stopped in on my blog, and... it enabled me to find yours!

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

Okay, so I am NOT a gardener and I am a)also impressed like Lady Jane before me that you can name all your flowers. And b) I'm sure you have a wonderful camera, BUT these are so well framed and thought out and FABULOUS! You must have been VERY pleased with this crop. I particularly enjoyed the one of the Fuchsia, but a toss up with the Valerian. And c) flowers are always gorgeous, but your garden features and ornaments really elevate these pics to something really special. Glad you showed off your cottage today! Oh yeah d), the Bunny! JQ

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Bella...

Ohhh my...you really did have a beautiful day! Such pretty blue skies! I love, love, LOVE your rabbit weather vane! Such a beautiful flower garden and your photos are lovely! Thank you so much for sharing them with us...such a treat!!!

Warmest wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design

CIELO said...

Don't you just love gardens and the lushness of Nature.... gardens bring such delight and joyful moments.... and I just love mine... and yours too! ;) Enjoy each moment, and thanks for participating in SOYCM....

Hugs and smiles


Heaven's Walk said...

Beautiful photos, Bella! I'm so envious of your peonies....Mine are all done for the season and I miss them already. :( I had a "Gertrude Jekyll" at a previous house, and oh what a beautiful scent she had!

Til later ~


Ticking and Toile said...

Stunning garden Bella! Love it all! :)


Dena E's Blog said...

What a Delightfully Gorgeous Blog you have Sweetie,,,BEAUTIFUL Photos,,,just heavenly I do believe!!!
Blessings and Hugs from Dena in Iowa

Debra@CommonGround said...

Your garden is just gorgeous! Love your roses and peonies!

Donna said...

Beautiful garden and pictures. Thanks for sharing.

Katie@LeBeauPaonVictorien said...

Hi Bella!
Glad you got rid of the rain......I think it came here to the Midwest!
I always love to see your garden; you have so many cute things in it and so many pretty and interesting flowers!



Anonymous said...

what a lovely, lovely, lovely garden!!!!

Jess said...

I came upon your blog looking at various garden bloggers statues and I must say yours are super lovely... and hints on where to look for these things? I have been looking for a year and can't find anything like yours!