Ballard Updates
Unless you have customized the Ballard theme by adjusting the HTML or CSS, your theme will update automatically. If you are using a customized version of Ballard, you will need to manually update the theme to use our new features. To do this you will first need to disable Custom HTML in the Theme tab, then reinstall the Ballard theme from the theme garden. Once you have the new version, you will need to go back into the code to add your custom HTML changes.
Version 1.5.3 Modifications, 12/22/16
- Fixed a bug in which height:auto was not applied to inline images, prohibiting any images with the height attribute set from scaling properly.
Version 1.5.2 Modifications, 03/25/16
- Fixed an issue where one of Tumblr’s Javascript dependencies was conflicting with the version required by our feature library.
Version 1.5.1 Modifications, 03/04/16
- Fixed issue with Medium and Vine social icons/links.
Version 1.5 Modifications, 03/04/16
- Added Medium and Vine social icons/links.
- Changed tag page heading by removing quotes and capitalizing each word.
- Fixed issue with videos in featured posts.
Version 1.4.4 Modifications, 12/21/15
- Fixed issue related to Tumblr like and follow buttons not displaying.
- Enhanced support for native Tumblr videos and Instagram videos.
Version 1.4.3 Modifications, 05/04/15
- Added support for inline images so they display full width if large enough.
- Added Recent Tweets, Flickr photos, and Featured posts to mobile view.
- Limited featured post count to 2.
- Removed Bubuti.
Version 1.4.2 Modifications, 03/05/15
- Fixed issue with Show Sharing Features option
Version 1.4.1 Modifications, 03/02/15
- Fixed issue with Instagram videos.
- Added ability to only show banner on home page.
- Added Tumblr like and reblog buttons (About time, we know!).
- Created a different look for sharing, but kept the old one in case you liked that one better.
Version 1.4 Modifications, 02/27/15
- Made variety of UI improvements for mobile and small screens.
- Swapped out photoset for Tumblr’s native responsive photoset.
- Changed photoset for “High Res” view to display all photos at full width.
- Tweaked the font size and position of the track name for audio posts.
- Tweaked the font size and portrait size of the asker for answer posts.
- Added verification for Google Webmaster Tools.
- Fixed Flickr integration to support SSL-Only access.
Version 1.3.1 Modifications, 05/30/14
- Fixed Typekit issue.
- Fixed issue related to Date block.
Version 1.3 Modifications, 05/29/14
- Added Bubuti donation button integration.
- Upgraded native audio player to use Tumblr’s current audio player.
- Removed exfm features.
Version 1.2.3 Modifications, 05/24/13
- Changed footer link from Business Bullpen to Storyware.
Version 1.2.2 Modifications, 04/10/13
- Fixed issue that impacted the mobile view of Ballard where a long series of text without a break, i.e. a URL, in an anchor element did not wrap.
Version 1.2.1 Modifications, 04/09/13
- Fixed issue with use of markdown and featured posts.
Version 1.2 Modifications, 03/12/13
- Added Disqus comments to mobile view.
- Added support for Panorama post type.
- Added support for Tumblr’s native Twitter integration.
- Fixed issue with Tumblr’s native video player.
- Fixed issue with Instagram and short description in mobile view.
- Fixed iPad display issue with Tumblr controls.
Version 1.1 Modifications, 10/29/12
- Added Instagram photos to mobile view.
- Added Flickr photos to mobile view.
- Increased support of mobile view to include more screen sizes.
- Fixed issue with sticky post that was displaying the time.
Version 1.0, 09/05/12
First version of Ballard. Full list of features here.